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World Of Tanks Tactics and OP Tanks : A Compendium
All you want to know when you’re a beginner or you want to improve

Until 2017, I played World of Tanks (WoT) a lot. Now, somewhat less. Hereunder, you will find both my own personal guide and a "guide to the guides".

If you don’t know the game yet and want to get a good idea of it, you can simply watch some videos of real battles on Twitch or Youtube. Or read this very good article about the game on Fandom.

I don’t pretend to be a very good player. In terms of win ratio, I’m under average. I don’t pretend either to be able to perfectly follow all of the following tactics. I have simply found them useful : when I implement them, they work. All I hope is they help beginners and other medium level players, allowing them not to spend hundreds of battles before understanding what it takes to play better and to have fun with World of Tanks.

Warning :

  • this guide is *not* intended for the better-than-average player. Unicums and the like are kindly invited to take into consideration that I’m not addressing their needs
  • this guide is updated frequently — but not fully every day. Updating every aspect of a major update of the game can take months. Which means that some new overpowered (OP) tanks will be missing. And that a number of tanks which used to be overpowered (OP) but no longer are (because they’ve been buffed or because new, more powerful tanks have been launched by the game publisher) will still be listed. Please be reassured : in 90% of cases, choosing that kind of tank is still a good choice
  • the game is now (summer 2024, 1.26 update) going towards radical changes : autocannon tanks such as the tier 10 Tesak with 1800 potential dmg burst, dominating most of the other tanks at the hands of good players and faster 4 min battles. WoT is more and more going towards being a video game for kids.

Table of contents










"WEBOGRAPHY" (useful links, especially tutorials)


World of Tanks is a massively multiplayer online game developed by Belarussian company Wargaming (now based in Cyprus), featuring mid-20th century (1930s–1960s) era tanks and self-propelled artillery (generally shortened to artillery, arty or SPG).

Here are four major aspects of this game you should keep in mind :

  • World of Tanks is a game played by a few hundred thousands of players throughout the world and a lot of them have been playing it for more than ten years (the game was launched in Russia in August 2010 and was made available to EU region in July 2011 [1]). Therefore, it is a very competitive game. Private_Miros, a very good player, left the game for more than a year and found it difficult to regain his average win ratio (WR) when he came back in 2023. If you don’t spend a minimum of one hour per day playing WoT, at least at the beginning, and you don’t concentrate on improving your gameplay (which is called "try hard"), you can’t expect to reach over 49% win ratio (WR) [2]. Or you’re a natural ;-) I personaly only have time to play on week-ends, so my level is poor and I tend to get fed up with being beaten more often than once
  • WoT battles are faster and faster : in average, while in the first years battles generally lasted about 12 min, they now (in 2024) last 6 min and a half [3]. A typical effect of "power creep", an old [4] and very common phenomenon among long lasting card and video games that originates from the need for developers to keep the game fresh, i.e. appealing and therefore ... making money. For details, watch DezGamez’s video Painful Record Losing Streaks and Unbalanced Battles in World of Tanks
  • WoT is very addictive. Spending whole nights on it is very common among players who are new to the game. See unicum (unicums are 0,1% best players) [5] and video content creator Kajzoo’s opinion on why it’s so addictive
  • WoT is rather expensive to play.

Here’s why it is expensive :

  • frustration at making very slow progress through the grinding process (grinding here means spending boring time to get to the next tank) or losing too often is a very efficient way to induce players into paying ...
  • premium (for-a-fee) tanks sold individually cost a minimum of 10 euros, the average is 35 euros and some rare cost over 70 euros (up to 99 euros in the case of the Pz. II J). When premium tanks are sold in loot boxes, you have, in average, to spend 50 to 100 euros to get all the overpowered (OP) tanks you target. Not all of them are worth buying for the average player (see list of OP tanks below). But the reality is, if you want to play high tiers (8 to 10) and do well enough, you simply have to buy some premium tanks. That’s because since 2018, Wargaming has been compulsively issuing premiums and as of August 2022, two thirds of them are over 49% in terms of win rate (WR) according to the web site (please note and remember 49 WR is the average win ratio). As said before, this power creep phenomenon is typical of video games. And if you are a competitive player and you play to better your stats, then buying the latest premium tanks is mandatory. Also, if you don’t play very often and aren’t that skilled as a player, you will feel the game is so unbalanced that you will buy premium vehicules just to better your stats, i.e. loose less often
  • playing tiers 8 and 10 — the higher tiers — is always very expensive, because at those tiers, if you’re not a unicum (best of the best) and you play without a premium account, you end most battles with a negative balance in terms of credits — which at some point you have to compensate for. While a premium account gives you 50% more credits and experience. For instance, even if you’re a unicum and you win a tier 8 to 10 battle, replenishing the ammunition stock and repairing your tank after the battle means you often end up with a negative result in credits, as shown in this replay where a tier 10 IS-7 kills 13 (out of 15 ...) of the enemy, makes 57190 credits but in the end loses 19000 credits simply because he hasn’t got a premium account. Another stat : absolutely no tier 10 heavy tank is profitable (in terms of credits earned v. credits spent) on average (see Tank credit earnings and economics on ! So we’re talking a minimum of 90 euros (100 USD) per year, the price of a premium account for that duration. To those 90 euros, you have no choice but to add the price of the premium tanks you need to do well in this very competitive game (around 100 euros per year)
  • gold ammo (APCR) must be bought (with credits). The thing is, if you want to make a difference in a battle where you’re not higher tier, you just have to bring not one, not two, but at the very least three APCR shells with you. If you don’t have a premium account, in the end, gold ammo eats your credits because without a premium account you earn much less on credits after each battle
  • gold ammo may be less expensive if you have a premium account (it can last between one day and one year, but it is much more profitable to buy a month or a year, especially bundled with a premium tank). But remember : a premium account for one year starts at 100 USD
  • in 2023, Wargaming created a WoT Plus (also written WoT+ subscription for 8,10 euros per month which makes crew training much easier (every crew member in a single vehicle designated by you gains 40 Crew XP every 5 minutes, even while you are offline). It also allows free equipment demounting : this applies to all types of equipment except for improved equipment and Experimental Equipment. As of May 2023, about 10% of the active players had subscribed (the number of WoT PC accounts active on a regular basis doesn’t reach over 300 000 nowadays).

In the above extract from a screen copy of the results of a victorious battle, the left column shows the actual credits results, and the right column shows what the credits results would have been if the (Russian) player had a premium account. Losing 19 000 credits while killing 13 enemies out of 15 and winning the battle, just because you don’t have a premium account — that’s why World of Tanks can be called pay-to-win (it nevertheless remains a fun-to-play game)

As QuickyBaby, a famous professional player and promoter of the game, said — and even wrote — in a 2018 video, « World of Tanks is pay-to-win (P2W) ». He repeated it in 2023. At the very least, it is « pay-to-win-more-often », as a clever player put it. Taugrim, a quasi-pro player, wrote : « WoT is rife with pay-for-advantage mechanics, but that’s not going to change, and [...] the vast majority of the community doesn’t care either ». See this debate on the subject on a WoT developer’s blog, particularly this comment.

The introduction of wheeled vehicles in WoT at the end of 2018 was probably an effect of the number of players receding and of the usual policy of Wargaming to issue very appealing premium (for-a-fee) vehicules. The designers want to retain or bring back players to the game — and make some more money in the process — with a quite new, over-powered concept. These armored cars, gifted with an insane mobility, all of the French Panhard line, were tested from September to December 2018. They’ve become standard in public battles in January 2019. They start at tier VI and are "too" fast so for the time being they aren’t that attractive to the new player.

It’s hard to question the longevity of a title you’ve played for years and appreciate, but on December 7th, 2018, Quickybaby did just that. He had noticed Wargaming had officially [introduced bots on the Asian server, officially so that lack of players in battles at low tier can be overcome (they are now on all servers). So he asked himself : « Why ? » He then discovered that the number of concurrent players is down every year since 2016 and that, on TwitchTV, WoT is down in terms of popularity (data come from SullyGnome for TwitchTV and the WoTnews web site).

The recession in the number of active players (as opposed to the total number of accounts) can also be seen in the growing proportion of players belonging to a clan (a category of better-trained players, or supposed so). In 2015, in a public battle, there was, in tier 2 to 5 battles, on average, only one clan member in a 15 player team. In 2019 there were three on average. In 2023, there are 7 or 8. This is proof that the game attracts much less fresh recruits. Long time player and blogger Rita Sobral also wrote in 2018 the game was dying, Kajzoo said it too in 2024 this time with a big proof : the milking of the players is now a frenzy and this is generally the sign a game developper is soon going to pull the plug. Nevertheless, as Quickybaby said in 2024, there are still enough paying players for the game to go on a few years. But it’s a pity, since it generally is a fun game (and I won’t advocate the rival game War Thunder, because it’s technically inferior, so slow on my PC when I tested it and overall not very attractive). Hence this (long) post.
BTW, QuickyBaby has published his suggestions on how to fix the game. So did Chems : Part I, Part II.]

All that is basic video game economy and evolution. But community contributors (CCs) do think Wargaming cares less and less about their opinion and the requests of the majority of the community/clients. Some like the British Quickybaby, the Bielorussian Skill4ltu or the Hungarian Kajzoo even fear Wargaming accrued monetization policy will bring the game to an end in a not so distant future. Quickybaby thinks the game has reached a point where it can no longer be recommended to new players. Kajzoo’s estimate, as of June 2024, is the game has two to three years before powercreep, its publisher’s greedyness and the erosion of the player base kill it for good. As Casual Boops frames it, « Wargaming doesn’t want a balanced game. [...] They want the game to be how it is. [...] They’re not going to make it better. » In an interview of an ex-Wargaming developer, content creator and unicum player Iyouxin asked him whether and how the super testers opinion could influence Wargaming’s in game release of new overpowered tanks. The developer’s answer was that « it has to be a 75 or 80% » of the super testers to stop the tank going into the game, not 50 or 60%. That’s sky high ! This kind of majority in opinion polls is statistically rare [6]. He even added : « At the end of the day, Wargaming is a business company. »

Nevertheless, WoT remains very profitable for Wargaming. A hint : Wargaming made 1.1 billion USD in revenue in 2022 — that’s *not* including the Russian business (they’re supposed to have cut all ties to it [7]).

To know more about the problems of the game (as of 2021), watch Awesome Epic Guys’ (long) video : Why do people still play World of Tanks : A deep analysis, discussion & history. I don’t agree with all the remedies they propose, but as for the problems, their list is quite complete.

So let’s be honest : WoT is not really free-to-play, it’s free-to-test and pay-to-win-more-often or pay-to-progress-faster for at least two thirds of the players. So, all in all, you have to invest a minimum of 90 € [premium account] + (2 * 50 €) [2 premium tanks, or battle passes] + 100 € [30 000 gold coins to speed up the crew grinding or a WoT Plus subscription] + 100 € [lootboxes to get the latest premium tanks] = 390 euros per year to play Wot competitively in tiers 7 and over. Take my own example : in average, since 2021, I’ve spent more than 300 euros per year on the game.

Also, you should choose your tanks carefully : not just in terms of the supplementary WR they give players (also called OPness), not just in terms of fun, but also in terms of profitability (credits earned v. credits spent). The web site has a two very interesting pages to do that :

  • one called Tanks by Stat to see whether a tank is overpowered or not and, more importantly, in what proportion
  • and one called Tank Economics which allows anyone to check whether the tank of your dreams is really profitable in terms of credits. Or not.

Be warned : there is a problem with the loot boxes : the new tanks in them are often less OP than Wargaming and community contributors’ videos pretend they are. I will say it often : don’t follow unicum’s and content creators’ advice about so-called OP tanks. Rather, check our OP list of tanks here or the WR differential at

But let’s be honest (bis) : this pay-to-win aspect is largely mitigated by the player’s experience and does not mean battles are rigged.

Also, if you just complete the missions, you get a number of premium days every 30 days. And you can wait for an offer on premium (usually around Christmas). Playing in clans can also give you additional premium days and some gold. A lot of clans today accept below average players — but be warned : the requirements on the official page of clans are generally not up to date and some of them are a big lie so message the clan chief before applying [8]. All that may offset some of the cost you’d have to pay each year.

The best way to spare your money is to follow this concise piece of advice : Advice for killing all unicums ! :-) from a _WMD_ clan member, a player with more than 40.000 battles :
1) Avoid light tanks and artillery. For a beginner these are not easy to play.
2) Save free exp for higher tiers to avoid horrendous stock tank grind, I recommend using free exp at 7, 8, 9 as at these tiers running tank costs credits.
3) What to spend gold [or money] on is a good premium tank and garage slots.
4) I recommend a good set of mods, hitskins [9], zoommod, serverside reticle and tank carousal.
5) Take advantage of sales and events, buy tanks, equipment and consumables at 50% off, you will need to have a stash of credits and free exp saved up for this.

I would add :
6) Buy only the minimum necessary premium ammunition. Often, 3 to 5 are enough. Always check the APCR price of the tank before buying the tank.
7) Buy a premium account. It boosts credits so much that it’s really worth.
8) Don’t forget to regularly activate credit boosters.
9) Spare your bonds to buy premium tanks.
10) Do your diligence before buying a tank. Check its WR differential and credit profitability on, read the WoT wiki and do watch reviews.
11) If (and only if) you’re over 48WR, play all events/game modes that are credit or other points wise profitable. Examples include Frontline (be it losing or winning, Frontline rewards you with credits) and Steel Hunter (for Battle pass points).

To spare more of your money an in game credits, follow 13Disciple and Skill4ltu advice, they’re good at that.

One last note before we deal with tactics : if you’re a beginner at WoT, do not think high tiers (from VII to X) are more fun to play. Not at all. They need more expertise, but they’re not more fun per se. In my opinion, if you’re not that ambitious at WoT, remaining at tiers III to VII is fun, rewarding enough and not too expensive. Tiers IX and especially X [10] can even be boring because movements are very repetitive (peek-a-boom, back up, reload, peek-a-boom, back up, reload, rinse and repeat) and camping more frequent. In this respect, compared with tiers IX and X public (random) battles, clan wars can be more fun.


To play WoT, you need a Windows PC. The minimum requirements are here. Pay attention to the Internet connexion minimum speed : 256 Kbps. But you don’t necessarily need a state-of-the-art PC with a powerful video card.

First of all, the game exists in several versions in terms of graphics/details, which means that a 10-year-old PC like my previous Windows 7 PC can play WoT. Launch WoT, go to menu (upper left corner) > Set-up > Video tab > Graphics quality and click on Recommended. If the game remains too slow, go to Video tab > Details > Video : set to Standard and if necessary, bring down to the minimum all parameters there.

What’s more, if you subscribe to cloud gaming services like Steam (which has a WoT license), you can, for around ten euros a month, also subscribe to Geforce NOW, the service from Nvidia (the world’s No. 1 manufacturer of graphics cards and processors). It will boost your CPU and graphics performances. Even a crappy old PC, as long as it can run Steam and Geforce NOW, will run WoT just fine.


What follows is the most useful tactics for beginners (so called "noobs") and under-medium-level players.

 0. If you’re in a hurry :

  • read/watch the WoT wiki’s Tactics page. Not all tricks and tactics are listed there but the drawings are very clear
  • also have a close look at this exceptional video by Kajzoo which lists 23 among the most important rules/tricks. Do watch it more than once.

 1. Wait ! Don’t rush. I repeat : DO-NOT-RUSH. At the beginning of the battle, wait for approximately 3 seconds to see where your allies are going, then :
a. see whether one flank of the map would really need more allies. If not (which is generally the case at tiers 3 and above), go with the flow, according to your type of tank : i.e. TDs generally stay close to base, lights scout along the mid-map line, heavies go to choke points and mediums support heavies (for more information, look for guides dedicated to one type of tank in the Webography below)
b. identify the allies you could team up with (e.g. follow an experienced player if you’re a beginner or accompany a heavy if you drive a medium)
c. move accordingly.

The simple fact of not rushing immediately to the front line, of letting other, more experienced players on your team reach the front line before you do, will save you a lot of hit points (hp, i.e. your health), which in turn will allow you to survive till the end of the battle when the winners are those with the maximum health (see rule 2. Avoid getting shot).

If one flank/side of the map is undermanned, try to convince your allies to send enough tanks to that side (the strict minimum is three tanks, with no lights among them), *but* in public/free-for-all battles, that generally doesn’t work so be prepared to follow the "lemming train" (i.e. the biggest stream of allied tanks) more often than not, just so you don’t hold the undermanned flank and sacrifice yourself with no clear advantage to the team. I repeat : if one flank isn’t covered at all, then don’t sacrifice yourself to hold it, that would be useless. You’ll get overrun very quickly, which means you won’t make a difference. In that case, I recommend even arties go with the flow. Or at least hide the farthest possible from base.

There are two exceptions to this rule but only if you’ve become somewhat experienced (more than 1000 battles) : see rules 54. and 55.

 2. Avoid getting shot. In other words : don’t put yourself in a position that will get you easily shot. Do not stand obviously in view of the enemy. Don’t take that second shot — go back to cover instead (the reason is your tank looses nearly all — NOT all — camouflage after having fired : every enemy can see it — and will fire on it). If you drive a TD (TD = tank destroyer/anti-tank, their sign is a triangle turned upside down) or a light tank, hide, run and relocate as often as possible. In a word : do not expose yourself.
Keep your health — referred to as hit points (hp) — as if you’ve only had 1 hp left from the start of the battle. Save health for the end. Statistics show that at the end of the battle, the winning team is generally the one with the most health. Being low on health means you’re a one shot and you can’t possibly help your team because you can’t take any risk.

 3. Stay alive. Once you’re dead, you can’t do a thing, right ? The "stay alive rule" means three things :

  • do avoid "suiscout" (suicide scouting : running to the enemy base, trying to reap as many first spot points as possible)
  • once again, don’t take that second shot, go back to cover instead
  • and relocate to another protected position before your position or your flank gets weak (i.e. your team is outnumbered on this position/flank or seriously low on hp). This rule is perfectly illustrated in the first part of Epsilon’s video titled These tips literally BLEW my mind... by a Leopard player.

 4. Play according to tier and win rates (WR) : yours and your opponents’. For instance, if your heavy tank is tier 5 and you encounter a majority of tier 6 and 7, it would be foolish to play it the way heavies are generally recommended to play (i.e. go to the front line and take hits). On the contrary, you should stay behind your own higher tier heavies (not too close, otherwise they can’t retreat when needed) or act as a TD. If you’ve got a low win rate, join a player who’s got a good WR and support him — but don’t bother him, for instance don’t stand in his line of fire.
The preceding advice is very important and often overlooked by new or even somewhat experienced players. You shouldn’t always play according to the tutorials (including this one) aka « avoiding fixed thinking is a good idea ». The general idea is that the higher your tier in the battle, the more aggressive you should be. See Lord_Demon’s excellent advice on that [11].
To know others’ tiers and win rate :

  • compare your own tier with the others’ (the tier is written in Latin digits near the icon of tank) before the battle starts and determine whether you are low, mid or high tier in the battle
  • use the XVM mod to see win rates in battle — or Aslain’s modpack, which contains it.

 5. Never go/stay alone unless you’re a scout or a unicum (a unicum is a darn good player, strictly speaking he’s among the 0,1% best). Work by twos at the minimum. When one is attacked, back him up by shooting when he reloads or by outflanking the opponent and shooting him in the flank or rear. Also check your mini-map every 20 seconds to see if your support ran away.

 6. If alone — which shouldn’t happen to you if you followed the previous rule — and outnumbered, either a. you have a fast tank so join your remaining allies or reposition yourself quickly in the back or the side of the enemy or b. you have a slow one so you hide with a maximum of walls or rocks behind you and on your sides so that the enemy have to be in your line of fire to get you.

 7. Run, hide, fire. Run for a brief moment. Then hide for a brief moment (ideally a little more than 15 seconds) while checking where the enemy is visually by outfocusing and checking the minimap (see rule 52. Situational awareness). Then fire ONE shot — just one (two shots if and only if your rate of fire is very, very, very high) — otherwise you’ll get fired on in the next second. Then either run etc. (repeat the process) or take cover by moving backwards to reload and fire again (see rule 9. Peek-a-boom).

 8. Don’t be greedy ! One of the most frequent mistakes — and the most dangerous — of beginners is to keep firing bravely on an enemy ... and getting killed in a handful of seconds because every enemy can see you (firing causes you to lose most of — not all — your camouflage). Totally useless. Surviving and retaining your hit points is key to success (see rule 2. Avoid getting shot).

 9. Peek-a-boom [12]. If you’re hiding behind an obstacle and and one enemy is on the other side (be it close or far away) : step out just a little bit just after he has fired (i.e. while he is reloading) then shoot him in a weak spot, then fall back/take cover ASAP to reload. And again. Don’t use this tactic if you’re not good and quick at precision shooting. Also, if you’ve got enough space to move and you don’t need to counter the enemy ASAP, try to reappear a. not at the same place and b. at least after a 10 seconds’ wait. Why 10 secs ? Because that’s the maximum time [13] your tank remains silhouetted (even though you’re under cover and they can’t see you) after having fired.
For example, see what the unicum Martin WaterWar is doing in the battle hereunder : he spends half the battle in the same place, moving a few meters out of cover, shooting the closest enemy tank or a far one targeting him, retreating under cover, and again. Note that he’s constantly keeping in mind where the enemy tanks, be they close or far away, are and which ones are the most dangerous, so as not to get into their line of fire when he gets out of cover.
For a detailed discussion of peek-a-boom tactics, look at this video from Sir Havoc, starting at 9:35, and pay attention to his commentary.

A variant of the peek-a-boom is when you want to cross an open space or a street and you don’t know if there’s an enemy tank waiting for you : instead of simply crossing and hoping for the best, peek with just your sprocket (the wheel at the front of your tracks), instantly retreat and wait for the sixth sense lamp to light up — or not. See Kajzoo’s demonstration.

 10. Learn when to retreat. Don’t stay long in a position where you a. are blocking the enemy’s advance and b. you’re outnumbered. Fire a few shots to force the enemies to stay under cover and keep at bay (i.e. allow you to have time to retreat) then retreat under cover far away enough (100 m away is a strict minimum). If you don’t, they’ll clobber you or they’ll outflank you and shoot you from behind.
That knowledge, that capacity is key to survival and survival is key to making high damage and lots of credits and, in certains instances, carrying the game and winning.

 11. Never go directly neither in a straight line to a position you want to hold : use natural dips and low points to move through the map (i.e. out of sight of enemies) and instead of arriving directly at the position, go to a bush with a view to the position before in order to check an enemy hasn’t taken the position before you. Also, never silhouette on hill tops and ridges.

 12. If you have to choose between firing and moving (for instance because an enemy has just appeared behind you), move first, you’ll see whether you are in a firing position afterwards.

 13. Take your time to aim properly : you will miss less often. If you wait until the gun reticle has shrunk to its minimal size, the chances your shell will miss are the lowest. This is especially true for artilleries and TDs. Another reason for doing so is some tanks have a very limited number of shells. One last reason for aiming properly : if you miss and therefore did not stop your opponent, during your reload time he will aim better, he will come closer to you, you will make a better target for him and in the end you will be much more likely to get shot. The one and only exception to this rule is when you are attacked at very close range by a faster tank : you don’t have time to aim, and if you wait, he will "circle-of-death" you. So aim approximately and fire ASAP.

 14. Focus your fire. Emulate your closest ally by firing at the same target. This will get rid of the enemy tank very quickly and less enemy tanks means less guns firing at you. And less guns firing at you means your chances of winning increase.

 15. Aim for the weak spots of the enemy tanks. Generally the weak spots are :

  • rear and side of the hull. So whenever possible, try to outflank the enemy tank
  • the turret sides
  • the commander’s cupola (the hatch on top of the turret)
  • the lower front glacis (LFG). This is a must-know when confronted to German or Russian opponents : apart from the commander’s cupola (which is difficult to target because of its small size), it will often be their only weak spot on the front
  • the front and rear of the tracks are the equivalent of a weak spot : the enemy will be stopped for a few seconds at least and during that time it will become an easy target. Permatrack him by repeating the process a few times and he’ll be a sitting duck for your arty
  • a not well known weak spot : the fuel tanks, which are easily hit by shooting slightly above the tracks behind the turret
  • NB : view ports, machine gun port and hatches elsewhere on the vehicle were weak spots but now no longer are.

Learn by heart the major weak spots of all major tanks, especially the weak spots on their front. The best tools to do so are :

More details on those two tools above in the Visualising armor in detail section of this post.

NB : the in-game armor stats are wrong or over simplified. ones are true.

The green areas are the most easily penetrable. On top is the commander’s cupola and at the botton the lower front glacis, two very frequent and easy-to-remember weak spots (image from WoTGuru)

 16. Shells.

Standard shells (AP) : don’t bring too much with you. If you get killed, you’ll have to pay (in credits) to replace them. After a few battles in a new tank, estimate the average number of shells you fire per battle in it and then take usually 30% more — in case you have to carry a game. If you’re not a very good player, don’t bring the full provision of shells, it’s a waste of credits.

Premium ammo (sometimes called gold shells) (APCR [14]) and HEAT/HESH [15] is better than standard, AP shells. They are faster and penetrate more than AP. But they are very expensive in credits. Make AP (so called "silver") your default ammo and only buy 2 to 3 so called "gold" shells per battle (maybe more if your battle results in credits allow to). Do not forget to change from AP to APCR or HEAT when confronted to heavies. But for the above mentioned reason, don’t take the habit to systematically fire gold.
Note : if you’re a try hard or you want to improve your stats (WR/WN8), then do spam gold. Take as many as two thirds of your average need of ammo in gold. But then, do buy a premium acount., because gold ammo is less expensive if you have a premium account. Remember : a premium account for one year starts at approx. 100 USD.

Shell velocity is indicated when your mouse hoovers over the shell icon at the bottom of the screen. As explained by French player Clems238, « below 500 [m / sec.] is catastrophic, 500 to 800 is slow, 800 to 1000 is okay, 1000 to 1500 is good, and above 1500 is exceptional ». Remember : the slower the velocity, the more you’ll have to compensate for it by leading the target. Sniping under 800 becomes very difficult.

 17. HE (High Explosive). That type of shell is only used by experienced players. It has a devastating effect on lightly armored vehicules, i.e. they can one-shot artillery and two-shot light tanks and open-top tank destroyers. HE is also useful against hull down tanks. In a kill-or-be-killed situation, when the enemy is not heavily armored or has lost most of its pool of hit points, they can make the difference. But they are ineffective against heavies’ best armored parts. As an exception, HE are efficient against the O-I and O-I Exp Japanese super heavies, even when they’re high on health.
NB : HE was nerfed in 2021 : its splash damage was taken out. Before the nerf, HE pen didn’t matter especially if the alpha damage was really high, so derp guns found on tanks like Japanese heavy line could just damage anything and not care about armor/weakspots. After the nerf HE pen does matter and it’s treated more like an AP round so you can bounce HE rounds where as before the nerf you’d take damage regardless of penetration.

 18. Equipment (i.e. improved binocular telescope (or binocs), improved ventilation, coated optics, gun rammer, gun laying drive, turbocharger ...) and field modifications : how to choose the best suited ones. The following recommendations are reliable in most cases.

There are four (de facto five) categories or levels of equipment :

  • standard. You buy those with credits
  • improved. Also called "bond equipment", because to purchase it, you’ll need bonds — a special currency that can only be earned in certain battle modes, missions and in-game activities
  • bounty. Bounty equipment is earned in certain events, like Battle Pass
  • experimental.

Currently, the improved compressor and increased shell resistance improved equipment cannot be purchased for bonds. You can only receive this equipment as a reward for in-game events (Ranked Battles).

More information on equipment can be found on this page maintained by Wargaming.

How to choose your equipment (whatever their category) : if you can’t find any info on that because the tank is too recent — or as a general rule —, use :

  • gun rammer : it accelerates the gun reload. It’s the most generally useful equipment and it’s near-mandatory
  • improved hardening (also called "hp boost") (on a heavy, a medium or a heavy TD) : it gives your tank 10% more health. This includes your track health, which means your tracks will repair quicker, which means you won’t get killed. Not useful on lights or snipers
  • turbo compressor : must have for all slow heavies and TDs. Also increases your reverse speed, which is near-mandatory for slow TDS when they have fired
  • vertical stabiliser ("vert stabs") : it makes the sight’s bloom less. It often helps dramatically. A rule of thumb to check whether it’s necessary is given by MaxGamingFPS : compare what it gives to the performances of the Chieftain and if vert stabs give better performance then take it
  • coated optics or binoculars ("binocs" ; only useful if in a slow TD at low tiers or a scout) : they enable you to see much farther than the stock value of the tank, therefore to hit more enemies. Optics work even on the move. Binocs only activate when you’re immobile. Hence the optics clear advantage
  • improved aiming unit (IA or IUA) is useful when you want to reduce the dispersion of your gun. You want to use IA in a limited number of circumstances : when your dispersion is over 0.32 (but not over 0.40) and at the same time you don’t drive a brawling tank, i.e. mainly snipers
  • low noise exhaust : for lights and some snipers.

The first three equiments listed above are your standard choice in case you don’t know the tank or hesitate. According to unicum MaxGamingFPS, even deviating from this default list is rarely necessary.

NB : over-hyped equipment (mainly according to Chems) :

  • vents : this gives a 5% boost to the crew, but as Chems or Overlord Prime explain, only a 2,5% to the tank performances, one of them being the gun’s accuracy. So, more often than you think, it’s not worth it. Before using it, think about what should really be made better in your tank and compare vents’ effect with other candidates, especially the first three above (rammer, hardening, turbo). NB : according to MaxGamingFPS, for heavies, vents will often be better than improved aiming unit
  • enhanced gun laying drive : generally not useful, and better replaced by vertical stabiliser
  • binoculars : stop working as soon as you start to to move, so use optics instead. When you are in a TD and you base camp, others generally spot for you
  • camouflage net ("camo net") : not that necessary if you hide behind rocks or correctly (15 m) behind bushes. But one may disagree here : beware, the 15 m from the bush rule is wrong at tiers 8 to 10 because of the CVS equipment all lights are equipped with in the curent meta, as Iyouxin explains
  • commander’s vision system (CVS, which is available to lights and mediums from tier 8 and over). One may disagree with Chems on this because CVS has become mandatory for lights and is also very useful for mediums in order to counter lights, so much that good players recommend to use CVS over coated optics
  • directives (fourth equipment slot) : they reinforce an equipment or a team’s skill, yes, but in most cases by only 2%, and they’re expensive, so spare them for "try hard" sessions when every little detail counts, or to buy premium tanks. To be honest, their effect on my games is nill.

Alternatively, you may follow the recommandations of unicum professional player (and full-time streamer, aka "community contributor") Skill4ltu’s Index web site. For beginners, to go further, watch MaxGamingFPS on equipment, he’s very comprehensive and very clear on equipment and field mods.

For an expert, detailed discussion on equipment by unicums, do watch Scorpiany’s Comprehensive Guide to Equipment 2.0 and Chems’ World of Tanks Equipment Tier List (already cited) — even if you’re an experienced player, these two videos will teach you a lot and reverse some of your habits. Also, Player DarkNinja discusses the value of each equipment for each class of tanks. The "bible" on equipment has been written by Overlord_Prime : World of Tanks : Deep Dive into Equipment 2.0 and Relevant Game Mechanics, by Peter “Overlord_Prime” Han, July 15th, 2020.

If unsure :

  • go to and see how each equipment modifies the performance of your tank
  • or ask other players on a big WoT Discord channel. Warning : don’t lose your cool in the face of frequent criticism such as "skill issue". Many moderators and players who post a lot tend to consider these spaces as their own and to lay down the law. Simply ask for advice, say thank you and don’t try to argue, as you’ll be rebuffed on the sole basis of your WR.

Here’s more details about the four categories (levels would be a better term) of equipment :

1. Standard equipment. Apart for low tier tanks (tier 1 to 3), they are more and more abandoned by players in favor of bond or bounty equipment.

2. Improved ("bond") equipment : on all slow heavies and TDs, you can use turbocharger and improved compressor. See DezGamez’s video New Improved Compressor = Game Changer ! to know more about them. On brawling tanks, especially medium ones, improved hardening (it basically is an hp booster) is recommended because they take a lot of damage. There is a choice to be made here : spend bonds on equipment or use them to buy premium tanks.

3. Bounty equipment is available through various in-game events, mainly Battle Pass. Initially, it has the parameters of standard equipment, but can be improved for credits. According to Chems, bond equipment is useless when you compare it to bounty equipment. He thinks bounty equipment is so good it’s worth spending some gold on it and buying battle passes.

4. The most recent kind of equipment, experimental equipment, arrived in update 1.19. See Quickybaby’s video to learn about it.
You’ll get them mostly as battle pass reward. Demounting them is very expensive so choose wisely on which tank you’re going to install them. Here’s some player feedback on these : generally, mobility is the best and survival is a close second. Go for mobility (often called "turbo" on forums and social networks) if you have a medium or a heavy, that could be faster, and could improve on gun handling, but doesn’t necessarily need vert stabs. Go for survival (often called "hardening") if you have a heavy or a medium, that wants the benefit of hardening (most heavies do), or has very aggressive play style in general, and has problems with internal modules or gets tracked often. Fire-control ("experimental aiming") is a situational trash, that’s basically only worth it for handful of vehicles, like Bat. Chat. 25t, Cobra, Bourrasque and would be absolutely stellar for Foch B, but TD’s can’t mount it.
When offered as a reward, players will receive experimental equipment of level I, then increase its level by spending components. This new in-game currency is obtained by disassembling experimental equipment. So, the higher its level, the more components you will receive. The number of components needed for an upgrade also depends on the target level. Chems recommends to use only tier 2 or 3 XP equipment. Taking into account the huge cost of tier 3 XP equipment, some recommend to remain at level 2 in most cases.

Beware, even standard equipment is very expensive in credits (generally 500 000 credits for binoculars, for instance) so don’t buy them if you’re short of credits (i.e. under 1 million). Otherwise, you run the risk of becoming broke and having to sell some tanks and go back to tiers 1 to 3 for a long time (it is impossible to play as long as you don’t have enough credits to repair your tanks and to buy ammunition).

Also, keep some gold to be able to demount standard equipment once you’re done with a tank. It costs 10 gold per piece and saves up to 300 000 credits.

A list of standard equipment, presented the old way

NB : starting at tier 6, tanks can be modified by field modifications (generally called "field mods"). In a nutshell, field mods is a set of tools for fine-tuning specific technical characteristics of your tanks, which will become available once they acquire elite status. To learn more about it, have a look at Wargaming’s general information page. Again, see Skill4ltu’s Index web site to learn about the best way to parameter field mods for each tank. Or refer to Iyouxin’s video on field mods.

 19. Your back and the upper part of your flanks (i.e. not your tracks) are the weakest part of your armor. Face the enemy (therefore you have to know where he is : see rule 52. Situational awareness) and NEVER expose your flanks. But if you estimate you can’t fight him, turn your back to him as soon as possible and run to a hiding place because tanks are much slower in reverse.

 20. Angle/slant your front armor towards the enemy. This increases your tank’s effective hull armor. The recommended angle depends on the tank but here is a rule of thumb : when pointing your gun to the enemy, it should be positioned directly over your right or left front wheel — never over your side.
Nevertheless, if you drive a "glass canon" (fragile TD with "paper" armor), you can forget about angling because it’s useless.

 21. In corners, "side-scraping" allows your turret to have a line of sight/your gun to bear without over-exposing your armor.

From TheIrishLegend’s video tutorial Advanced Heavy Tank Strategies

 22. Hull down. If your turret armor is good (heavy tanks, especially American ones, and most of the German and Russian tanks), whenever possible, try to hide your hull behind an obstacle (a rock, a sand dune, a small wall or any declivity), leaving only your turret visible. This is very efficient because the turret front (especially the mantle, the area around the base of the gun) is generally the tank’s strongest armored part and because most of the weak spots are on the hull. Also, since this makes you a much smaller target, you’re much more difficult to hit.
NB : not all maps will give you obvious, easy to use places for hull down tactics such as a rock cut down exactly to the height of your turret. Generally, you will need to use a slope and position yourself at some distance from its top. In this case, you will also need to have a gun with good depression.

Hull down position on a slope (from Wikipedia). The red dotted line shows which part of your tank the enemy in front will see.

 23. Don’t block your team mates shot. Don’t stand in their line of fire.
And please don’t sit in a TD’s position behind a bush near base. This means a. you’re not doing your job and b. worse, you’re preventing an ally from doing his.

 24. If you’re driving a fast tank and are confronting an enemy with a slow rate of fire in a street or a narrow valley, instead of hiding behind an obstacle, you have the option to overrun him : accelerate forward, rush him and shoot him in the flank and then in the back. That’s particularly efficient if your tank is a fast-firing one.
See for instance what this Russian player is doing in the video hereunder with his Object 260 to the powerful but slow to reload Caernarvon (at 5:00). At the same time, this is not the best example since the Caernarvon outreloads the 260.

 25. NEVER cross an open field. Use a line of trees/bushes/hills/dunes/rocks/houses/killed tanks/a river bed or make a detour to get to the desired place

 26. NEVER attack trough the middle of the map : it’s the killing zone. Always attack through the aisles, even if they are blocked by enemy fire. Also, this rule means that when, about 30 to 40 seconds after the start of the battle, you’re about to reach the middle of the map, you should stop and take a few seconds to assess the situation.
There are a bunch of not exactly exceptions but precisions :

  • if there’s a town in the center of the map (Abbey or Fisherman’s Bay towns are typical examples), you should at least occupy it and hold it — but not attack through it
  • if you’re in light tank, at the beginning you have to light up the enemy tanks for your team so you go center at full speed along the ridge line (but you don’t stay here)
  • same thing when you’re a better player driving a heavy tank and you know what you’re doing : you will be able to use the center of the map to control the map and inform your team mates about the location of the enemy. But that’s not for beginners
  • there are some real exceptions, depending on the map, but to master them, you need to be above average (48-49% WR is average) and this guide is not for good players but for beginners and average ones.

 27. Speed. Don’t count on your speed to evade shells. Use it to relocate. Always think about where you will hide after and if possible during your move. Use your speed only to get to a good position at the beginning of the battle or to relocate when having been spotted. Specifically :

  • in the current meta of the game, if we set aside arties and scouts, 42 kmh is a minimum. Under 42 kmh, since games are now so fast (they last 6 to 7 min. on average), you’ll have difficulties relocating and will be much useless
  • don’t go yolo (going full speed into the enemy ranks)
  • and don’t suiscout (used for light, fast tanks who go full speed into enemy territory just to get as much credits as possible by being the first to spot as many enemies as possible ... and then die quickly, therefore not really helping their team).

 28. Move ! Never stay at the same place more than a few seconds after having fired or having been spotted. 5 seconds is a maximum. Otherwise, you’re a sitting duck for enemy tanks, especially artillery — in other words, it’s a matter of seconds before arty, a TD or a bigger tank "frags" you. Always bear in mind that even if you don’t see any enemy, enemy arty sees you. Some arties can kill you in two shots.

What are the alternatives ? :

  • play peek-a-boom (see rule 9.)
  • or relocate (see rules 3. and 7.)
  • a particular case : when you face an enemy and you’re hiding partially between an obstacle and you’re sure arty can’t hit you (i.e. you’re close to wall or a rock), move back and forth to thwart enemy’s aim.
    See for instance what the Russian player is doing in the video hereunder with his Object 260 (starting at 0:32).

With sixth sense, move back directly after shooting. If you’re not lit up, you can remain there. If you’re spotted, dont repeak unless you’re sure you’re no longer spotted and won’t get lit up getting into position before you shoot. Repeaking is dangerous.

 29. Get under cover when you reload, even if your reload time is very quick (under 3 seconds). When you’re in a heavy, know your reload time by heart. See rule 7. Run, hide, fire and rule 9. Peek-a-boom.

 30. How to use bushes (1). How to hide *in* the bushes. Bushes or fallen trees hide your tank to the enemy’s eyes — unless an enemy’s closer than 50 meters. Hide just behind the bushes or in them. This way, it’s easier for you to detect enemy tanks approaching and you don’t depend on others to scout for you. However, if, apart from your gun, there is but a small part of your tank that sticks out of the bush (the commander’s cupola, a sprocket), you will be spotted. And as soon as you have fired, you become spotted.
How to hide *away* from the bushes. At tiers 1 to 7, if you hide more than 15 meters from the bushes (you know you’re 15 m away when suddenly they’re not transparent any more for you), you can fire without being spotted.

 31. How to use bushes (2) : the invisible tank. Put the cursor over the nearest enemy while he is still far away. The distance to the target is highlighted. If it is over 445 m, you can’t be seen. It’s possible to stay between 450 and 700 m and be completely invisible the entire game. Once the enemy moves closer, just move away and continue being an invisible sniper while your team spots for you. If someone else is spotting the enemy, stay 15m+ behind the bush and fire all you want (only true at tier 1 to 7, CVS changed this rule, at tier from 8 to 10 you need to use double bush) — the enemy won’t be able to see you. Move into the bush to spot, then back out of the bush 15m+ to fire — the enemy will remain on the screen for a few seconds while you are backing up and aiming, and then you won’t turn the bush translucent when you fire. Invisible sniper.

NB : for unheard of sniping positions (which often use bushes), see point 6. in Maps tactics.

 32. How to use bushes (3) : looking for the invisible tank. If you see an enemy tank silhouetted behind a very light cover (bushes or wood planks) and it suddenly disappears, this doesn’t mean it’s gone very far. It’s just gone a few meters away. So you may still fire at where it was two seconds ago.

 33. How to use bushes (4) : looking for TDs. Bushes with a view on a large area are THE place where TDs will hide. Know your map, look for them, search them, fire blind at them.

 34. Under train carriages. If the enemy tank is hidden by a train, try to aim for its tracks. Yes, by firing under the train carriage !

 35. No pain, no gain. Aka campers are losers. Camping (staying near one’s base and waiting there for the enemy to come), while being the easiest tactic to devise, and the more comfortable in the beginning, generally ends in a sudden defeat. Because you give the enemy all the necessary time to scout your perimeter and light up all your tanks on their mini-maps, then their arties start aiming at you while their heavies and TDs prepare to move just a few meters away from you and as soon as they appear in your scope, they fire their gold shells on all your first line’s weak spots. You are now 2 to 3 tanks down, outnumbered, confused and trying to retreat ...

 36. If playing scout, do *not* fire on the enemy. You won’t penetrate it, you will lose most — not all — of your camouflage, therefore you will get spotted and most probably destroyed in ten seconds. The only way not to get spotted in your light tank when firing on mediums and heavies is to use double bush mechanics AND to be at more than 100 m (at tier 1 to 7) or more than 160 m (at tier 8 to 10 because of the effet of CVS) from them as Iyouxin explains. The recommended distance is even greater if you want to remain not spotted by other light tanks.
There are two exceptions to this rule : it is worth shooting a. arties any time (because they have no armor) and b. all tanks (in the back) at the very end of the game.

 37. If a medium, a heavy, a TD or an arty has its back to a big stone, a wall or the red limit of the map, don’t try to kill it. Spot it for arties and bring the big tanks.

 38. If you are in a corridor/bottleneck/funnel and you’re blocked by one or more enemy tanks, leave the same number of tanks to contain them, but only well armored ones (*not* scouts, they have neither the firepower nor the armor), then outflank them with the rest of the tanks. Don’t wait, do that quickly or *they* will outflank you. If there is no way to outflank them, don’t take stupid risks, just hold the position and either wait for them to make a mistake or — better — send one fast tank with a powerful gun (a fast TD, for example) to try and peek-a-boom the nearest enemy.

OK, this relies on teamplay. But you get the idea.

 39. When you’re David (v. Goliath) or : When you face a stronger tank. If your tank is slow, face him and shoot his belly (so called "lower front glacis" or LFG ; only if it’s a German or a Russian), the commander’s cupola or the front wheel. If your tank is fast, outflank him and shoot his side or — much better — his back. If you’re too close to escape his fire, run to him in zigzags, angling your tank. Then "circle of death" him — only if you’re good at that (if not, train yourself).

 40. When you’re Goliath, or Tactics for heavies. If you’re among the three heavier tanks (biggest guns, heavier armor) among your allies, it’s your job to make the push and take the shots for your team mates.
But don’t go into open spaces and don’t try to climb hills, you’re too slow for that. Prefer cities/villages/houses/walls, corridors between rocks or ridges. Although it has good armor, keep your tank angled (see also Taugrim’s guide to angling) and hull down (see rule 22.) and use sidescraping (see rule 21.).
You have armor, so you can take a few seconds to expose yourself to the enemy’s fire in order for your gun reticle to close in on them.
You’re often slow, especially when moving in reverse, so don’t be greedy, because in case you get yourself into a bad situation, making a U-turn or going backwards won’t be a viable option. Finally, you’re ... heavy, so you can ram all enemies but heavies.
NB 1 : at least one very good player recommends to use one’s heavy as a scout. In his video How To Not Suck In Your Heavy Tanks, he gives four other excellent tips — not to be followed if you’ve played less than 1000 battles.
NB 2 : in the current game meta (a game meta is the most effective tactics and equipment currently available and used ; in a word, it’s the way the game is played), approx. since 2020, the new purple equipment — especially turbo and improved hardening — allows heavies over tier 5 to become jack-of-all-trades, eclipsing most of the mediums. That has made specialising in heavies more interesting.

 41. Auto aim : when to use it. When circling an enemy, it’s difficult to aim at the same time, so use the in game auto aim (to activate it, right click on or near your target ; it will stay on the target till you turn it off, lose sight of the enemy, or it gets destroyed). The other situation in which you can use auto aim effectively is when you’re chasing down a target from behind in a straight line. But do NOT use auto aim in any other situation because it aims at the center of the tank (it does not know weak spots), so if you use auto aim while firing at the front of the target, you’re going to hit its highly protected upper front plate. Also, auto aim is unable to lead the target.
For special uses of auto aim, read this forum thread (in French). It contains interesting suggestions, such as ShinGetsu’s one : when he’s aiming at a stationery enemy at more than 400 m, he uses auto aim to be sure not to miss it.
NB : Claus Kellerman has uploaded an excellent video on a useful alternate way to auto aim and how to set it up. Watch it.

 42. Avoid putting yourself into positions you can’t get out of. Always look for paths for retreat or stay with your allies. And check your minimap to anticipate enemy moves !

 43. When an enemy tank reaches the top a hill, it cannot fire down on you from there until it has reached the down slope. So you may stay on the slope and shoot at the opponent when it appears, right in its vulnerable belly, before it can even point its gun on you. Another alternative is retreating quickly down hill backwards when facing a better opponent and firing at him whenever he tries to go down the slope, provided you can find some cover or allies at some point — not too late.

But beware : there are a lot of tanks with enough gun depression to shoot you.

 44. Keep into account/learn by heart the enemy tank’s reload time. This is especially useful when you’re fighting a corner (city/village battles).

 45. When fighting around a corner or in a street, if you choose a static position, don’t forget to angle your tank or to sidescrape (see rule 40.). Try not to show the enemy your side. But the best tactic, generally, is moving forward just enough to see the extremity of the opponent (the best target being the front sprocket because then the enemy can’t move), fire on it and then go back very quickly. If you pilot a fast tank and your opponent is alone, try to go full speed, overrun the enemy and shoot it in the side and the back. If the curve of the corner goes inverted (like a hole in the curve), defend the corner from this "hole" but watch out for not being overrun — which means you can’t do it alone, you need at least another allied tank behind you.

 46. If playing a TD, always find a well hidden place with a clear line of sight/fire. Generally, it is located on slopes, small hills and in bushes/under trees or behind a rock.

 47. When waiting for the enemy to come, especially if you’re in a TD, do not look to where your allies are. Instead, look the other way. That’s because an experimented opponent will not go straight for the trap but instead will try to flank you.

 48. If you are engaging multiple targets, take out the most dangerous and the weaker one first. Look for the remaining hit points. Concentrate your fire on that tank and don’t stop until you take him out of the battle. Erase heavies and powerful, "glass cannon" TDs first (glass cannon = devastating gun but no armor).

 49. How to cap (1). Do not capture the enemy base ("cap") until you are 100% sure to have gained total supremacy, i.e. :

  • either you have killed all but two of your enemies, they are not dangerous tanks and you still have 4 or more tanks
  • or you have assured your own base is not under threat/out of reach of the enemy.

Why so much caution ? Because capturing the enemy base indicates where you are, maintaining the capture puts you at a disadvantage because it limits your movements, and generally base areas offer very few protection and places to hide so your tanks are easy shots.

Nevertheless, it can be efficient to drive into the "cap", then "decap" shortly after and hide around the enemy base to snipe at the enemy. Because "caping" generally induces the enemy to approach its own base in order to "decap".

 50. How to cap (2). [exception to the rule above] When the end of the battle looks like it will be a draw (3 v. 3 for example or the last enemly cannot be found), don’t hesitate to capture the enemy base quickly, even though good players may oppose it.

 51. How to cap (3). When you’re close to the enemy base, look for arties or enemy tank hidden near their base — that’s very common. Get rid of them first before "capping".

 52. Situational awareness (SA) : make the mini-map bigger and glance at it every five seconds (according to LuckyLeopard, a 54% WR player, ignoring the minimap is the #1 noob mistake), look for enemies behind you and on your flanks, do not concentrate all your attention on the opposite tank/the tank you’re firing on (cf rule 4. : run, hide, shoot, run ...) and know where your allies are to check whether they need help. In one sentence : it’s the tank you haven’t seen that will kill you, so « unzoom and look around yourself/over your shoulder after every single shot » (as unicum player Kajzoo puts it). More about it.
NB : a very useful setting for the minimap is checking the following three options in the general settings :

  • Show the view range circle
  • Show the minimum spotting range
  • Show the draw circle.

 53. Strategy (1). Battle Order + Maps / Location.

First, at the very start of the battle, i.e. in the countdown, read the battle order — the list of tanks on each side :

  • what tier they are (if two tiers higher than you, you should probably avoid the front line and remain hidden untill the second half of the battle)
  • how many artilleries (if no arty, then some "try hard" tactics with heavy tanks become realistic)
  • which side has awfully OP tanks such as the Lefh SPG, the Pz. II J, the Super Conqueror or the Object 279 (e) and how many
  • what is the WR of each player aka which team is the most experienced (if the enemy team is so much better than yours, you may simply rush the cap).

Second, ON ANY GIVEN MAP, LEARN BY HEART WHERE TO GO AND HIDE AND WHERE NOT TO. At tier 3 and over, WoT is (mostly) a game of where-should-I-be. Being in the wrong place will get you killed very quickly. See map related tactics infra. Especially, learn where to stop after the first run at the start of the battle, depending on the map (generally at the bushes/ridge/town just before the middle of the map). If you go too far (i.e. into the enemy firing line), you’ll get killed very fast and very easily. There are three ways to learn map strategy and stop being a poor player :

  • study well known resources dedicated to learning maps tactics such as YaYa’s Deployment Guide and pro unicums’ videos on Youtube or Twitch. See "Guides and tutorials - Whole web sites and YouTube and Twitch channels" at the beginning of the "Webography" (useful links, especially tutorials) section
  • pay attention in battle to where experienced tankers playing the same type of tank as you go (install the XVM mod (or Aslain’s modpack, which contains it) to know who’s good or not)
  • as in chess, anticipate enemy moves till the end and deduct yours accordingly. To understand what this means, watch those three map reading videos videos by Overlord_Prime
  • devise your own routes, try new spots, especially if a map has been redesigned.

See point 6. Map related tactics.

 54. Strategy (2). Once the strategy for the map has been (implicitly most of the time) chosen by the team, it’s no use having second thoughts : follow the lemming train. If you drive a light, a medium or a heavy, you should go with the flow.
But if you play a TD, you should either a. go with them if they’re good players or b. stay well hidden close to base if they’re bad because they’re not going to be able to prevent enemy tanks from coming for the arties and base. For instance, if your team leaves three tanks plus one arty at the base, advance till the middle of the map and then play campers, then it’s not three tanks your team should leave but eight : three is barely enough to defend base against a concerted enemy attack and at the same time, two or three of those allied tanks left behind will be sorrowly missed by the attacking allied party.
You can’t play a defensive and aggressive strategy at the same time. It just doesn’t work. In open (so called "pub") battles, between 70 and 75% cases are attack strategy, aka campers are losers (but some maps such as Mines or Airfield generally favor the defensive strategy). So only leave arty and one or two TD behind, that’s all. If you’re too slow to tag along, find a spot from where you can play the sniper and protect your arty.
That doesn’t mean that in pub battles all tanks should go to one side of the map, leaving the other flank uncovered ... But as I wrote in rule 1. above, if that happens, sacrificing yourself to counter the threat on the other flank won’t change the outcome — you’ll get overrun very quickly. At the very minimum, you need three tanks to hold a flank (without any of them being a light).

 55. Strategy (3). In public battles, you can always try to direct your allies but don’t count too much on them. So do yourself what you think the team should do if (and only if — otherwise go with the lemming train) this is a) vital, b) your tank is strong enough and c) you are experienced enough.
For example, if the left flank of the map is not covered at all and you think it should be in order to deprive the enemy from a real quick and easy victory, tell the team and then, if no answer, do it yourself if your tank is strong enough to withhold the enemy long enough. Just do it while taking into account your tank’s limits, e.g. if you drive a TD, hide far away while if you have a heavy, hide behind a corner.
NB : when a team starts a general "lemming train", they’d better not stop it, but instead keep pushing even when fired on, because if you stop, you’ll loose the game. Thats’s why lemming trains are generally bad tactics : simply because without one or two clear-headed good players leading the charge (see this video showing Orzanel de-stalling the train), the train gets stalled as soon as they encouter the first enemies because everyone will get into cover to spare their hp. If your team goes lemming, and you’re not a glass cannon, don’t drive to the other flank. That just gets you killed by 3 tanks. Instead, you want to lead the lemming train and make sure that they push and use the advantage. More details about why lemming trains are nonetheless bad in this Reddit thread about lemming trains on World of Warships or in this WoT Console Youtube video : they are 100% applicable to lemming trains on WoT.

 56. Strategy (4). Don’t stay in a spot where you cannot bring your gun to bear on the enemy. Always check the mini-map and when you see a flank with not enough tanks to support it, go and help.

 57. Strategy (5). According to the very good French player Panboum, the seven stages of a battle to know and master are :

  • Prepare : know your vehicle and set it up with the relevant equipment (see rule 18. above) and consumables (see rule 58. below)
  • Study : look at the match making (MM) (for that, you need to have XVM installed, see below) and the map during the first 30 seconds before the battle begins. If, for instance, there is a majority of TDs on the enemy team, there is a high chance they will play defense, which means there is an opportunity, even a need to do some very thorough (but not aggressive) scouting since there won’t be a lot of mediums or heavies on the front line but at the same time there will be a high number of TDs waiting to snipe at you with their excellent view range and long range guns. Those enemy TDs need to be spotted too. If, on the other hand, there is a huge number of heavies on the enemy team, then that may allow aggressive scouting if they, as is normally the case, congregate at the usual choke points. Also, if the match making shows the enemy team is much better than yours, you can tell playing defense and scouting will generally be your team’s best option. Etc.
  • Check : check where your team and your opponents are going. Check that you’re not too much ahead of your team and if alone, that you will be able to retreat to a safe place. See rule 1.
  • Swap : scout enemy tanks as much as you can, exchange first shots cautiously and keep your tank intact
  • Opportunity : the terrain is open, there are less tanks. Find opportunities
  • Harvest : if your team is winning, finish the last tanks, go yolo if you have the speed, reap credits. You may lose some hit points now, it’s ok. If your team is losing, retreat, join your remaining allies in order to protect each other’s back and flanks and to protect your arties, try to remain alive as long as possible and to inflict as much damage to enemy tanks as possible in order to reap as much credits as possible
  • Analyse your results : have a look at the result of the battle and analyse them. Try and see what you’ve done wrong.

Kajzoo puts it somewhat differently. In his excellent and must-see 10 tricks that unicums don’t want you to know in WoT video, he states that there are three parts in a battle to know and master :

  • early game : get to a position where you can make early game damage (three, four shots) and spare your hp
  • mid-game : most of the time, there is no more damage to be done from your early game position, so seek out where the majority of the enemy hit points (hp) is and relocate to that flank but make sure that the hp on that flank is very much accessible considering your own tank’s capabilities (i.e. if you’re in a glass cannon TD or in a heavy two tier below the best heavies, don’t go brawling with the heavies) and that you can trade your hp on favorable terms (i.e. the reload time of your opponent is longer than yours so you can trade two shots at him for one at you). Pay close attention to the minimap in case your team is falling apart and seek out the best escape routes from the flank and rotate to a position where you can do late game damage : i.e. do not hesitate to relocate. If the game is slow, be patient, wait for the enemy to do a mistake instead of doing it yourself (that last piece of advice is also Skill4ltu’s moto)
  • final segment of the battle : you should still have hp. Use it to catch up turretless TDs that you can detrack. Make sure they fire *before* you peek them.

 58. Use consumables, especially at tier VI and over, and first off a small repair kit and a coffee or chocolate (the latter two boost your team’s, hence your tank’s, performance, but they’re expensive in credits). Know by heart the keyboard keys to them. For instance, the repair kit will spare you getting permatracked (getting your track knocked out repeatedly before autorepair repairs it, which means you’re a sitting-duck-quickly-losing-hit-points-and-dead-very-soon).
But beware : consumables are expensive in credits.

Consumables : the basic ones

 59. Radio. When researching and installing better modules (gun, engine, turret, radio, tracks) do not neglect to upgrade your radio. Otherwise, you won’t be able to signal enemy tanks to your allies and they won’t be able to do the same for you either.

 60. Statistics. Do not take into account at any stat about you other than damage done until you have about 2000 battles under your belt, especially if you play scout. The rule of thumb is doing damage equal to your own hit points ("Shoot to destroy" medal). Before 2000 battles, you can’t do much better than that.

 61. Instinct. Once you have reached a few thousand battles, you can start trusting your instinct. NOT before.

 62. Resources. Have a look at the WoT Wiki,, and Skill4ltu Index. NB : Wargaming, in his great wisdom and frugality, decided in January 2024 to stop its Internet forums and deleted them on 20 May 2024 [16]. WoT Discord channels have "replaced" the forums — which is a lie because, as players in the Reddit forums wrote, "if you want a concentrated discussion on one topic that is very important to the community, Discord acts to kill a discussion of this type" and Discord channels are not indexed by web search engines [17]. Also, have a look at the guides listed at the bottom of this page.
Those web sites give commentaries on performance and/or comparative statistics about the tanks. It will help you choose the best tanks and among them, the ones best suited for you. is especially helpful in that respect because since April 2023, it shows the WR of the tank in relation with the WR of the player (Tank Stats > search for a tank > display its stats > on the Tank Curbs diagram, look for the green line). calls it "WR differential" and it’s the best tool to judge whether a tank is OP or not in the current game meta. Such type of stats had not been made available since the 2018 one-time study published on GitHub. also shows which tanks are the most profitable in term of credits (Tank Economics). Those web sites — and a number of videos on Youtube — will also help you improve your tactics.

 63. Don’t hurry to tier VII to X tanks. You’ll get cursed and bullied by your own allies, you won’t have a clue to what’s happening in the battle, it will cost you a lot of real money (playing tiers VIII to X is always expensive : we’re talking a minimum of two hundred euros per year here if you’re not above average at the game) and your win rate (WR) will suffer. Take the necessary time to master — and appreciate — even a simple Leichtraktor at tier I or a Vickers Medium II.

 64. Focus on a tank line. Ideally, don’t play all kinds of tanks from all nations at the same time. This causes you not to learn fully a tank line and its play style. Also, when you transfer crews, it costs you a lot of XP or gold. Instead, play all the tanks in a line you like until tier VIII, one at a time. Transfer a crew from a tank to the next one in the same line but don’t do it until they have reached a minimum of 100%. To speed train them, use an elite tank and tick the "Speed training" box. From that 100%, develop skills and perks for your crew. They should roughly have one skill once they reach tier III.

 65. Specialize in one or two tanks and master them. The best way to have a good tank is simply to play only that one for a long time, until its crew accumulates as much experience and skills (to "grind" a tank is the phrase used) as possible. Then your tank will have a better speed and will aim better and quicker than "stock" tanks.
Also, your own experience with it will allow you to know its limits (i.e. when not to confront certain enemies) and to manoeuver it perfectly (e.g. to master the "circle of death" with light tanks and some mediums or in a TD to know exactly where to go on each map).
Another way to say it : you’re confronted to less guesses and less choices to make. Which makes your gameplay easier and more effective.

 66. Crew skills an perks to install first (since update 1.26). According to MaxGamingFPS’s and Quickybaby’s videos (and I feel they address quite well beginners and under-average players’ needs) :

  • do NOT do mass reset your crew skills (during the Sept. 2024 test period) if you have hundreds of crews, it’s too time-consuming and complicated
  • do NOT use WoT Autoselect perks, that tool isn’t relevant
  • there is now a limit of 6 perks per crew member, unless the crew member shares a role (for instance, the commander is also the radio operator). In this case, he’ll also have bonus perks
  • you can’t use directives to get additionnal perks over the limit of 6 perks
  • useful skills (most skills are related to a specific crew member but here in order to make things shorter, I’m mixing them up) :
    • six skills are now de facto mandatory : Brother in arms (BIA), the best skill of all, Repairs (above tier 4), Recon, Concealment (not for heavies and assault TDs) and Situational awareness
    • other very useful skills : Mentor (maxes the XP earned + ex-Jack of all trades ; useful especially if you want to farm crew books to train your crew), Snapshot, Emergency (a new skill for brawling tanks and light tanks), Intuition (allows you to switch much more quickly from one type of ammo to another), Off-road driving, Controlled impact (for fast, agressive tanks that ram a lot), Firefighting (especially for heavy tanks)
    • other useful skills : Deadeye (for tanks that have rapid firing guns but not for autocannons or large caliber guns), Designated target (keeps your target spotted for up to 17 seconds — instead of 10 seconds — if improved by directive, crew skills and radio), Coordination (strong on autoloaders and for tomatoes who don’t pay enough attention to the minimap), Concentration (better accuracy if you sit still for 3 seconds, useful for sniper TDs), Safe stowage (for tanks that keeps getting ammoracked), Perfect charge (increases shell velocity, especially useful if the shell velocity is already high), Snap shot (for TDs), Safe stowage, Armorer (a new skill, reduces RNG, especially dispersion), Communications expert (must have if you’re in a scouting tank), Adrenaline rush, Ammo tuning, Signal interception (improves Sixth sense)
    • not that useful : Practicality (useful only if you brawl a lot), Quick aiming (only for turreted TDs with horrible turret traverse, Smooth ride (only for dynamic, very mobile players shooting on the move), Engineer (for German and slow tanks), Side by side (only useful for heavy tanks and maybe snier TDs), Clutch braking, Smooth ride, Jamming (only on onslaught mode)
    • not useful at all : Sound detection, Reliable placement, Close combat.

For details and how to equip each type of tank, watch Quickybaby’s video. You may also watch Iyouxin’s and Darkninja’s videos but keep in mind he’s talking to good to very good players.

Remember : skills and perks are immediately effective but their effectivity grows with the percentage reached.

If you want to know the ideal skills and perks for each individual tank, look for gamers’ advice :

  • go to Skill4ltu’s Index web site, select a tank and click on the Crew tab
  • or google the name of your tank then add the words "skills" and "wot".

Basic skills and perks

 67. Settings. Three excellent guides on which settings to choose for the game are the video tutorials made by unicum players :

 68. Mods. Install and use the most useful mods and add-ons. The only really-recommended mod to install would be XVM (also bundled in Aslain’s modpack) : it will tell you the level of each player, therefore whom to follow or quasi-platoon with and whom to concentrate your fire on. If you use XVM, do *not* use it to judge your team’s chances. Only use it to see who on your team you could maybe learn from and who on the enemy team is dangerous.
Other suggestions : Zoom (Sniper mode), Hitskins. This last mod covers tanks with colors indicating weak spots [18]), it has a similar effect as using or WoT Inspector but in-game and at the same time with less precision. It distracts the average player a lot.
Other mods are the subject of a heated debate since a lot of players think they amount to cheating (see further down).

 69. Practice. Practice in itself does not suffice but combined with putting these rules into pratice it will generally improve your skills. Remember that it is rare to have an all time win ratio above 50% before having played a few thousand battles.

 70. Guides and videos. To learn more, read the guides and tutorials referenced underneath in Webography and watch Youtube videos by good players. I don’t recommend QuickyBaby that much because in my opinion, he does not explain the tactics enough (but they’re fun to watch). I prefer to watch the French Panboum, Martin Holding aka WaterWar, Taugrim, Lemming Rush or Skill4ltu, for instance.

 71. Platoon, clan, academy and Discord/Teamspeak servers. To learn even more, especially if you want to play at tier VI and over, you generally have to play in a clan : it does help in raising your play skills and your stats (WR, Win7, Win8). An alternative is to go to a WoT academy [19], but there aren’t a lot left nowadays. Another, less exacting alternative is to go join a number of Discord or Teamspeak servers where you can talk with members during the battle and get some advice afterwards. WoT and most community contributors have their own Discord Server. Iyouxin or Panboum (in French) have dynamic ones, for instance.

 72. Breathe ! If you find yourself in a losing streak, playing repeatedly badly or calling your allies names, just quit WoT for some time and get some fresh air ! Electronic games are known to create addiction and frustration (see About the (controversial) matchmaking in World of Tanks hereunder). But WoT is just that : a game, not real life :-)

 73. Discord, Reddit, game chat. Most players take the game very seriouly. They’re obsessed with their win rate, with getting those marks of excellence etc. In the game chat and the Discord channels, experienced players will often be patronizing, even scornful or downright insulting to under average players. They love to call "tomato" (red level, the lowest) or "noob" (someone unable to learn the basics) any player who complains, even if the guy is average. By the way, 47% win ratio is low but not bad and 48 to 49% *is* average (see the WR color chart, it’s the reference). (In other words, average is *not* tomato.) Just ask some advice or discuss with facts, data, screenshots and (most important) replays. If something in your post was unclear or ambiguous, you may add another post. But then just leave and let others continue the discussion. This way you won’t get dragged into a flame war.

If you get insulted by DM, the first alternative is to ask politely the guy to stop or otherwise you’ll report and chat ban him (see for example underneath the words I recently exchanged with a young player). Do that if he goes on. As player cry__about__it wrote in the EU forum, the second alternative is simple : "If you think you played badly, and a player creates a private channel with you after said match, delete the channel and add him to your ignore list — what he has to say could only be bad."

Example of a nice DM exchange between me and another resenting player : from insults to excuses

More useful advice ? Watch Indoorwinner’s two 60 tips videos for beginner and intermediate level : Part I, Part II.


 1. At least on the five maps most frequently played by beginners (Himmelsdorf, Ensk, Prokhorovka, Malinovka, Mines), learn by heart the places where to go to and hide after start.

 2. If you’re not a good player, on all maps, avoid the center : it’s the killing zone. If you’re not too bad (let’s say 48 WR and above), you may go to the center IF it has buildings behind which you can hide, but that’s only for spotting and sniping, NOT for pushing. Always attack/push through the aisles. (Yes, I know, we already said that. But this is a major mistake made by beginners, so it’s worth repeating.)
For a list of other areas to avoid, look at the maps on this post : World of Tanks Where Not To Go On Maps (partly outdated but a must read when you start playing WoT).
By the way, staying alive/not getting killed/surviving is a great way to improve your credit earnings and to make the game more fun since you can participate longer. (Yes, I know, we already said that. But this is another major mistake made by beginners, so it’s worth repeating.)

 3. If, in a given map, you know your team won’t be able to get enough tanks (i.e. generally a minimum of 3) to a bottleneck/chokepoint (place where one must go through to capture the enemy base ou outflank the enemy) before the enemy does, you’d better not rush to this place and instead wait for the enemy at another hidden, well positioned place far enough and from which you can retreat easily without exposing your tank (for instance, don’t use a little rock isolated in an open space and behind which only one or two tanks can hide).

 4. Any big dominant height (hill, sand dune ; but don’t take a simple isolated slope for a dominant height) with enough protection (rocks, houses) on it must be taken and held. It allows you to fire down on the enemy with great efficiency and from a long distance. Take into account that the armor "ceiling" (the armor on the turret’s and engine’s roofs) is very thin.

 5. Always leave a strong mobile (*not* a heavy, this is not its job : rather a fast TD or medium) tank near base/arty. Arties are real assets but cannot defend themselves from other tanks attacking from a short distance. At the end of the battle, when there is only 5 tanks left on each side, keeping your arty alive is of paramount importance

 6. Always look for lines of sight, especially from far away and above, that you can use to fire on enemies from a distance (especially if you play TDs) or which allows to fire on you (whatever you play).
For unheard of sniping positions (which often use bushes), YouTube user cheapbooks has a series of (alas, old) videos called WOT sniping positions. Also have a look YaYa’s Map Positions for Medium Tank Deployment. Again, WoT is largely a map game, so knowing these positions is precious.

7. Learn and use special positions thanks to community contributors’ videos. See for instance Kajzoo’s, Skill4lu’s ones. Also check these scouting spots videos by Kajzoo and Iyouxin. For climbing or diving underwater paths, see Scorpiany’s part 1 and part 2 (a lot of them are exposed to enemy fire). Beware : Wargaming regularly modifies maps so this kind of tips must be regularly updated.

Map guides :

  • in Aslain’s modpack, you will find a box to tick for recommended arty/TD/scouts positions. They will then show on your minimap. This is very basic but also very practical because you can see the spots without having to memorize them nor having to switch your attention to something out of the game
  • map strategies by Chems : using very precise examples on various maps (Cliff, Kharkov, Prokhorovka, Studzianki, Westfield, El Halluf), unicum player Chems advocates that on any map, there is an easier side to push. Just push the easier side and depending on the map either go through middle and spot for people on your side and do some damage, or push the bad side and flank the enemies
  • excellent Map guides / tactics (videos) by MaxGamingFPS
  • Panboum : Map control series of videos (selective) : Fjords, Abbey, Airport, Prokhorovka, Malinovka, Studzianki, Murovanka, Cliff (in French)
  • Claus Kellerman’s map strategy videos
  • Iyouxin’s map guides videos (a list on Iyouxin’s Discord server)
  • YaYa’s Map Positions for Medium Tank Deployment : a very good guide, but not updated after the numerous and important map updates of September 2023
  • to find other map video tutorials, search Google that way : select Videos, then type : wot map [name of map] positions OR spots OR tactics OR strategy (OR in cap letters) then Tools > Date > less than a year.


How does camouflage works ? At how many meters does one have to sit to remain undetected when not firing ? And when firing ? What’s the effect of the CVS equipment at tier 8 to 10 ?

Camouflage (camo) is the actual and effective camo value of your tank at a given moment in battle. It results from the combination of :

  • the stock (default) camo value of the tank
  • the equipment installed on the tank : camo net, low noise exhaust (LNE)
  • relevant crew skills and perks and their percentage : camo skill, brother in arms (BIA)
  • the distance between the targeted tank and the one having its sight on it
  • the existence of a line of sight between the two tanks, without any hard obstacle between the two (house, terrain). A destroyed tank doesn’t count : you can’t hide behind its carcass
  • the presence of plants (trees with or without leaves, bushes).

You can check the resulting camo value of your tank for any given equipment on

Don’t forget that enemy crews equipped with Designated target skill will keep you spotted for up to 17 seconds instead of the usual 10.

Proxy spotting : when two tanks are within 50 m of one another, whatever the obstacles or bushes between them, they will always spot each other. That’s called proxy spotting. When enemies are hiding in bushes, it’s one of the main ways to spot them. But this means you’re also spotted ... and will be fired upon too immediately.

Firing causes you to lose most of your camouflage. But not all. And that’s the point.

First, there is the bush rule : for tanks from tier 1 to 7, if you hide at least 15 m behind a bush when firing, you will not be spotted. But beware, this 15 m rule is wrong at tiers 8 to 10 because of the CVS equipment, since most lights are equipped with it in the curent meta, as Iyouxin explains.

Second, if you add another bush (or a fallen tree) to the first one, you boost your camo rating. Here’s how it works in detail (for more details, see Iyouxin’s explanations) :

  • plants giving +25% camouflage ("25% bush") : grass that you can still see in the sniper mode, or trees or bushes that don’t have leaves on them
  • 50% bush : two of those 25% bushes, or single bush or single tree that has any type of leaves
  • 80% bush : two or more bushs or trees with leaves, or a bush and a fallen tree (both with leaves).

The percentage of your camo lost after firing depends on your tank, and more precisely on the caliber of your gun. The bigger the caliber, the more camo you lose after firing. Go to or in the game for the exact figures.

NB : if playing the *passive* scout, do *not* fire on the enemy. You often won’t penetrate it, you will lose most — not all — of your camouflage, therefore you will get spotted and most probably destroyed in five seconds. The only way to not get spotted in your light tank when firing on mediums and heavies is to use double bush mechanics AND to be at more than 100 m (at tier 1 to 7) or more than 160 m (at tier 8 to 10 because of the effet of CVS) from them as Iyouxin explains. The recommended distance is even greater if you want to remain not spotted by other light tanks.

CVS (commander’s vision system) is available to lights and mediums from tier 8 and over. It removes 15% (20% if put in the right slot) of the camo value of an enemy behind foliage (be it stationary or moving), and 10% (12.5%) of its camo value if it’s moving in the open (i.e. not behind a bush). The higher the vew range, the better CVS is going to work. This makes the case for a second slot dedicated to camo and scouting on mediums.

Optics always outperforms CVS outside of bushes. CVS always outperforms optics when bushes are involved. Note that CVS only really outperforms optics when it comes to bush spotting, optics does quite a bit more to help you spot a moving tank in all situations when a bush is not involved.

If you’re going to use CVS, use optics also. If you have to use just one of the two, use optics.

Chems says CVS is over-hyped but one may disagree with him on this because CVS has become mandatory for lights and is also very useful for mediums in order to counter lights, so much that good players recommend to use CVS over coated optics.

To go further :


  • don’t rely on player’s videos to choose your tank. In this matter, do not follow the advice of WoT community contributors (if they have a press account, then they are CCs), especially when they evaluate premium tanks — they’re compensated in many ways to broadcast on WoT. Moreover, their gameplay has nothing in common with yours
  • play mainly tanks that are profitable in terms of credits — otherwise you’ll be down to zero credits in no time and unable to play without using your credit card. See notes in this post and check the Profit column on’s Tanks economics page
  • as long as you haven’t played 2.000 or 3.000 battles, it is more useful to specialize in a type of tank (e.g. heavy tank) and then to grind through a line of this type (Soviet heavy tanks), rather than hopping from one type of tank to another one or — worse — from one line to another one
  • it is generally recommended to begin with heavy tanks (the KV-1 is probably the best heavy tank for a beginner) before moving to TDs and then scouts. Do not begin with scouts or artillery
  • that a tank is considered overpowered (OP) doesn’t automatically mean it’s the best tank for you. So choose your OP tank wisely, test it and do not hesitate to sell it back if you don’t succeed in it a minimum (44 WR).
    For more information, see our comprehensive list of OP tanks further down. The most important criteria apart from your own feeling is how much WR over the player’s own the tank offers in average. That statistic, called the tank curve, is listed at : look for your own average WR in the game, check how much WR the tank makes and select tanks that make more than +1 WR
  • that a tank is premium (i.e. available for a fee or as a reward) doesn’t automatically mean it’s the best tank for you. But it’s an indication, because as of August 2022, at least one third if not half of premium tanks are overpowered. In other words, the percentage of OP tanks among premium tanks is much higher than among normal tanks and this percentage is growing [20]. Before 2018, all premium tanks had a major weakness in order to counter balance their qualities. That’s no longer the case.
    Apart from their being frequently OP, their other two crucial advantages are :
    • premium tanks earn more credits
    • premium tanks don’t get nerfed by Wargaming (players would stop buying so many if Wargaming changed their performances) so their characteristics don’t change. Nevertheless, old premium tanks are often victims of "power creep" themselves, i.e. the newer premiums are better than them
  • play a tank you’re comfortable with. If you have played a tank dozens of times and read the guides about its gameplay but still don’t understand how to take advantage of it, just sell it.


There are two main resources that allow you to visualise in detail and through all angles any tank’s (effective) armor. Here, we’re not talking about a weak spots guide. We’re talking about much more detailed, complete apps.

For a not-so-limited yet quick and simple visualisation of armor, go to > click on Tanks > Full list in the upper left corner > CTRL+F > type the first letters of the tank name > select the tank > click on the 3D Model tab > change the selection from Collision to Live to visualise the thickness of its armor and its efficiency through all angles. For instance, the tier X, British premium heavy tank FV215b (183) armor (above). The default probability of penetration is that of the tank’s standard gun itself. It can be changed to any other tank : click on Compare > search and select your tank then its current gun > Save.

WoT Inspector has not just its Armor Inspector, but a lot of other features such as comparing two different tanks and including Blitz and console versions of WoT. Also, it’s got mobile versions for Android and iOS. But it’s only partially free and may not work on low bandwith connections.



Here is a list of good to have (and legal) mods :

  • XVM (open source software) : shows the WR or recent WN8 of players and real-time damage done to enemy tanks (ok by me)
  • Aslain’s modpack : a pack comprising a limited number of "legal" mods, including XVM. Often recommended, but not by everyone. For a long time, I prefered to play without it. For instance, it comprises hitskins, a mod showing tanks’ weak spots in battle (not ok by me, see why in these comments). Aslain’s modpack often brings a number of problems with it. For example, in version 1.3 of WoT, Aslain’s modpack had deactivated the "2" key : I couldn’t change the ammunition type !

To know which mods in Aslain’s pack are really useful, watch Top 5 Mods To Help You Win More Games video by 13Disciple. Or use my own Aslain’s modpack parameters hereunder :

  • XVM :
    • Over the target markers :
      • Weapon reloading time :
        • Weapon reloading time : allies
        • Weapon reloading time : enemy
        • Weapon reloading time : always visible
        • OTM by Aslain :
          • HP bar size :
            • HP bar : thick
          • First line in HP bar :
            • First line : name of tank :
              • Star mark for premium tanks
              • Colored by ally/enemy
            • Second line in HP bar :
              • Second line : player’s pseudo
            • Left side of HP bar :
              • Left : Roman digits
            • Right side of HP bar :
              • Right : Roman digits
            • Rating marker :
              • Rating marker : square
            • OTM tier icons :
              • OTM tier icons : Default
              • OTM tier icons : colors by default
          • Floating marker for destroyed vehicules :
            • Angel wings for allied and enemy tanks
          • Shed intensity behind OTM :
            • Thick shade
    • Panels and windows (in battle) : [personaly, I select non XVM panels and windows]
      • Panels by Quickybaby [not a bad choice]
      • if Panels by Aslain :
        • [uncheck all "Remove ..." (vehicle name etc.) but "rank badge icon", "XVM icons" and "country flags"]
        • Battle loading : simple with vehicule names
        • TAB menu : simple with vehicule names
    • Minimap XVM :
      • [keep default XVM parameters]
    • Damage done history by XVM
      • Damage done history by XVM
    • XVM statistics :
      • 6 colors by XVM (better blue color)
    • Sixth sense parameters :
      • Sixth sense alert duration :
        • 12 sec.
      • Personalised icon :
        • XVM icon : Light bulb
    • XVM hangar parameters :
      • [hide all buttons but promotional offers]
      • Show master badges in tech tree
      • Crew auto return
      • [enable all XVM padlocks]
      • Hangar clock :
        • 24h
        • More visible color
      • Carousel by XVM :
        • Carousel’s normal cells :
          • Use the game’s settings
          • Show detailed information on the carousel :
            • By XVM team (left : master badge, average damage : right : number of battles played, win rate)
        • Carousel : mask stats window which appears on mouse-over
    • Other XVM parameters :
      • Enable auto-login to the game
      • Show latency to the server (ping)
      • Show online users at login screen
      • Show team WN8 with chances of victory :
        • Team WN8 : position #1
  • Modpacks (without XVM) (even if you select one of the "Modpacks (without XVM)" settings hereunder, most of the "XVM" settings above apply nevertheless) :
    • Tanks icons contours :
      • Aslain icon :
        • Tanks icons contours with tier in roman digits
    • Camera mods :
      • Zoom in sniper mod :
        • 2-4-8-16x
      • Extended zoom in arcade mode : 100 m max.
      • Zoom out in tactical view : 60 m max.
      • Zoom sensitivity in arcade mode : Middle (10)
      • Deactivate gun’s shaking after having fired
      • Deactivate the red flash when you receive a shell
      • Activate free camera in replays (F3)
      • Activate horizontal stabilisation in sniper mode
    • Crosshairs :
      • Crosshair : Destroyer Green
      • Aiming aid mods :
        • Automaim+ indication :
          • Announce reload with "C" key
    • Fire request marker :
      • Fire request marker : arrow :
        • Yellow
    • Consumables panel :
      • Information on consumables, armor and equipment by Hawg :
        • Green
    • Friend notification
    • Hidden parameters
    • Non-XVM sixth sense :
      • none
    • Graphic mods :
      • Remove fog :
        • Remove fog and glare
      • WOT optimisation :
        • Deactivate carcass smoke
        • Deactivate smoke and flames
    • Hangar mods :
      • Hangar appearance :
        • Free camera in hangar and replays
      • Battle result window v1 by Frost
      • Underline selected tank :
        • in red
      • Vehicule parameters in one list
      • De-anonymiser on battle result
      • View hits received during battle (see where you were hit and where you hit the enemies)
      • Replay manager (this mod and the previous one are useful if you want to get better at the game)
      • Armor viewer in garage :
        • by ProTanki
      • Automatic crew return :
        • OldSkool
      • Editable tank filters set
    • Sounds :
      • Realistic "historic" gun sounds pack by Gnomefather
      • Realistic "historic" motor sounds pack by Gnomefather
    • Mods minimap :
      • Minimap images :
        • Main :
          • Minimap images with spots for arty-TD-scouts (dots).

Note that :

  • close WoT before installing Aslain’s (or any other modpack)
  • you have to choose at the top "Option 3 : Custom choices"
  • after Aslain’s modpack installation, don’t forget to activate the XVM services (on the XVM web site) in order to see players’ stats in game. Also, you have to prolong this activation each two weeks on the XVM web site
  • after each installation, your settings are memorized. When you install the next version, they will appear automatically
  • if you want to change your settings, re-install the modpack and while doing so change the settings
  • you don’t have to update the modpack each time there’s a new version of WoT, but let’s say that if you don’t do it every 2 to 3 weeks, your modpack will eventually stop working
  • if the game doesn’t launch correctly after an update of Aslain’s, start by uninstalling the modpack (Windows Settings > Applications > Installed applications), restart your PC and then restart the game. If the game behaves correctly, wait for Aslains’ next version before re-installing it.

All mods have to be updated at each WoT major change of version. And given the frequency of WoT updates (approximately once every two weeks), tha’s a real pain ... and one of the reasons why I don’t use mods.

Since November 2016, Wargaming has started building a fair-play (i.e. anti-cheats) policy. Here are WG posts on this policy, read them carefully :

Extracted from WG’s April 2019 post cited above, here are the main mods which are banned :

  • « revealing the positions of enemies in a way not included in the vanilla client ». Such as :
    • « marking objects destroyed on the playing field, altering the display of shell flight tracers or calculating and displaying the position of enemy artillery with tracers, as well as those that keep spotted vehicles displayed, even when a player is not aiming at them and isn’t in their line of sight »
    • « making it easier to block an enemy’s shell by indicating their exact aiming point (for example, with a laser beam) » ("lazers" ; example)
  • « alerting you when spotted vehicles are reloading, including displaying an enemy’s reloading timer »
  • « auto-aim ("aimbots") — that provide more functionality than the "aim lock" in the vanilla client, including those that aim at the enemy’s weak spots, or at weakly armored vehicles/at enemy vehicles in general, and also fix the sight on the target behind an obstacle or calculate the lead instead of the player ».

Sanctions : if WG finds you’re using illegal mods :

  • first time : you get a warning and a 7 day account suspension (ban)
  • second time : permanent ban.

Note that those rules do not include mods that indicates enemy armor and weak points. For an example of such a mod, see Klaus Kellerman’s video WOT - Cheating, Pay To Win & Esports at 13:23, dated November 2018.

More mods :

As most massively multiplayer online gaming communities (MMO), WoT has its cheaters. And althought the game publisher has issued harder rules against them in November 2016 and cheating has receded, their implementation does not seem to be systematic.

For a long time Wargaming wasn’t banning auto-aim, neither de juro [21] nor de facto. Although aimbot mods are now officially banned, they remain used (see links to Sir Foch’s video infra). Examples of aimbots include Ogre and Shaytan : see Gox WoT Mods : Aimbots.

A lot of guides and 95% of forumers pretend cheating is impossible in World of Tanks because, they say, it is server based and the server can’t be hacked. Another way to say that is "everything you can’t see cannot be used".

But in March 2015, the French blog WoT France published a post titled "World of triche" (World of cheating), describing in detail the different ways to quasi-cheat or cheat downright. On February 2016, Rita Sobral, on her quite-respected blog Status Report, analysed a replay sent to her and acknowledged it to be from a player using an "aimbot". She then wrote that WG is "is seeking to fight illegal mods". And in March 2016, QuickyBaby, one of the quasi-official (at the time) Wargaming WoT professional players, issued a video acknowledging that some modpack aiming assistance (aim assist mod or aimbot) are a cheat and are "illegal" (aka will get your account deleted) according to WG. In August 2017, Sobral re-confirmed aimbots in WoT are for real and pointed at numerous videos showing the problem. But she also re-confirmed Wargaming doesn’t care at all. Other community contributors (as the gaming industry calls those famous players) have published videos similar as QuickyBaby’s one on cheating.

Well, the game being server based is a reality (shots calculation and their results are done only on the server, and a random number generator (RNG) adds some random to your shots’ results ; also, you can’t make your tank really invisible). But that still leaves a lot of information available to the client software, i.e. on your PC (such as the location of the enemy tank, its speed, its direction, its type, when it has last shot), and that information, connected to a database of tanks characteristics (weak spots, time between shots ...), can be used to build cheating mods.

So cheating is possible using certain mods, especially the free Gox WoT Mod pack and for a fee Warpack (see below). The cheat mods include, for example, Tundra Mod, which removes from your view trees and houses that can be fired through, Lazers, which tells you where enemy guns are pointing i.e. whether they can fire on your tank [22], and and a number of aimbots (such as AimBot-Shaytan or AutoAim by SAE) which automatically drive your gun reticule on the enemy tank weak spots and sometimes even give lead to the target (locked aiming from WoT doesn’t move around searching for best weakspots like it does here, it stays locked in the center of the target). What makes Warpack "interesting", so to say, is its mods go through a remote server (which gives the information back to the player), making the detection tricky.

Up until March 2016, WG EU seemed not to have any problem with these mods. Apparently, only laser pointers were supposed to be banned but since the mods are on the client (your PC) and WG does not scan your PC for them, they can’t be detected. The risks of course when you use such mods is to get viruses with them, to see your game client slow down or to have your computer crash when you play WoT.

This is not to say that all cheat mods are that much effective (it’s mostly aimbots which really are, as can be seen in this French replay), but nevertheless any beginner should know about their existence since, again, they are de facto not banned from the game and do seem to remain used (less than before, to be honest). In 2017, some players were saying that about one fifth of WoT players were using cheat mods, and that most clans exacted their members to use a set number of them. If you take into account that in January and February 2019, in public battles, 4 players out of 15 in average were clan members, then ...

As of April 2020, one sees more (illegal) mods allowing to see and fire through walls ("transparency"). But all in all, it seems cheating with mods had receded in WoT.

That is, up until 2024, and the arrival of a software (or a mod) that reveals (through the Internet) the positions or every tank the infected computer can see to the cheater. Even Dakilzor and DezGamez worry about it.

Apart from certain mods, other cheats exist in WoT.


Let’s talk about one which also seems to have receded : bots. These for-a-fee programs drive your tank automatically while at the same time emulating a human player (very) basic behavior. They are de jure prohibited by Wargaming (see rule 4.07 of the game). Most popular (sigh...) are dniwebot (from Warpack), Cyber Tank and Tankleader.
According to forum threads and surveys, bots account for less than 10% of the "players".
According to Cyber Tank’s web site, they are "safe" from WG’s detection programs until tier V. The main aim of bots is to farm credits and grind tanks without any pain. While giving your account a bad win rate (WR) of 40 to 45%.
In order to prevent his bot-using-account from getting banned by Wargaming, according to all testimonies about botting, one should buy in-game virtual property, the most useful being premium time and premium tanks.

As an ex-boter puts it on Reddit [23] :
wotbotthrowaway : « Reports came a lot. If enough people reported it then the game automatically penalized all credits and xp earned for that battle. I never received a ban on either account though I did receive a harsh email from WG once. [...] »
tg110e5 : « My theory is since some people spend so much money on this game, WG doesn’t want to ban someone who spends 100-200$ a month on WoT, they only ban the cheap cheaters. »
wotbotthrowaway : « My original intention was to just use the bot to get myself a T95E2 quickly and then never boot it up again but when I saw how quickly it unlocked tanks and how much silver it made, it was honestly too much temptation for me to overcome. I thought "oh the E4 is on track now. Maybe I’ll just use it to get enough silver and xp to unlock that on the main." Then it was "well I’m not that far from the T-54 now and oh man the Kranvagn looks great maybe I’ll just bot the whole swedish line." It’s a very slippery slope that is encouraged by WoT’s hellish stock grinds. [...]
The way WoT is set up it’s either invest time and money into playing the game with a premium account or spend a bit on a bot that will get you money and xp while you do other things. I feel like anything that WG could do that would make botting less appealing (make stock grinds better, rework gold rounds, actually look at balancing the game) would cut into the things which make them the most money. »
w0nk0 : « The blame is all on WG. They could easily identify bots with a little AI of their own, but they choose not to. They choose to effectively allow botting. »
wotbotthrowaway : « I don’t remember my exact WR before but I want to say it was 51-53% and it fell to 46% [...] If you care about stats at all then you should never bot. It absolutely destroys WN8 and win percentage. »

Bots had receded in the last years, but in January 2024, Quickybaby detected a "factory of bot accounts not firing a single shot", which may indicate that bots are back.

NB : Wargaming, confronted with the dwindling number of players, has created, at low tiers, their own bots to make up for the lack of real players. They can be easily identified by the fact that their pseudo begins and ends with a colon ( :).


A third cheat is buying accounts to better one’s stats. Experienced player Lemming Rush showed a quasi-proof of that on his Youtube channel.

Its is also, alas, possible to have your account hacked. A basic counter measure is to regularly change your password. Another is to use 2 factor authentication (2FA). That generally means adding your phone number to your Wargaming account.


A fourth, growing cheat in the 2020’s is rigging battles by agreeing with enemy players from the same clan/platoon (or with companies paying players) that they are going to (voluntarily) loose the battle by feeding themselves to your shells. As QuickyBaby and Panboum showed in September 2022 (and Iyouxin in December 2022). A few days later Claus Kellerman discovered that companies provide for money enemy tanks to shoot and kill. In 2023, mouzAkrobat published his own video on the matter. Those rigged battles can be detected by the number of players doing zero damage while at the same time not firing their guns or just firing one or two shots and nearly not moving at all — generally two or three players but it can be up to six. There are companies doing that for all kinds of online games : they pay players to loose so that paying players (their "clients") better their stats and unlock reward tanks.

In a number of cases, the tanks offering themselves as targets in a game are all driven by one person (see example exposed by Iyouxin). This cheater has generally hacked the accounts of good players by sending them an enticing link.

See also this Reddit thread.


"Boosting" an account consists in sharing your WoT access codes with a better player who will play your tanks for a while, in order not only to better your stats but also to farm credits and give you access to reward tanks otherwise out of reach for you. Generally, that takes place through boosting services. See for example this one’s FAQ :

They even advertise their services in the garage chat :

The WoT game rule states at 2.08. that "All types of ads for sale, exchange, or other options for the transfer of accounts from one user to another violate EULA and are prohibited in all game chats and channels. So that renders "boosting" illegal and the gamer might get his account banned.

Nevertheless, "WoT boost" query on Jan. 7, 2024 in Google delivered at least 40 links to boosting services ... Which means there are a lot of good players out there cheating for the benefit of others while earning money.

These "boosted" accounts can be detected :

  • by players when using any game mod displaying gamers’ WR in game : if his WR is not in line with its performance in the battle (as stated on the battle results’ panel), just go check the player’s daily stats on and if you see a sudden rise in WR followed by a sharp drop down, then the player is definitely a cheater. Then report him
  • by Wargaming by looking for a change in the IP address of the player, if he doesn’t mask from the start.

All popular games have services like this (COD, Destiny etc.), and as they are exterior to Wargaming and not involving any software, it’s hard to stop them. As Reddit user BaboonsRule writes : "Giving the best tanks to the best players has given us boosting companies. Which WG could stop if they wanted. The only good to come of that is having a clueless clown in a fancy reward tank. As long as he’s on the other team."

An experienced player considers that there is a risk for the "boosted" player : "You are trusting they won’t be using banned mods, you’re trusting they won’t be doing the missions with friends and counting down and rigging at 4am server time where it’s more obvious cheating is going on."

Clearly, boosting and in a lesser extent rigging have now replaced bots as the main ways to cheat at WoT.


Some gamers consider there is a fifth cheat in WoT, a totaly legal one this time : premium (so-called "gold") ammo. True, it’s cheap enough to be called that.


To end this sorry section, let’s talk about bullying : as for the bots, it has receded, but you will see at least some of it in WoT.

Some rare players will bully you on principle because you’re a beginner — a noob as they say.

The worst species of bullies are the ones who do that for fun, such as Chems, who even publishes his (and his friends) exploits on Youtube.

There are four possible answers :

  • ignore them
  • move away from them
  • report them as "Unsportmans’ like conduct" in the chat and if necessary in your account on the WoT web site (in the Support section)
  • if you’re not afraid to be reported yourself, and your tank is a heavy, block their tank or push it into the firing line.

Some more frequent (experienced) players will push your tank out of a firing (and farming) spot and curse you on the chat because you have taken a firing spot that they deem is theirs (because in their opinion, you won’t be able to do the same damage to the enemy team as they know they can do, which is generally true). To be honest, being now experienced and aware of the part good players take in the outcome of the battle, I feel it’s legitimate to exact from bad players to let good players access farming spots. I have personally and shamelessly pushed newbies when they didn’t accept to leave such spots. I don’t consider this practice bullying if done by a clearly better player. But it shall be reminded that the WoT game rules states that "pushing an allied tank into line of fire, pushing allied tanks off of cliffs, bridges, into water, etc." is "prohibited".


For all abuses and cheats, Wargaming response is, according to players testimonies, generally weak : one day or (very rarely) one weak suspensions, and that’s all. Permanent ban is very rare. And even in that case, the sanctioned player just creates another account ... It seems a ban based on the IP address of the player’s computer is totally uncommon. And one shall add that it’s perfectly possible for anyone to mask his real IP address.

A a Reddit user puts it :

"I have been involved in dozens of account shares and reward tank grinds as someone who has been around since alpha/beta and I can’t think of a single [permanent] ban from people I know. Take a look at how many 279es are on the servers and look at some of the players who have them in their garage. You are telling me these people all earned them legitimately ? Really ?
And a lot of these players also spend money in the Wargaming premium shop. They’re a revenue stream. Wargaming isn’t going to touch them. [...] Enforcement is weak. The playerbase everywhere is shrinking and they want to maintain as many players as possible. Unless the person you are paying is ruining the experience for others (counting in/rigging) or blatantly cheating... your account is unlikely to be banned."

Sources for mods, cheats and bullying :


About the (controversial) matchmaking in World of Tanks

You may read the (very technical and boring) article about the matchmaker on the WoT Wiki or Wargaming’s official stance, but if you want a summary, here it is :

  • the tier of your vehicle is the only personal factor used when determining which vehicles it is possible for you to be matched against
  • the matchmaking in WoT consists in the following : the MM on tier 3 is -1+2, so you can face tier 2 as lowest and tier 5 as max. Then on tier 4 and up you will get the standard +/-2. However light tanks can have different matchmaking (MM), the wiki clearly states which these are.

Let’s say it loud and clear : in WoT’s matchmaking system, player’s skill doesn’t count. The reality is approximately only one out of 7 to 8 games has relatively equal matchmaking, i.e. player skills are roughly equal. At tiers 8 to 10, the situation may seem better : according to unicum pro player QuickyBaby, « at higher tiers [...] one in five games is simply uncarryable ». But that’s from a very good player, not a below average one. I can personally certify that for below average players, high tier battles are (nearly) as frustrating as in low tiers. In other words : if you’re a beginner at WoT or an under average player, whatever the tier, you will be crushed most of the time.

World of Tanks is a team game, so it’s the sum of each team players’ skills which, more often than not, dictates the outcome. Therefore, even if you’ve made a lot of progress in terms of performance in the game (generally mesured by statistics such as win rate (WR), WN8 etc.), you have very little chance of winning by your own personal skills — but on average you’ll win a little more often.

Just to show how difficult it is to play against matchmaking’s odds (i.e. when you get a bad team and fight against a good enemy team), watch super player Lemming Rush play three battles very intelligently but nevertheless to no avail.

This situation is worsened for below average players by the fact that as World of Tanks ages (the game launched in 2010), and as demonstrated by pro player QuickyBaby (see Intro above), it attracts less and less new players (commonly refered to as "tomatoes"). So the proportion of experienced players has grown to the point where an occasional or under average player is highly disadvantaged in the game because he no longer encounters any "tomato" but mostly experienced to very experienced players.

Being so helpless can become very frustrating, especially when you encounter a losing streak. And the thing is : Wargaming does it on purpose — a lot of actors in the gaming industry consciously create player’s frustration and use it.

According to Keith Stuart, the Guardian’s games and technology journalist, in video game design, « frustration has been there from the beginning [...] Fustration is rarely an accident – not to good game designers. Those guys know what they’re doing » [24]. He cites Mike Bithell, the Bafta-nominated creator of platforming game, Thomas Was Alone : « I feel like frustration might be a side effect of compelling games. Whenever I’ve liked a ’frustrating’ game, it’s not been for the frustration, it’s been for the moment of success which follows. In that sense, I guess frustration is contextually important, as the memory of a frustrating moment makes the win far more satisfying. »

At the same time, Keith Stuart writes : « All games are systems of abstraction – they remove elements of reality in order to get to the kernel of fun. [...] In games, we just want to get to the fun. So maybe frustration is a failure of abstraction – it’s when a game doesn’t quite remove us from the labour of activity ».

Back to Wargaming and WoT : why, would you ask, frustrate the player base, especially since a lot of players (apart from the best ones, of course) regularly ask in forums for the matchmaking system to be fixed ? Well, because that induces players into :

  • a) playing more to try to get out of that frustrating losing streak (and the longer you play a free-to-play game, the more you spend on extra features and special objects)
  • b) buying a premium account, which allows you to lose less credits when you lose battles
  • c) buying overpowered (OP) premium tanks, which allows you to win more often
  • d) and going to tier X, the most expensive one in terms of credits but the only one where you won’t face an enemy above your own tier.

The absence of skill as a criteria in the matchmaking system remains, to me and a lot of players of all levels, the major drawback of the game. But it’s clearly part of the design of WoT. I nevertheless hope this guide will help you lessen the frustration :-) See especially rule 71. above.

Wargaming, as of September 2022, have introduced Onslaught, a new competitive mode reserved to tier X tanks, in which « the matchmaker will take your position in the mode’s Ranked System into account and automatically find opponents close to your rating. It will assemble teams of equal strength based on their rating gained in Onslaught. As a result, players will clash with each other in intense battles, fighting on an equal playing field to discover who is best. » This means WG is perfectly capable to build a matchmaker system giving under average players more chances not to be overwhelmed and defeated by the enemy team in 5 min. This also means that WG *could*, if they really wish so, make the game more fun that it has, alas, become. A more technical proof of that resides in a Wargaming’s patent claim dating from 2013, titled Dynamic battle session matchmaking in a multiplayer game, where one can read the following : « Using battle levels as described herein, matchmaking Servers can assign players to sessions to provide players with varied gaming experiences without frustrating or boring the player. Battle sessions are balanced while the difficulty levels of the battle session for each player are controlled. [...] As players progress and advance in experience, the player (or vehicle) will gradually be moved into higher battle levels based on the experience, attributes, and capabilities of each player’s characters and/or vehicles. ».

For a discussion on the solutions to the MM’s problem (and others), listen to those videos by major content contributors / unicums and the technical solutions they propose :

Apart from the matchmaking (not being skill-balanced) problem, according to Skill4ltu and Chems, the other major problems making the game boring and/or rage-quitting (and discussed in the above videos) are :

  • gold ammunition becoming compulsory in the face of armor power creep
  • wheeled light tanks lighting up everybody in the first 15 seconds of the battle and too fast to kill — aka the EBR problem
  • battles have become too fast
  • a small number of overpowered reward tanks (mainly T95/FV4201 Chieftain and Object 279 (e))
  • unbalanced maps.

How to push Wargaming towards those solutions ? Hit their wallet — since WG has no attractive competitor. War Thunder (WT) is more realistic but not attractive, period [25], and Armored Warfare (AW) is nearly dead or in other words, in a coma [26]. Both major WoT community contributors Skill4ltu and Chems say the same : stop buying lootboxes or buy twice less than you intended/usually do, and do not buy the next battle pass. Those events are giving you less and less gold (in-game currency) and less and less interesting tanks.

Overpowered vehicles (OP) : a selective list and a comprehensive one

Underneath you will find two lists of tanks which are obviously "above average" (as the British say) — overpowered (OP) as they say in the game and in the forums. Strictly speaking, an OP tank is a tank in which most players (and that includes bad and average players) do better in terms of win ratio (WR) than their average.

NB : as of 13 April 2024, none of the new Polish TDs are OP on average. But the interesting thing is the Blyskawica (tier 10), the Gonkiewicza (tier 9), the Kilana (tier 8), the Gowika (tier 7), the Burza (tier 6) and the Zadymka (tier 5) are OP for players under 48 WR.

You will notice there are two huge pool of overpowered vehicules :

  • the first pool is in tiers 2 to 5, most of them non premium (i.e. free). So if you’re not a good player, you can remain in those tiers — which, remember, cost much less in game credits and real money than high tiers — and still have a wide range of OP tanks from which to choose in order to better your stats. The two caveats here are :
    • there tends to be more tomato (total beginners) or bad players at those tiers than at tier 8, so battles are somewhat (not that much) less balanced and more frustrating
    • at tier 1 to 3, there are often two third of bots. It’s neither a drawback nor an advantage since the proportion is the same on each team and all bots are the same bad players but it will generally lower the quality and the fun of the game
    • you will have to wait much more than in highier tiers before the battle starts (2 to 3 min. while at tier 8 this takes generaly 20 sec.)
  • the second pool is in tier 8 : not only nearly all of them are premium but you’re going to spend much more credits at this tier. As we already talked about, playing high tiers in WoT is expensive.

You’ll notice the proportion of OP vehicules is much higher among premium tanks — especially so at tier 8. That was not the case until the beginning of 2017 when Wargaming began to see its player base eroding and started looking for a way to allow them to fare better in the game with less effort while retaining the old players ... and keeping the cash coming in. More OP premium tanks was clearly the answer chosen by WG.

Test OP tanks and see which ones you like and are successful in. Use them as much as you can. Do not hesitate to sell tanks in which your stats are poor (under 42, 43 or 44 WR, depending on your own WR) after you’ve played approx. 40 to 50 battles — you could use the credits they cost to get better ones. One should use the best tanks, period. But remember : not all OP tanks are for you — in fact, a huge number of them are not suitable for beginners. Or they may not suit your play style. The real challenge is finding the tanks which a) suit your play style and b) in which you do better than your average WR. Some of them won’t be overpowered at all.

Overpowered vehicles (OP) : my own, selective list

This list favors deliberately my own preferences among tanks in which I’ve generally done more than 49 WR since the beggining.

To know more bout each tank in this selective list, simply type Ctrl + F and the name of the tank to search for it in the comprehensive list.

Tier II :

  • Pz. 38h
  • M2 Light
  • VAE Type B
  • 7TP
  • I-Go/Chi-Ro

Tier III :

  • Pz. S35
  • Somua S35
  • T-28E F-30
  • M2 Medium
  • Pz. III E
  • T3 Convert.
  • BT-7 Art.
  • Marder 38T
  • FCM36Pak40
  • Lorraine 39L AM

Tier IV :

  • M8A1
  • Pz. B2
  • Pz. III J
  • SU-76G FT
  • SU-76M

Tier V :

  • T1 Heavy
  • Mitsu 108
  • Churchill III
  • Pz. KW I
  • KV-1Sh
  • Ram II
  • Pz. T 25
  • StuG III G
  • S35 CA
  • M10 RBFM
  • leFH18B2
  • Bishop

Tier VI :

  • T-34-85M
  • M6
  • Type 64
  • Super Chaffee
  • Sherman Firefly VC
  • WZ-131G FT
  • KV-1S
  • VK 28.01 105

Tier VII :

  • (Churchill) Black Prince
  • BZ-58
  • Super Hellcat
  • Chi-To SP
  • ISU-122S
  • Ju-To
  • Challenger

Tier VIII :

  • BZ-176
  • Skoda T 56
  • Vipera
  • Ka-Ri
  • TS-5
  • GSOR 1008
  • Rhm.-B. WT
  • LT-432

Tier IX :

  • WT auf Pz. IV
  • Obj. 752
  • Leopard PT A

Overpowered vehicles (OP) : a comprehensive list, tier by tier

This list relies on statistics firstly :

  • web site by Goldfarb (I refer to the EU server stats) which has statistics based mainly on the last 60 days but those statistics are not exhaustive
  • statistics gathered on the second week of February 2018 (WoT version 9.22) by Schust on public battles on the RU server. Schust’s stats are too old now but they were totally indisputable at the time and I have replaced the links to those pages by links to’s ones, keeping some links to Schust’s stats to show a tank’s evolution due to the changes in the game meta, buffs and nerfs
  • the Wotinfo web site "Nerf barometer", which shows the average vehicle statistics of all WoT vehicles, but this report is based only on data of users who visits Wotinfo and here too, the WR of tanks is highly dependent on the level of players who play them. Wotinfo’s Nerf barometer doesn’t have a large player base and has not been updated since 19 March 2021 so I use its stats very rarely
  • in some rare instances, I used Wotlabs’ stats (EU server stats). The site is now dead. Because Neverwish, the web site owner, maintained a modified photo of Putin as Hitler, his site was hacked by a totally unknown hacker group and, no longer playing WoT and no longer being active in the community, he chose to take it down. Contrary to the WoT forums, wotlabs had authorised’s WayBack Machine to reproduce and archive its pages so I converted wotlab URLs to their archived versions on the WayBack Machine.

Apart from those stats, I add extracts from Wargaming’s WoT wiki and in certain instances my own under-average player’s point of view. I also mention Skill4ltu’s rating.

To be honest, this comprehensive OP tanks list is not 100% comprehensive but tries to be and I regularly update it. Vehicles retired by Wargaming are not listed — although I may cite some famous ones in the notes.

To try and update the comprehensive list, go to Skill4ltu’s web site and select the rating "Epic". The three major drawbacks to Skill’s index are :

  • he doesn’t rate tanks under tier V
  • he’s talking to the average or good player rather than the under average or beginner
  • the "Epic" (5/5) appreciation by Skill4ltu doesn’t fully match what we call "OP" here.

If the list hereunder is too long or time-consuming to read for you, you may prefer to have a look at my own personal selection (see above) or watch iFacePalm’s Top 3 Tech Tree and Premium Tanks of Each Tier videos. I agree with most if not all his recommendations. But do listen carefully to his comments — often, he’ll imply the tank he’s commenting is not for a beginner or an under-average player. Also, his is a limited selection.

Now pay attention : being OP or not is largely a question of definition. There are, roughly speaking, two definitions :

  • OP = according to players opinions expressed in forums such as Reddit’s r/WorldofTanks (WoT official Discord servers are unusable, being near to unsearchable, unindexed by Web search engines and posts are much too short, with people not giving any arguments) and videos (but remember that videos are all made by very good players). These opinions are too subjective and too dependent on the player’s level. For instance, good to very good players rank tanks with high mobility, low dispersion, average alpha and short reload time but close to no armor higher than slow, high alpha, heavily armored ones
  • OP = tank in which a huge sample of players (at least all the players of one big server, in Schust’s case the Russian one, or players subscribing to a mod collecting stats) achieve better WR than their own personal WR. This definition eliminates the classic bias of a tank being the favorite vehicule of good players. In’s case, I retain tanks having clearly positive win rate (WR) differential on, at least for players under 48 WR. In the case of, the potential drawback of the player base is being more and more mitigated by three facts : a)’s popularity is growing so more an more players are sending them their stats, b) they now have a partnership with Aslain’s modpack, so their sample of players is statistically representative and c), since 2023, has been offering the same type of stats Schust did offer (but look at the number of battles played in the tank).

Here, because I’m writing a guide for newbies and under average players, I have chosen to use data relying firstly on’s data for the reasons mentioned above. It tells you which tank will you rank better in for sure 95% of the time.

Warning :

  • as already said, the main basis for this list of OP tanks are stats, mainly the WR of each tank (called tank curves)
  • to verify that a tank is OP for you or simply test it, don’t try it stock, but with all modules upgraded — the gun first and foremost — and a crew with at least 100% experience
  • even the most OP premiums are not "automatic win" buttons. If you are crap, you will do just a little better than in other tanks — in other words, in average you’ll be a little less crap. No OP tank will turn a 48% WR player into a 55% player, more like it will get him towards 49 or 50%
  • some tanks may seem overpowered in the game or on videos, but when you look at their stats or try them, you may be very disappointed. This is because they’re not really OP, they just suit the play style of very good players and therefore they are played by a majority of good to very good players
  • some tanks which are not OP at all will suit so much your play style that, for you (and only for you), they’ll stand as OP
  • the best sniper TDs (often called "glass cannons") are less and less OP because the game meta has evolved so much towards more armor, more firepower and more mobility. A sniper TD has only one of those three attributes (firepower). As of 2024, the best tanks tend to be very strongly armored heavies or assault TDs with mobility as good as mediums like the Vipera or heavy mediums with insane armor and powerful autoloaders, i.e. tanks that are closest to "jacks of all trades". Versatility is the key to winning in WoT, nowadays.

NB : I mention in the footnotes :

  • tanks which are not OP but close or deserving a mention because they are fun to play/popular
  • tanks which were OP but no longer are
  • OP tanks definitely taken out of the game.

Tier I OP tanks

Tier II OP tanks

Tier 2 lights [27] :

  • Hotchkiss H35 : slow but well armored and gifted with a good rate of fire. Use the 25mm gun. Very OP
  • D1 : probably balanced for players above 46 WR
  • Cruiser Mk. II, if and only if equipped with the 3.7-inch Howitzer gun.

    For the Cruiser II equipped with this Howitzer gun, most tanks are a one-shot. OK, it’s OP, but remember : it is slow and its armor is awfully weak so you’ve got to be very good at peek-a-boom. Not that profitable in terms of credits

  • Tetrarch (premium). Quite OP. Very mobile but best played as a sniper because it has nearly no armor
  • Pz. II. Good speed, excellent maneuverability and correct armor. Its 2 cm Flak 38 L/112 auto-cannon can penetrate nearly every other vehicle at its tier or below, and well-aimed shots can penetrate most tier 3 tanks. Clearly OP (between +2 and +3 WR) whatever the player’s rank but credit-greedy because without gold ammo you won’t penetrate higher tier opponents
  • Pz. 38h (premium, reward tank). It is basically a Hotchkiss H35 with significantly better top speed, hit points, traverse, view range, signal range, penetration, rate of fire, aim time and accuracy. And of course, it retains its very good armor. But it remains very slow — too slow to reposition or decap. Awfully OP (gives between +4 and +6 WR). Probably the most OP tank at tier 2 but beware : due to its very high matchmaking weight, in most cases, you’ll end up in tier 3 games, where your superiority disappears so equiping it with improved hardening instead of turbo is a good idea
  • M2 Light. Use it with the Hispano-Suiza Birgikt 20 mm auto-cannon, which does a lot of damage or the powerful 37mm gun that hits very hard for its tier, considering its short reload time. It’s so damn fast that, when equipped with this burst-firing auto-cannon, it behaves very closely to the Pz. I C

    The M2 Light is clearly OP and all the more so as the player’s rank increases. Many high tier players use this tank to "seal club" beginners

  • T-26 : high maneuverability, good penetration and accuracy and above average HP. Another clearly OP tank
  • T-45 (premium tank offered by WarGaming in its18th anniversary). Moderately OP and only for players under 58 WR but you have to know how to play it, because it’s rather slow for a light tank and its gun is not that good. Its armor is the key, in fact
  • MKA (a reward tank, gifted to all players during the Holiday Ops 2019 event) : OP for players under 54 WR
  • T2 Light (premium) : paper armor but awfully fast and with a burst-gun which never stops. So OP it is and a nasty surprise because you won’t encounter it often
  • 7TP. To be played as a short to medium range sniper but not before its crew has reached 100%. Awfully OP (it gives its player between +3 and +5 WR) especially with its troll armor, also its excellent damage per minute (DPM) and mobility. Beware, accuracy is bad at default 0.40. A tank rather suited for experienced players, not beginners, and not profitable at all in terms of credits. One the 20 most OP tanks in the game. You wanna sealclub at tier 2 while not being a good player ? Play the 7TP !
  • Cruiser Mk. II : - 15 degrees of gun depression with both guns, but the 40mm Pom-Pom is the one to go. Clearly OP. But I personally don’t succeed in it
  • VAE Type B : somewhat OP, less than the Cruiser II. 40mm Pom-Pom gun can easily kill many tier 2 tanks really fast. Vickers cannon with HE shells can devastate thinner armors (I prefer it over the Pom-Pom). Due to the Pom-Pom gun, it’s natural to make a comparison with the Cruiser Mk. II. The Mk. II is faster, more maneuverable, has much faster turret traverse, more than double the gun depression, and much better armor. The Type B has a faster clip reload (for more overall DPM), better aim time, and better track traverse speed. Essentially the Type B is a higher-risk/higher-reward version of the Cruiser II. Its also very profitable in terms of credits.

Tier 2 mediums :

  • I-Go/Chi-Ro : so slow, but rate of fire, DPM and alpha damage are beyond incredible for a tier II. Highly OP with a WR differential between +4 and +5
  • M14/41 : a good players’ favorite in lower tiers. The mobility of the M14/41 is relatively low so don’t expect to get anywhere fast. Instead, search for positions where you only show your turret to the enemy (so called "hull down positions") as the front of the turret is among the strongest in tier II [28]. At the end of the battle, take risks. Clearly OP (between +3 and +4 WR).

Tier 2 TDs :

  • Pz.Jag. I. Somewhat OP, even in under average players’ hands. But it has nearly no armor, it turns ever so slowly and on urban maps such as Himmelsdorf (which at these tiers happens one out of three times), its gets overrun by auto-cannons too frequently, especially Pz. I C, M2 Lights and M14/41
  • UC 2-pdr : somewhat OP.

Tier 2 arties :

Tier III OP tanks

NB : beware, tier 3 is both THE OP tanks tier and THE seal clubbers tier. The tier is dominated — and therefore crowded — by Pz. S35s, Somua S35s, M15/42s, Pz. 38 (t)s, Pz. III Es, T-29s, Valentines, B1s, B2s and Saharianos, which, apart from the Valentine, are all outrageously overpowered (the 10 most OP tanks, statistically, in the game, are all tier 3s). And by players who play these sort of tanks over and over and never dare play over tier 7.

Tier 3 lights [29] :

  • M22 Locust (premium). Fast and fun to play, but not capable of driving in tiny circles at full speed, so it’s better to play it as a passive scout. The 37mm M-6 gun penetrates well for its tier and can shred tier 2 opponents with its high rate of fire. NB : the Locust is very profitable in terms of credits for its tier. But only balanced in terms of OPness
  • the BT-5 is OP only when equipped with Pom-Pom gun (37 mm automatic OKB-2, with very fast clip reload time) and improved hardening to boost hp. Then it becomes very effective at close range, and a seal clubber. An already damaged tier 3 tank is one-clip for the BT-5 with Pom-Pom.

    Hide between your shots. Don’t trade shot for shot, you have no armor nor hp to do that. Without Pom-Pom and hardening, the BT-5 is not OP

  • BT-SV : only balanced (up to 56 WR), and not that easy to play
  • the quite fast Cruiser Mk. IV, when equipped with the QF 40 mm Mk. VI Bofors gun, a slow but damn effective at close range autocannon (but beware the poor armor).

    It is "normally" OP.

Tier 3 mediums :

  • T3 Convert. : historically, it’s the second tank made by famous American engineer J. Walter Christie for the American Army. It’s a very fast tank for tier 3 but its burst gun is horrible and its armor is meh. Therefore, as the WoT wiki says, « this is a (very) close combat tank. The dispersion on its clip gun means that you need to be point blank to hit. Penetration isn’t great so for armor you will additionally have to get the back of the tank at point blank. Saying that, in circumstance where you can do this (ideally as part of a fast pack) it can be devastating. » You really have to be in that wolfpack, attacking and advancing, otherwise you’ll score zero. Note that the clip’s 12 sec. reload time is horrendous. One of the most OP tanks at tier 3 with a WR differential between +6 and +12 ! Average, and even often negative in terms of credits profitability
  • M16/43 Sahariano : good armor because of the upper frontal part, good accuracy for a medium at tier 3 with 0.35, good damage per minute (DPM), good camo — comparable to a light tank or a tank destroyer. Enormously OP with +14 WR on average. It’s one of the 10 most OP tanks in the game but I’m not that good in it (not awful either) and I don’t like it
  • M15/42. Very good top gun, huge ammunition capacity, good protection for its tier. Enormously OP too (+15 to +4 WR). It’s one of the three most OP tanks in the game
  • M2 Medium especially equipped with the 75 mm Howitzer derp gun. It is highly OP for all (+5 to +1 WR) and should be played with a good practice of peek-a-boom because its armor is weak. According to that forum thread, it’s one of the seal-clubbers’ favourites, but it’s doomed when facing higher tier tanks
  • Somua S35 : enormously OP (+15 WR on average !), even more than in 2018. It’s one of the three most OP tanks in the game. Recommended for beginners and under average players since it’s a tech tree (so free) tank, compared to its premium brother the Pz. S35. Its gun has slightly better alpha damage, penetration and shell velocity than the one of the Pz. S35 but its DPM is lower, because the Pz. reloads faster. Its turret has less armor but its speed is better (see Compare tab)
  • Pz. S35 (premium).

    The Pz. S35 is as OP (+18 to +7 WR !) (it’s even more OP than in 2018) than its French original the Somua S35. It’s one of the three most OP tanks in the game. Its only (slight) drawback is its small caliber canon, which needs a lot of APCR shells to be really efficient (let’s say a dozen instead of the usually recommended 3 because its standard shell’s penetration is not that good)

    Above, results from a battle in which there were two Pz. S35, one on each side : at the end of the battle, the two best scorers are ... the two Pz. S35 !
    NB : in order to choose between the premium and the tech tree version of the S35, use the Compare tab of It’s very instructive

  • T-29 (premium). Kills tanks of the same tier in two or three shots, but its reload time is too long for it to be a brawler and it has very poor armor. Mobility is meh. OP or so according to one third of the posters in these two forum threads. QuickyBaby doesn’t say the word but thinks very highly of it. confirms : enormously OP (+11 to +5 WR !)
  • Grosstraktor - Krupp (or G-Traktor) (premium) : enormously OP too (+9 to +14 WR) !

Tier 3 TDs :

  • the premium TD FCM36 Pak40, which was awfully OP and has never been nerfed (as all premium tanks [30]), was retired from the shop in 2015. stats show it remains clearly OP but a little less every year (from +2.5 to +0.5 WR as of Nov. 2023) because a lot of tanks more nimble and nevertheless more armored (such as the Sahariano) and doing more damage par minute (DPM) have appeared at tiers 3-5 since 2015. The FCM has become too slow for the game’s current pace — and slightly under armored. Don’t lead the charge with it, rather crush the counter-offensive from afar as illustrated in this series of 5 replays by player Mikysity, complete with sniping positions
  • similarly, the outrageously OP SU-76I (+2 to +4.5 WR) has never been sold again since 2014. It’s a brawler (0.44 default accuracy ...) with insame armor and preferential matchmaking
  • Renault UE 57.

    The second smallest tank in the game and one of the lightest is OP only for unicums. Being a tank with one of the lowest profiles in the game, it has excellent camouflage values. Drawbacks ? Nearly no armor and a horrible gun depression

  • Valentine AT.

    Use the 6 pdr gun if you plan to use this tank as a sniper, and the 3.7 inch gun otherwise. Only very slightly OP and only for players under 46 WR ...

  • M3G FT. OP only for players over 60 WR.

Tier IV OP tanks

Tier 4 lights :

  • Pz.Kpfw. 38 (t) n.A. : the 38 nA plays like the French AMX ELC bis : in the first phase of the battle as a passive scout, helped by its speed (64 km/h max.) and its good view range, then as a flanker and a sniper, thanks to its gun’s penetration, rate of fire and DPM. APCR is much needed (see this battle for instance) but it will allow penetrate tier 6 enemies reliably. Its only drawback : it has little armor, any tier 5 or 6 will 2 or 3-shot it. A unicum’s favorite tank, which makes it all the more dangerous. Beware when you see one on the battlefield. Awfully OP : it gives its player between +4 and +5 WR, depending on your own WR. See what it can do in these videos
  • Pz.Kpfw. II Luchs (generally called Luchs).

    It’s OP for all players whatever their skill (+2 to +3 WR). It’s very fast and its 3cm M.K. 103 burst autocannon is deadly effective, even against heavily armored heavies such as the Matilda. Its tier 5 counterpart, the Leopard, has a similar support tank, mid-range sniper gameplay

  • Valentine II (Russian, premium version of the previous and not a light tank at all in fact)
  • then again, as for the tier III M3 Stuart above, there’s the case of the M5A1 Stuart (the Chinese, better version of the M5). Favored by lots of average to good players for the same reasons as the M3 (speed, armor, rate of fire), in terms of statistics, its OPness is obvious with a WR differential of +2 to +4.

Tier 4 mediums [31] :

  • Chi-He : plays like a second-line sniper, especially on hills since it has a fantastic 15° gun depression, good camo, armor is meh, low penetration on all guns makes it difficult to penetrate a number of tier 4 and 5 enemies. The 57mm gun is much better than the 75. OP for players under 60 WR, with a WR differential ranging from +2 to 0.5 : the worse your level, the better the Chi-He will help you win !
  • T6 Medium : due to its ridiculous gun depression, this predecessor of the M4 Sherman can fight on hills and use terrain features much more effectively than its counterparts, which is a compensation for its weak hull armor, all the more so as it has a strong frontal turret. Hulldown position recommended. The 75 mm Gun M3 has very high-penetration and is far more consistent in terms of damage than the derp 105mm Howitzer gun that can one-shot many tier 3 vehicles. Clearly OP with an average +2 WR
  • Pz. III J. Only very slightly OP and only for players under 56 WR (+1 WR for players at 46 WR). Must be played like a flanker. The 5 cm KwK 39 L/60 long-cannon with higher penetration and flanking is the best choice for newer players
  • T-28E with F-30 (premium, no longer appears in the shop). That Russian medium tank was and still is crazy OP (between +4 and +5 WR). It plays like a very efficient mid-range sniper or second line support TD, with a much better gun (but accuracy over 200 m is lacking) and better armor than the standard T-28 (but armor remains close to paper ; when caught in a cross fire, the T-28E F-30 doesn’t last more than a few seconds : 3 to 4 hits and it’s out), but it’s handicapped by an under average speed and a very poor gun depression. Beware the weak spot on the mantlet around the gun. It has trouble relocating in the current game meta : once a side has been chosen, it’s difficult to relocate in time for the other one if it starts falling (prime turbo can be useful here), so in spite of all the damage it deals, it impacts less the battle outcome than a few years ago. And it shouldn’t be driven into the open. See msimpson54’s video to get an idea of how good the T-28E F-30 is
  • Matilda : altough classified as a medium, it’s a true heavy tank. Beware : altough very heavily armored, it is very slow, has a below average gun for a heavy tank and all experienced tankers know how to get rid of it because it’s been in the game for a very long time : frontally, shoot the gun mantlet ; from the side, shoot the turret (same for other awfully OP heavies or mediums : the Matilda BP, the Churchill III, the KV-220-2, the Type T-34, the Pz. V/IV or the Somua SM). OP and widely used.

Tier 4 heavies :

  • Pz. B2 (premium) (full name : Pz.Kpfw. B2 740 (f)).

    Less OP than before perhaps because there are now too many of them and also because of power creep. For instance, at tier4, the Chinese medium Chi-He has better DPM, much better speed and with its best gun and HEAT shells can penetrate any part of the B2. Note that the Matilda with its best gun and APCR can penetrate any part of the B2 and its rate of fire will allow it to perma-track you — and at tier 4, there is always at least one Matilda on each team ... Only +1 WR and only for players under 58 WR. Benefits from preferential matchmaking (it only sees tier IV battles (!), while its brother the B1 encounters tier V opponents) [32]. If you encounter one, shoot its weak spots — nothing else, because otherwise, you’re dead. The main ones are the rounded, protruding part on the left side of the upper front glacis (UFG), the driver’s hatch on the right side and of course the cupola on the top of the turret and everybody knows them now. It’s no use shooting the hull sides.

Tier 4 TDs :

  • M8A1 : to be played as a support medium with paper armor, vulnerable to HE shells because open top. OP with a WR differential of +2. Loved by good players and unicums. Beware it circle of death. Says the wiki : "the M8A1 is very mobile, and when combined with its good DPM absolves the con of low armor. Once the crew reaches 100% in Concealment the M8A1 is difficult to detect. It’s meant for support. A forward or close combat position, unless fully and well thought out, will result in a quick return to the garage. Although the 3-inch AT Gun M7 is a better money maker than the 57mm, the latter is superior in battle performance due to its greater penetration and higher DPM"
  • T40 : clearly OP with a WR differential of +2 to +3.5. According to the WoT wiki, « the T40 is very versatile and easy to play. It can fight at any range as long as you know how to avoid getting hit. Good at sniping but with an extremely poor gun depression ». But quite slow. Good frontal armor for a tier 4 TD but being open top, it’s highly vulnerable to HE. Also says the wiki : "The T40’s role on the battlefield is mostly determined by the guns you use. With the 105 mm AT Howitzer M3 it acts as a short range ambusher that can one shot most opponents in tier 4 matches. Though, you should take a more supporting approach in higher tier matches, as the HE damage greatly diminishes against better armoured tanks. With the 57 mm Gun M1 L/50 cannon it can be used as a sniping anti-tank machine gun over medium to long ranges. The 76 mm AT Gun M1A1 gun is widely considered as the best gun for this tank. It combines high penetration and a short aim time with a decent rate of fire and alpha strike damage. Its only drawback is the mediocre accuracy (0.39 base) which diminishes its long range performance considerably. But feel free to spam even at those long ranges if you’re in a good position, as your shells are cheap and plenty."
  • Marder 38T. The gun is very good : high DPM, very good alpha damage (most tier 4 opponents are three to four-shots), fast aim time, good accuracy, acceptable penetration. Good maneuverability. But paper armor so don’t try to hold a flank, just run and shoot from afar. Of course, maximise the camo values (camo net) and view range (binoculars). The advantage of the Marder 38T over similar tier 4 TDs is the gun’s accuracy : 0.35 base v. 0.39 for the T40 and 0.40 for the SU-76G FT for example (see the three TDs’s stats comparison on The problem with the Marder 38T is it is so fast that one is tempted to go front line and over expose the tank. No. It’s a mid to long range sniper and must be employed as such if you’re not over 52 WR. Favors players with good map tactics. I personally can’t make it work while I can make work its counterpart the SU-76G FT. If you’re not a 49 WR+ player, the Marder is not profitable credit wise. Awfully OP stat wise with a WR differential of +3 to +4
  • Alecto : very OP (gives its player +2 WR). It is very fragile (it has no armor so to say, it’s a "glass canon"), but it’s speedy (50km/h top speed) and maneuverable and boasts high DPM (10% more than the T-28E F-30) with extremely low profile and one of the best concealment (default camo value is at 26.73) in the game. Not perfect but still ok dispersion at 0.35 by default with the 6-pdr gun but its high rate of fire (11 rounds per min.) compensates for this. Its main and only role is the sniper one of course. It’s most effective harassing and relocating to hit enemies in their soft sides. See on these videos what it can do
  • SU-76G FT (premium) : one of the highest DPM among all tier 4 TDs except howitzers, and good camo. Weak armor, very limited gun depression and ok-ish default dispersion at 0.35 with the 76 mm gun, which, as in the case of the Alecto, is compensated by its rate of fire (11 rounds per min.). Only somewhat OP after its has been nerfed in September 2022 : it gives its player between +0.5 and +1 WR
  • Hetzer : good upper plate armor due to sloping, excellent camo factor, amazing aim time on all guns, surprisingly fast hull traverse gives it more chance in close-quarters fights. But : paper side and rear armor, asymmetric, tiny gun arc — forces you to expose bits of your side to the enemy, which is easily penetrated. A typical unicum’s tank, i.e. not so easy to play for the beginner or the under-average player. Warning : the Hetzer was nerfed in update 1.23.1 (Feb. 2024), and it lost some of its highly OP status. Before : its WR differential ranged between +2 and +3 for all players. After : +2 WR for players under 54 WR
  • SU-76M. The SU-76M was so good it was moved from tier 3 to tier 4 — which made it a bad net credit earner (if you carry even a few APCR shells, you have to do at least 1k dmg to make a profit). Now it’s no longer really OP with approximately +0.5 WR differential and only for players under 47 WR. A very good sniper but with poor gun depression (- 5%) and poor armor. Its very good rate of fire (one shot every two seconds) and excellent penetration more than compensate for its average default accuracy (0.41, but you can bring it down to 0.33). The SU has exceptional camouflage values : reinforce them. It’s very vulnerable to fast lights and mediums, which predominate at tier 3 and 4. Beware when backing up after having fired : it’s very slow in reverse. See it in action in these videos.

Tier V OP tanks

NB : tier 5 is the tier when one starts to see much less seal clubbers (players stat padding their account by playing systematically under tier 8 while not being particularly good at highier tiers) and where battles become somewhat less unbalanced. Also, one sees less "lemming trains", "suiscouts" and other such stupid player gameplay.

Tier 5 lights :

  • VK 16.02 Leopard (aka "the tier 5 Leo"). OP : its WR differential ranges between +0.5 and +2.5 WR but its OPness is only obvious in the hands of an better than average player (49 WR and over). It’s less maneuverable than the tier 4 Luchs, but it has more than twice as much effective armor, a top turret that works well for circling, and a much longer signal range. It can even ram other light tanks and artillery. But its best asset is its gun, especially when loaded with APCR. Its 3cm autocannon has high penetration and burst damage for its tier, and is capable of destroying a tier IV within two seconds. It can be used from approximately 100 to 200 m through bushes as a sort of mid-range sniper. As a Redditer writes : « [Luchs and tier 5 Leo] are more ambush, moment of opportunity tanks than scouts. If you play them more as support fire tanks, they fill the niche well. They aren’t campy scouts »
  • AMX 13 FL 11 (premium ; gift tank) : slightly OP with a WR differential of about +1 WR. Awful gun with bad DPM and not very good accuracy. Default view range is bad so coated optics or binoculars are a necessity. But it is fast and has very good camouflage on the move so scouting is very possible.See Quickbaby’s opinion on it
  • Covenanter : OP only with the 40 mm Pom-Pom (a 2-shell clip) or the Bofors gun, especially if you fire APCR (on average, its stats are balanced). The Covenanter generally plays like a medium, but if you’re lower tier you’re often better playing it like a scout. It’s quite mobile and if you can flank you will erase the enemy, KVs included. A fun tank. It’s a tier 5 Bourrasque (in the words of Skill4ltu) or a tier 5 TVP T50/51 (in those of Kajzoo). Watch Skill play it.

Tier 5 mediums :

  • Pz. V/IV (premium, a reward tank in fact) : lots of hp, very good rammer, never sees tier VII (preferential MM), excellent gun handling, excellent accuracy, high damage per minute (DPM), very good mobility, excellent view range (365 m) ... Only (unusual) weak point : the turret. You get the picture : awfully OP, "broken" (it gives its player +6WR on average !) [33]. See Quickybaby’s opinion : « monstrous at tier V ». If facing one, just shoot its turret (same for the Churchill III, the Matilda, the KV-220-2 and the Somua SM — awfully OP heavies — and the mediums Pz. V/IV and Type T-34). Don’t try the lower front glacis
  • T-34 : this Russian medium has an average WR differential of 0.5, so it’s somewhat OP. It’s one those rare tanks (such as the Churchills, the Somua SM, the Pz. V/IV, the Matilda, the KV-220-2 ...) where the turret is less armored that the hull
  • Type T-34 : this Chinese version of the T-34 is clearly OP with a WR differential of + 1.5 to +2. Same remark about the turret as for the T-34
  • Pz. IV H. Use the derp gun (high alpha damage) with gold ammo only. Somewhat OP with a WR differential of 1.2. Skill4ltu likes it but acknowledges it’s not beginner friendly
  • Chi-Nu Kai (premium). Watch Skill4ltu play it. Clearly OP with a WR differential of +2
  • Matilda BP (Black Prince) (Russian, premium version of the Matilda). As the original Matilda, it plays like an over-armored, very slow heavy
  • Lago : although the Wargaming WoT wiki does not speak well of it (average gun at best, poor armor), its was and still is slightly OP because of its good mobility
  • AEC : ok it’s fast (60 kmh max. forward speed, 30 kmh reverse !) but this armored car is NOT to be played like an EBR. It’s not manoeuverable, it doesn’t make full speed U turns and it doesn’t have camo while moving, so it’s not made for scouting. Upgrade the turret so you can use the 6 pdr gun and you will shine because it’s precise and powerful (1714 dpm). But the AEC has NO armor. So use it as a middle distance sniper (dispersion is bad at default 40) or support the heavies (but not too close). Do not brawl. But you can flank, relocate and be opportunistic. See Gido1212’s or even better this MichiganspartansWOT’s 2 minute tank review. Somewhat OP but only for players under 56WR. Skill4ltu and his community absolutely love this tank, giving it a 5/5. But remember : one mistake and you’re dead
  • Pz.Kpfw. T 25 (premium). Excellent rate of fire and quite accurate with the 7.5 cm A18 KwK but sub par armor. Very fast (maximum speed of 60 km/h) but it very much lacks in maneuverability. See this replay video for example. OP with a positive WR differential between +2 and +3. This German T-25 also is the tier 6 Czech medium, with an auto-loading gun and better mobility, but less OP
  • Ram II (premium) : very large health pool for its tier/class and its QF 6 Pounder Mk IIIA gun has a very high rate of fire (Skill calls it "unlimited autoloader") but its alpha is very low, it’s not accurate at all and you need to spam gold to make it penetrate. Clearly OP with a WR differential of +2 to +2.5. See Skill4ltu’s opinion and watch him play it. It was a fun tank to play years ago, as Clems 238 shows it. But not much people play low tiers nowadays so the RAM generally enters tier 6 to 7 battles. In this environment, to me, it now feels too sluggish, under-armored and no longer fun. Turbo equipment is necessary, and I recommend hull down gameplay. Relatively profitable credit wise
  • M4A2E4 (reward tank) : very old tank in the game, still OP. You will never get it.

Tier 5 heavies [34] :

  • BDR G1 B : good penetration and DPM, fantastic alpha damage for the tier on the 90 mm DCA 30 gun, good accuracy. One of the best non-premium credit-making tanks in the game with standard ammo. Good gun elevation and gun depression. Poor overall armor with multiple weakspots (especially the turret), tall silhouette. Stat wise, the BDR is awfully OP for all players : it gives them +3 WR. As for myself, I have never understood how to use it effectively and it’s not so present on the battlefield, even though it’s been slightly buffed in September 2023. If facing one, shoot the driver’s hatch on the right side of the upper hull. If the BDR is hull down, shoot its turret or its cupola (they both have the same armor)
  • O-I Experimental (or O-I Exp.) : this enormous, lumbering Japanese tank remains awfully OP (it gives its player between +3.7 and +2 WR !), even as Wargaming nerfed it
  • Mitsu 108. Nearly no armor and meh mobility mean the main selling point of this tank is its 105 mm (upgraded) gun : its alpha dmg is awfully good but the reload time is not ideal at 11 sec. (therefore, so is the dmg) and accuracy is meh (at 0.42 default), so don’t waste your shots. Aim, aim, aim ... At tier 4 and 5 and under, you can play front line, but at tier 6 and 7, play support or you’ll get wiped out quickly. In the words of Skill4ltu : "You don’t want to be too agressive with this tank. [...] You’re getting so much damage with this tanks it’s litteraly crazy." Face your opponents, don’t angle. When peek-a-booming, beware : due to the very poor depression over the machine guns small turrets you have to shoot over your sides or even better your rear. Mastering gun depression is hard on this tank. OP with a WR differential of +1 to +2 for players under 58 WR. Skill rates it good (4/5) but not beginner friendly. Watch him or Bruce play the Mitsu. NB : its the second most profitable tier 5 heavy in terms of credits
  • T1 Heavy : a combination of good armor, good maneuverability, high DPM and high weight (ramming IS an option), the T1 Heavy must nevertheless try not to be spotted because its long sides are very thinly protected. It is clearly OP since it gives its player a +2 WR bonus. See what Skill4ltu does with it
  • KV-1 Shielded (KV1-Sh) (premium) : contrary to what the name says, its armor is not better than the KV-1’s or the KV-220’ ones. Gun penetration, accuracy and depression are not ideal at all but it’s a 5-shot autoloader so DPM is good. And mobility is awful (20 km/h max.). But OP without doubt when confronting lower tiers. WR Differential ranges between +1.5 and 2.3. Watch it fight with Skill4ltu at the helm
  • Pz. KW I (R) (premium) : awfully OP (and for every player : from +6 to + 3,5 WR). With its excellent armor and rate of fire, this vehicle is actually a captured KV-1 with an upgraded turret and the German 75-mm KwK 40 L/48 gun mounted on it and a commander’s cupola on the right side (95 mm armor : not good but could be worse). It also has additional 30mm spaced armor on the upper plate and around the turret ring (but less than the KV-1 on the mantlet) and -10° depression. The gun mantlet at 95 mm armor is the main weak spot. It’s not that good at peek-a-boo and trading hp in a hull down position, especially with highier tier heavies. Instead, pushing (preferably not alone) the less attended flank and ramming smaller tanks can be very effective in this tank. Spamming gold ammo is mandatory (10 APCR shells seem a minimum). Among the tier 5 heavies, it has the highest WR differential and it’s one of the three most profitable (in terms of credits earned v. spent). In a word, a hidden gem (it’s so slow and unwieldy people don’t want to play it) and an easy tank to play for a beginner or an under average player. See Skill4ltu play it to get a flavor of it
  • KV-220-2 (premium). Awfully OP : it gives its driver +5 WR ... But watch your turret’s cheeks, they’re paper ! As with the Pz. V/IV, Matilda, Churchill III and Somua SM, its weak point is not the lower front glacis but the turret. I personally didn’t succeed in it until I realised it mustn’t be played as the typical heavy, i.e. hull down and trading hit points with other heavies because of the turret weaknesses and its low alpha and low penetration gun. In fact, it’s fast enough to be played as a medium with lots of hp and armor and a fast firing gun, all the more so as it has preferential matchmaking and therefore never sees tier 7 battles. That’s how I play it. Smashing and ramming smaller tanks with this one can be very effective
  • Churchill I : OP (it gives its player between +1,5 and +1 WR), and very profitable in terms of credit earning
  • Churchill III (Russian, premium version of the Churchill I) : stat wise (it gives its player +2 WR), this very slow tank is quite OP and rather beginner friendly. In mine, my win ratio is 3 points better than my overall average. NB : although the Churchill III is a very good credit maker, it is not very profitable in the end because you need to spam gold ammo the penetrate the enemy. Its weak point is the same as on the Pz. V/IV : the turret. If facing one, just shoot the turret, especially at the right of the gun : even frontally, it will pen. Don’t try the lower front glacis
  • Excelsior (a sort of heavier, premium version of the Churchill). Strong front and rear armour, on both the turret and hull with no frontal weak spots, yet paper-thin side armour (so no angling/sidescraping), a fast firing yet poor handling and poor penetration gun. One of the most maneuverable Tier V heavies, drives more like a medium tank. Accordingly it works best in city streets. Highly OP (gives its player between +2 and +3 WR). Very dangerous in a good player’s hands. Similar to the American T14
  • T14 (premium) : gets premium matchmaking, which is useful considering its subpar gun. The weak spot is the upper front glacis, not the LFG. The gun has poor penetration and horrid accuracy. Quite maneuverable. It’s nevertheless OP, with a WR differential between +2 and +3. Similar to the English Excelsior but with an hull that can be angled and a sloped turret that allows it to take advantage of hull-down positions.

Tier 5 TDs :

  • M10 RBFM (premium). On the good side : high rate of fire, amazing DPM, very good gun depression (- 10°), decent speed (but poor acceleration ; turbocharger is recommended), capable of repositioning if needed and the most profitable tier 5 TDs in terms of credits. On the bad side : default accuracy (0.37) must be made better (use Improved aiming equipment), poor armor and very, very slow turret rotation speed. So it’s by no means a brawler, but mainly a mid to long distance sniper (do train its crew in order to better the gun’s accuracy). Glass canon ? Quite close : generally, it’s a three-shot. Don’t be greedy, don’t get spotted, stay far, abuse the double bush mechanic and relocate quickly. Clearly OP : it gives its player +2 WR. "Epic" (5/5) according to Skill4ltu. In my opinion, its alpha dmg is not high enough to make it beginner fiendly. See it in action in those reviews
  • T67.

    Its armor is so thin and its speed so high (61 km/h) that it’s not to be used as a classic stationary sniper TD. It got nerfed in 2017, so although it remains OP, giving its player between +1 and +1.5 WR, it is less used nowadays

  • S35 CA, nicknamed the "Bathtub". Because of the fragility of its armor (the S35 CA is generally a two to three-shot), it cannot lead an attack, but thanks to its speed (especially if you equip it with a turbocharger), it can follow mediums and support them. It is an excellent sniper and a good defender, even at close range thanks to its mega alpha damage (damage per shot). WG nerfed this tank in April 2020 by removing its 105mm gun. It nevertheless remains (less) overpowered, giving the under 52WR player between +3 and +0.5 WR. There is a problem though with this tank : the line to which it belongs. At tier 6 to 8, French TDs are not worth playing since their WR is clearly under average
  • AT 2 : very heavily armored, very slow, to be played like a cumbersome heavy tank. OP for players under 54 WR (gives its player between +1 and +1.8 WR)
  • Semovente M41 : according to Quickbaby on Twitch, this Italian TD « is actually a very good tier 5 tank. It’s basically like a StuG III Ausf. G that’s not crap. [Its] gun is so good. This tank is absolutely wild. DPM is everything with a vehicule like this. This tank is brokenly good at tier 5. It might be the new best tier 5 TD ». Not any longer, in fact, because it’s only very marginally OP and only for players under 50 WR. See it in action in these two videos.

Tier 5 arties :

  • leFH (full name : 105 leFH18B2).

    This premium arty has outstanding rate of fire (that is — for an arty) and damage per minute : shells litterally rain on enemies and being shot twice in a row by a leFH is very common. When in danger, the leFH may be played very effectively in what is called "TD mode" : you switch out of arty vision mode, you use your gun as if you were a glass "cannon" tank destroyer and you just one-shot every scout coming close to you ! Probably the most efficient arty in the game tier for tier, even better than the M44 and the Bishop : it’s not rare to see a leFH having the top results or the second best results at the end of a battle. Watch Skill4ltu play it. If you like to play arty and leFH is in the shop, our advice is : buy it !

  • Bishop : third best artillery by WR in the game after the leFH and the AMX 13 F3. Boast a very high amount of hp and armor for an arty (same hp pool as the tier 7 SU-14-1) and a super accurate top gun. See JustforlolzFYI’s video to learn more about the Bishop.

Tier VI OP tanks

Tier 6 lights :

  • AMD 178B : this very fast light tank (65 kmh) mustn’t be played as a passive scout. Players should avoid charging into groups of enemies early in the battle, instead using the unique gun (high-penetration HE with good reload) and speed/acceleration (likely the best of all tanks you will meet) to annoy and destroy enemies. One option is to use the exceptional reverse speed to poke ridge lines with its 12 degrees of gun depression and retreat from enemy fire. Driving along a ridge line invites fire from skilled enemies, and suspension damage reduces forward speed to 40kph or less, too slow for a light to play a ridge and escape. The key is to never stop moving and to watch carefully for obstacles (rocks, dead tanks, buildings, your allies) that will bring you to a stop. If you crash, immediately reverse and escape in the other direction until you are no longer spotted. OP for players under 58 WR and especially for bad players (+2 WR for players under 44 WR)
  • AMX 12 t : a unicums’ favorite with its autoloader cannon. Accuracy is bad. Concealment values are good. The drum enables the tank to fire four shots rapidly, with the unfortunate side effect of taking a considerably long time to reload the whole drum. This would not be a problem if the game allowed firing shells from a partially reloaded drum, but it does not. The general tactic for this tank while in combat is to circle or flank an opponent, firing shells into their sides and rear, followed by a hasty retreat while you reload. OP : its WR differential ranges from +1 to +1.5
  • Type 64 (premium).

    A very fast light with a punch : very fast rate of fire with decent penetration and excellent at hit and run and flanking tactics (maximum speed of 72 km/h is easily and quickly reached). Excellent on the move accuracy. At the start of the battle, it will also play the scout efficiently of course. See Skill4ltu’s opinion. OP for everyone. There’s one drawback : to perform, this tank needs premium APCR ammunition

  • the premium T-50-2 was massively given as a gift to old players (its first version was registered at tier V). Its indecent speed (up to 65 km/h) makes it an excellent scout — only a passive one because the gun can’t do much and its armor and hp make it close to a paper tank (two to three shots are you’re out). More balanced in fact than OP according to ; Quickybaby and Skill4ltu both confirm. A fun tank on open maps — not on others. Rated 4/5 by both Skill and his community
  • 59-16 : this Chinese light tank sports both excellent maneuverability and a tiny profile, allowing it to either perform as a passive or active scout. Use the tank as a flanker in the late game. Slightly OP according to its stats with approx. +0,6 WR
  • VK 28.01 105 (premium) : great alpha damage, high DPM thanks to 10.5cm howitzer, overall good gun elevation/depression angles (20/-10 degrees respectively), fast (64 kph), reasonable armor for light tank. But : gun handling is terrible, bad dispersion, aim time, accuracy, shell speed, and reload time ; poor camo value ; and awful turn radius. Treating this tank as a sneaky brawling medium in the mid to late game is highly recommended. Slightly OP with approx. +0,7 WR.

Tier 6 mediums [35] :

  • T-34-85M (premium).

    The 34-85M is the Swiss army knife in World of Tanks : its gun is very good, its speed and manoeuverability are quite good, its sloped armor works very well. It has absolutely no drawback whatsoever. Favored by excellent players. Beware when you see one (or its premium version named Rudy). In one word : awfully OP, or "epic" (5 stars out of 5) as Skill4ltu would say. As player psour33 puts it : « This is one of the most OP tank in the game at his tier. You can turn the tide of a game alone if you are top tier and know how to use it. A pure jewel. » Skill4ltu adds : « Perfect for new players ». Quite profitable in terms of credits

  • T-34-85 Rudy (premium)
  • VK 30.02 (M) : this predecessor at tier 6 of the tier 7 Panther is close in performance to its successor. As the WoT wiki writes : « Very strong gun mantlet. Accurate top gun with high DPM (with the top turret) and good penetration values. Large hitpoints pool. Powerful top engine which gives good mobility to tank. Large ammo capacity of 79 rounds. The only real cons are : angling is not very effective due to the paper thin 40mm side armor and expensive repair costs meaning it is possible to lose money in a bad match. This tank is a sniper and flanker hybrid. Close up flanking may be a viable tactic but it shall be done in hull down, only showing the gun mantlet. It makes more sense to start out taking long range shots at exposed enemies, letting your team soak up damage. » Rated "good" by Skill4ltu. Most importantly, Skill rates it as very beginner friendly and having a very good gun handling. I’ve been in a game where players, apart from one 56,87 WR, didn’t have a WR over 50 and the two VK 30.02 M, while having 48.11 and 44.6 WR, ended respectively third on one team and second on the other in terms od damage. All in all, a strong tank and an OP one : it gives its player a +1 to +1.4 WR. See ity in action on these videos
  • A-43 : best DPM of all tier 6 and 7 mediums but weak overall armor. Players should strive for active flanking encounters. See what QuickyBaby does with it
  • Cromwell.

    A typical unicum’s tank : poor armor, very fast, very manoeuverable, good gun with high DPM, made for flanking. Its performance has receded in the current game’s meta but it remains slightly OP in good players’ hands

  • Cromwell B (premium) : same qualities as the Cromwell, but faster so a little more OP
  • Skoda T 40 (premium) : excellent DPM, good alpha damage, good top speed and acceleration, good view range, good AP (standard ammo) and great HEAT (premium ammo) penetration. Slightly OP. Very profitable in terms of credits
  • P.43 bis : this Italian medium has a very decent gun : very high alpha damage (the highest alpha among tier 6 mediums) and rate of fire on par with even tier 8 mediums. But it’s awfully slow. So it plays rather like a heavy. Skill4ltu thinks it’s good (4 stars out of 5). See also Taugrim, Panboum’ videos. stats verdict : slightly OP
  • Pudel (a Polish, better Panther) (premium)
  • Sherman Firefly VC (premium) : it’s not a real medium but a sniper with mediocre armor so it must be used mainly as a TD. Not OP but not bad either. Very profitable in terms of credits.

Tier 6 heavies :

  • the KV-2 is OP with a WR differential of approx. +1.5, even with the HE nerf. If you want to play it, use the 152 mm gun and read that guide
  • M6 : this tank looks exactly like its predecessor the T1 Heavy and plays mostly like it : like a "medium heavy". Do mount the 90mm gun. It has a 10° gun depression, and its turret is well armored so play it hull down. It has surprisingly good engine power and great speed for a heavy of its tier, a very, very good DPM — especially with APCR — and its turret armor and DPM (and other stats) have been buffed in 2022. Its gun reload time is 2 seconds, that’s quicker than the intra-clip reload of the tier 8 autoloader Somua SM (2.25) ! Awfully OP : it gives its player a +2 to +4 WR bonus. See MaxGamingFPS or Bruce reviews
  • Object 244 (premium) : a T-34-85 gun mounted on an IS-2. Clearly OP with a +2.5 WR differential
  • O-I : somewhat less OP than its predecessor O-I Exp. But still awfully OP since gives its player between +2 and +3 in terms of WR !
  • Ju-Nu : from the new Japanese heavy line. Good alpha when equipped with the 8.8 cm gun, on par with the Tiger 131 (two-shotting opponents with APCR is not rare). Armor is good, better than the Tiger 131 one, as for the gun accuracy (0.35 base dispersion) and depression (10°). OP, giving players +1.5 WR. Watch it in action.

Tier 6 TDs :

  • M18 Hellcat : although nerfed in 2014, it’s still moderately OP but nobody’s playing it nowadays, so it’s more probable most players stopped playing it after its nerf
  • AT 8 : this British very slow TD is impenetrable from the front to almost all tanks of its tier and under and it has an accurate, high DPM gun when equipped with the 17-pdr. Its stats (between +2 and +3,7 WR given to its players) makes it the best tier 6 non premium TD. Against higher tiers, snipe. Keep to small alleys and don’t go alone (tip : an allied heavy accompanying you a few feet behind you can fire above you at your opponents and prevent you from being flanked while your tank protects his lower front plate). Always have some solid cover near you, that way you cannot be circled forever. Never go out in the open. Be aware of arty. Always have a med kit and a repair kit. Kill it from behind or, if you’re above it or in a taller tank, shoot its roof. Some guides to the AT 8. It doesn’t work for me
  • WZ-131G FT : OP for under 56 WR players according to as of 29 July 2023. Rated "good" (4/5) by Skill4ltu. 100 mm top gun is good overall : respectable penetration, accuracy, good aim time and DPM. Good concealment values. But lowest hp of all tier 6 TD’s, so it cannot afford to receive shots
  • Excalibur : this premium, reward TD is rare in the game. But it’s OP (its WR differential is between +1 and +2) and almost always manned by good players so watch out if you see one among your opponents. Abnormally high hp pool for tier 6 TD (840), great penetration and rate of fire and excellent gun handling. See Panboum’s opinion (in French). Watch it in action
  • Dicker Max (premium). This "glass cannon" is somewhat OP until the player’s WR reaches 56. Very good view range (400 meters) and amazing gun depression. You *have* to maximise its camouflage rating. Use the gun depression to minimize your profile by sneaking over rises to get a shot in and then backing up to avoid return fire while you reload. Only very good players will make it a game changer. I don’t succeed in it nor do I like it : too cumbersome and too slow
  • SU-100Y (premium). Another "glass cannon". It is a bit OP. The SU-100Y has a devastating 130mm gun. It is also quite mobile for its size, but unfortunately it has next to no armor to cover its massive profile (but some pool of hit points so you can take at least two shots from the front). Must be played as a long range TD because it has no cammo at all. Don’t come close (approx. less than 200 meters) to the enemy. The SU-100Y is no game changer and I don’t succeed in it nor do I like it : it’s too cumbersome.

Tier 6 arties : tier 6 is THE tier for OP arties :

  • AMX 13 F3 AM : the second most efficient arty in thegame in terms of WR.

    This arty is another rare case of OP vehicle, since it is OP only with players under 58% WR. Fast and with a very quick rate of fire (for an arty). Very profitable in terms of credits

  • M44.

    This arty is another rare case of OP vehicle, since it is OP only with players below 47% WR. M44 is THE recommended arty for beginners

  • FV304. Bert The Avenger is a unique SPG. It has very good accuracy and aiming time, along with a fast rate of fire — as little as a 10 second reload. This is balanced by the fact that it has very low damage and penetration, as well as virtually no splash radius. The small gun also means that it cannot stun a target. Just like the Bishop, it is necessary to bring the FV304 closer to the action than a typical SPG, due to its low range. Its blistering speed allows it to relocate to proper range in short time. OP only for players under 53 WR
  • Hummel : the OPness of this arty decreases with the player’s level. It’s really interesting only if you’re below 54 WR. Rated as "good" by Skill4ltu

Tier VII OP tanks

Apart from the heavy category, there are not a lot of OP tanks at this tier, which has been de facto sacrificed to its neighbor King tier (tier 8).

Tier 7 lights [36] :

  • AMX 13 57 GF. It’s been somewhat "nerfed" — its performances downgraded — beginning of 2018 but remains OP for all players stat wise and according to lots of testimonies
  • Type 62 (premium). Excellent as a passive scout once its crew is trained. Also, the good accuracy of the gun in consonance of the vertical stabilizer module can transform the Type 62 into an excellent flanker support tank. OP for all players under 58WR
  • T71 DA (collectors vehicle) : this light may seem OP but is not, it’s just balanced. But apart from its camo rating and the dispersion of the gun, all the rest about it is awfully good : a 6-round clip spent in 10 seconds, reloaded in 20 seconds, and using APCR as standard ammunition, excellent speed and maneuverability and a very good view range for its tier/class. Also, it can do everything : spotting (no the best at that), brawling, sniping (not from too far away). Skill4ltu’s opinion : epic (5 out of 5) and "one of the best tier VII light tanks. I would call it an awesome damage dealer because from a magazine you can do 900 damage. Not the best spotter though." See Taugrim’s and Skill4ltu’s videos. I personally feel that experienced and good players do awfully well in that tank.

Tier 7 heavies :

  • O-Ni : this enormous Japanese tank is the big brother of the O-I and is OP too (but less) with a WR differential of approx. +2
  • (Churchill) Black Prince : this upgraded version of the Churchill III has similar qualities, notably its armor, turret traverse and rate of fire, similar drawbacks (notably its very low maximum speed of 25 km/h) and plays similarly. Best tier 7 turret (for instance, turret roof cannot be penetrated), so it’s a hull down monster. So underated that opponents nearly never focus on it (if you face a BP, shoot its upper hull). OP : it gives its player between +2 and +3 WR. See what Iyouxin or Skill4ltu can do with it
  • T29 : the Hull-Down King.

    With its extremely well-armored turret, the T29 is invincible when placed in a hull-down position and facing tanks of its tier. Only artillery can really threaten the 29 then. The commander’s hatch is a weak spot (the two bars protruding on the sides of the turret do not count), but it’s so thin it’s almost impossible to hit. Keep the turret pointed towards your opponents : even at a very low angle, its sides become weak to APCR. It also has very good gun depression (- 10°) and the gun (not the stock one of course, the 90 mm with its excellent rate of fire and DPM — the 105 mm got nerfed) is powerful and well-handled. But its 0.40 dispersion must be optimised as much as possible. It’s rather slow so choose your map side wisely. Ranked epic (5 stars) by Skill4ltu. It’s clearly OP with a +2 WR differential whatever the level of the player. Watch Straiker’s, Taugrim’s, Panboum’s and Lemming Rush’s guides (videos) to learn more about it

  • BZ-58 : good stats for this tech tree Chinese tank with a WR differential of about +1.8. That makes it clearly OP. The gun has a good alpha. Skill4ltu’s community gives it 4/5. Rather beginner friendly according to Panboum
  • IS-2 (IS-2 Berlin) (premium). OP according to stats. Good 122 mm gun, and better armor than the non premium IS-2. Beginner friendly according to Skill4ltu. Quite profitable in terms of credits earned v. spent
  • IS-2M (premium). Awfully OP says’s stats but it’s not its armor which makes it so, apart from its good sidescraping ability. Compared with its non premium brother IS-2, it has a gun with a bit improved accuracy and gun handling but which is slighly slower to reload
  • AMX M4 45 : purely a support tank, sometimes even a sniper, but great guns. Unarmored except for the frontal turret armor. OP with a WR differential between +1 and 1.8
  • Vz. 44-1 : very heavily armored second turret. Top gun offers very good penetration and damage per shot, despite having low DPM. OP but horrible stock grind
  • VK 45.03 (premium) : its stats both in 2018 and today say it’s OP but there is some controversy about that. It plays a bit like a cross between a medium and a TD
  • IS-2 (Russian version, called IS-2 Berlin) (premium).
    Has the potential to generate a large amount of credits. Not fast but not slow either. Strongest sloped upper plate of all three IS counterparts. Good amount of hp. Its 122mm gun hits hard allowing peek-a-boom tactics where this tank excels but its has some drawbacks : expensive premium APCR ammo and poor accuracy. Slightly OP (mainly for good players)
  • IS-2M (premium) : a plainly superior IS-2, with slightly better gun, more reliable hull armor for angling and more hp. OP with a WR differential between +1 and +2
  • Carro P.88 : this Italian heavy is slightly OP according to its stats. Beware : the upgraded gun is not interesting, keep the stock gun because its DPM is better, but its alpha damage is low compared to the competition and you will have to use gold ammo. Quickybaby and the other WoT community contributors don’t like this tank. Skill4ltu only gives it 3 stars out of 5, for instance. But it’s nevertheless quite effective. See Shrike Gaming’s video for instance
  • Ju-To : this one comes from the new Japanese heavy line. Rated good (4/5) by Skill4ltu. Quite OP, with a WR differential from +1 to +1.5. Watch it in action
  • Skoda T45 (premium) : this very OP (its WR differential ranges between from +3 — for under 46 WR players — to +2) tank is very rarely available in the shop and only for an awful amount of bonds. Has average armor but lots of hp. See Quickbaby and Panboum’s opinions about it.

Tier 7 TDs [37] :

  • E25 (premium, nicknamed Cockroach).

    Typically a unicum’s tank. With its low profile and therefore very high camouflage and its top accuracy, it can play as a very mobile sniper or a passive scout. It can even brawl. Clearly OP for all players with a WR differential of +2. The Coakroach deserves its name : it’s horribly difficult to get rid of once it’s brawling you or simply following you, hiding and firing on you at every opportunity. It’s very fast, agile, it has an extremely high rate of fire and its low height allows it to get under your gun.This tank was removed from the in-game tech tree at the end of 2014 and from the gift shop shortly afterwards. Afterward it has appeared in the shop three times for a very short period (its last appearance being in March 2020) and could be awarded from "large boxes" during the 2019 holiday event

  • ISU-122S (premium). With a fantastic rate of fire of 8.11 rounds per minute, the ISU-22S fires almost twice as fast as the IS and IS-2 with the same gun but the accuracy is only 0.41 and the armor is rather inadequate for a tier 7 vehicle. Was and remains marginally OP with a WR differential of +1. Should be used as a brawler, not as a sniper
  • AT 15A. Clearly OP according to’s stats with a WR differential of approx. +2. So slow it’s an easy prey to arty. Its gameplay is similar to those of tier 8 TS-5 and Turtle (see infra)
  • SU-122-44 (premium) : somewhat OP with a WR differential of approx. +1, should be used as a brawler, not as a sniper
  • Super Hellcat.

    Essentially a pre-nerf Hellcat, with its mobility restored and moved up a tier, this gift tank [38] is one of the fastest tier 7 vehicles in the game. Moderately OP for all players and fun to play

  • Chi-To SP.

    Pretty good according to a Reddit chat and awfully OP with a WR differential of +3. You have to hide the fragile lower front plate and the big cupola but apart from that, its armor is amazing and so are the gun (but not its depression) [39] and the mobility (40 km/h top speed and 15 reverse). Two-shotting tier 5 and 6s in the Chi-To SP in not uncommon. Illustrated with that replay where a (top tier, to be honest) Chi-To SP ends the battle with 13 kills. NB : according to French community contributor Clems, the Chi-to SP is « excellent, very powerful » and must be played as an attack TD (not exactly a brawler but quite) rather than a sniper, a role it can fulfill but in which it won’t perform at its best. He describes it as a faster SU-100M1. See also this detailed review by leggasiini who writes : "This thing absolutely terrified me the day I saw it on supertest. [...] Because it’s a tier 7, it’ll probably take at least 2 years until it’s nerfed, so you have more than enough time to get it and have a massive blast with it, until it finally receives a nerfhammer (which it absolutely needs)"

  • AT 7 : this assault TD is clearly OP, with a WR differential of +1.7, whatever the player’s WR. The guns are mounted to the far right of the tank, just above the track, and have very high penetration and a very high rate of fire, resulting in great damage per minute. The stock gun is the a 10-round (!) 6-pounder autoloader, with it you can out-dpm and erase any enemy, KVs included. The 20-pdr gun is exceptional for its tier. It’s very accurate. This tank is very slow so its gameplay is to go to the usual main heavies’ encounter. But don’t brawl too close of face hug an enemy : the large commander’s cupola will ensure a quick death and, without a turret, you won’t be able to shoot back. And don’t attack alone, always have support near you
  • SU-100M1.

    Since it got buffed at the beginning of 2018, this Russian TD has become a brawler and an OP one with its impressive, sloped frontal armor and the mobility of a medium tank. Check this replay commented by Quickybaby

  • T-34-2G FT. Somewhat OP : as of 29 May, on, it gives you +1 WR. Its low profile and fairly small size provides exceptional camo ratings. Its top gun has impressive alpha damage at 390. Very high mobility and traverse speed. But very low hp pool, overall armor is fairly weak and aim time and accuracy are horrible
  • T28 Concept (or T28 HTC) (premium, reward tank) : good all around armor, especially on the "turret", but weak side miniturrets and hull armor can be penned from all sides by using APCR by most tanks it meets. Also, the health pool is quite low. Very low penetration and accuracy for a TD, bad gun depression of 4 degrees. When top tier it makes for a great corner/city fighter. Essentially OP when higher tier and for players with WR over 52
  • Challenger : an underrated gem. Very fast speed (the backward speed too : 20 kmh) and surprisingly good traverse (for a TD), can let it play a flanking role or fall back when in danger. Great gun depression of 10 degrees all around the tank. Good gun handling and accuracy lets even less experienced players nail shots frequently. Decent rate of fire and DPM. Has a turret and pivots unlike most TDs of same tier. The second gun is good, but do try the third gun : although similar in DPM, its alpha damage is 50% better and its penetration is 30% better (but the its turret is not fully rotatable). With such gun performance, you don’t even need gold ammo. Of course, the armor is paper. The Challenger is the best tank of the British sniper TD line. Watch Clems 238 play it. Also, see those 10 tips on how to play sniper TDs where the Challenger is used
  • you won’t see a lot of Krupp-Steyr Waffenträger (often shortened to Steyr WT or Steyr) (premium). They’re only very slightly OP for players under 56 WR. Let’s say the Krupp-Steyr is balanced. As such, it has a better WR than its eldest brothers Rhm. B. WT (tier 8) and WT Pz. IV (tier 9) for under average players but is less fun IMO. The Steyr has NO armor, it is a two-shot. Damage per minute (DPM) is average and alpha damage is low. But stealthiness is on the same par as the Rhm’s one and the gun is accurate at a default 0.33. NB : like you should do with the WT Pz. IV, when you’ve reached the TD spot, point the REAR of the Steyr to the enemy. People are not accustomed to see it on the battlefield. Also, the Steyr is the most profitable of all tier 7 TDs. But I don’t do well in it
  • same remarks about the French sniper TD AMX AC 46 : not really OP (rather balanced) but not far from and very rare in the game. This rarity clearly is an advantage since, although it has two big, obvious weak points (the two cupolas on top of the hull), opponents meeting it at a corner rarely have the reflex to shoot at them. The AMX 46 is pretty fast for a TD (45 kmh practical top speed), so relocating is at hand. Its default accuracy of 0.33 is good. When equipped with one of the two best guns, the alpha and the penetration are devastating at tier 7. Although the frontal armor is far from perfect, if you face enemies, lift the hull a little bit and use the gun depression, you can bounce a few shots. On average, compared with other tier 7 TDs, the AMX AC 46 pens as reliably as the (US) Scorpion, the Steyr, the Chi-To SP , the Challenger or the SU100-M1 but its DPM is not that impressive and it’s not a game changer
  • and same remark again about the Jagdpanther (JPanther) : balanced. It has sloped but not that effective armor and low hp, but the two guns are very good (good alpha, good DPM, good accuracy — default is 0.33—, good penetration, very good reload time, good aiming time) and mobility is correct. In no case should you use it as a brawler. It’s a mid to long distance sniper. Skill4ltu and its community think it’s good (4/5) and Clems 238 too.

Tier 7 arties :

  • Lorraine 155 mle. 50 : OP for players under 55 WR, the main selling point of the Lorraine is its speed which allows it to follow its allies and relocate rapidly. According to its WR, it is one of the best arties in the game
  • G.W. Panther : it has a very accurate gun and it’s decently mobile for a tier 7 SPG, which gives the player a chance to relocate in the event of detection. It is nicknamed "Dracula", due to its Dracula cape-like armour on the rear and side of its gun. By WR, it is also one of the best arties in the game. Epic according to Skill4ltu. The best artillery for tier 7 according to Doctor Nix, a player who specialises in arties. OP only for players under 54 WR.

Tier VIII OP tanks

NB 1 : tier 8 concentrates the bulk of the premium tanks and if you want to perform a minimum — say, get over 47 WR — at tier 8 you just have to buy premiums. There were, as of April 2024, 141 (!) tier 8 premium tanks [40]. QuickyBaby rated all of them and MaxGamingFPS too but those very good players don’t do their selections with beginners or under average players in mind. So my own selection of OP tier 8s is below for you.

NB 2 : at tier 8, one cannot earn bonds, which is a very important in game currency.

Tier 8 lights :

  • ELC EVEN 90 (premium). Beware : as the WoT wiki says, « it is not suitable for inexperienced players ». So ... how should one play it ? There’s a very good debate about it in this forum thread but the main things to say are a) it isn’t suited at all to city maps and b) its best use is as a passive scout. See what Kajzoo and Panboum can do, again, playing it as a passive scout
  • Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10) (premium). The EBR 75 is a very fast (80 kmh) armored car (this new concept appeared in WoT EU public battles in January 2019, see intro) equipped with a 75 mm gun with a two shell magazine. Clearly OP and more so in very experienced hands. Pay-to-win according to QuickyBaby and a highly profitable credit maker — it’s among the 10 most profitable credit makers of the game as of December 2023
  • LT-432 (premium).

    This Soviet light is more a hybrid between a light and a medium. Very fast but bigger than most scouts at his battle tiers, the LT-432 must be used in active scouting (always moving) rather than in passive scouting (immobile) mode. OP ? Not strictly speaking, because it gives its driver -1WR according to stats : the new British wheeled tanks seem to be better. But very effective when working ridge lines because of its 7° gun depression and it does have armor (its turret, that is) and camo. Was pay-to-win in 2021 according to QuickyBaby but no longer now.

Tier 8 mediums [41] :

  • Bat.-Châtillon Bourrasque (premium) : awfully OP, pay to win, everybody agrees, QuickyBaby, and Kajzoo included. THE most played tank in the game by far and large.

    The Bourrasque is in fact an awfully fast light with a medium’s, 2-clip autoloader gun. Not to be put in everybody’s hands, it needs the use of hit-and-run/relocation tactics and a good knowledge of the map and its hiding spots. It has very good camo values and can be used as a scout. The gun is accurate. This is one of the three or four most broken tanks at tier 8. Its WR differntial is +1.25 on average. Note that the Bourrasque is a very good credit maker and very profitable in terms of credits. The Bourrasque is a typical unicum’s tank. If you see two or more Bourrasque on the enemy team, things don’t smell good ...

  • M47 Iron Arnie (premium) : rated good by Skill4ltu and his community, the Iron Arnie is very, very well armored and forgives a lot of mistakes so it’s well indicated for a tier 8 beginner. It is somewhat OP : it gives its player +1 WR. Its DPM is not wonderful and the gun accuracy is not good with default 0.44 dispersion, but it has excellent HEAT shells. Its main selling point is the armor. Hull down tactics work very, very well with this tank. Depending on the tier of the battle, it must be played as a heavy medium or a support tank. See Skill4ltu’s video. NB : it’s very profitable in terms of credits. Oh BTW, the tank is 95% fake
  • Astron Rex (premium) : OP only in the hands of very good players (both Panboum’s and Quickybaby’s opinion), especially because its 5 shell clip has a 33 seconds reload time. Requires a very aggressive and challenging play style according to iFacePalm’s review
  • T-44-100 (premium). Not really OP, simply balanced. Very good mobility with very good gun handling. Must be played as a mobile, agressive, partly scout tank. Plays similarly to the LT-432. Not forgiving and not for under average players. See iFacePalm’s review
  • the Progetto M 35 mod. 46 (premium) is in the current meta of the game only balanced. Not OP any longer.

    This Italian medium tank is a jack-of-all-trades, it’s very fast for a medium and it has a very powerful gun with an autoloader (good pen, correct accuracy and an astounding rate of fire). At the time of its launch, QuickyBaby thought it was the best premium tank at tier 8. In December 2021, Kajzoo still thought so. But that’s only in the hands of good to very good players (between 50 and 60WR according to because it has very poor (but sloped ...) armor. The Progetto 46 is very profitable in terms of credits. Warning : the typical approach of counting shells against autoloaders do not work against this tank ...

  • 122 TM (premium). Opinions from unicum youtubers on this Chinese tier 8 medium (a TD in reality) are good because it has a huge alpha damage (400) and good armor, but since it has the worst DPM (due to a 16 seconds reload speed) among tier 8 mediums, it is difficult to play and cannot be considered that much OP (it gives its player +1 WR). Skill4ltu thinks it’s "good" but his evaluation is nuanced : « You need to be patient while playing with this tank. You will lose most of the 1 vs. 1 fights at close range due to the lack of DPM. It is a perfect sniper. » French community contributor Panboum doesn’t like it and I finds it’s quite difficult to succeed in it. Although gifted with 0,32 dispersion, the gun can troll. With its poor DPM and awful reload time, you must take your time to aim : all shots must count. It can be played as a heavy when top tier, but even in this case, always follow allies. Never stay alone. In tier 8 to 10 games, play the support tank. Its two cupolas are permanent and obvious weak spots. It has high penetration HEAT and high shell velocity standard rounds. The 122 TM is very profitable in terms of credits — if you can make it work
  • CS-52 LIS (premium) : another jack of all trades, such as the Progetto. « Epic » according to Sill4ltu. A must have according to Kajzoo. OP in good players’ hands
  • Type 59 (premium [42]) : considered one of the best tier 8 premium tanks, the Type 59 combines thick frontal armor with a reliable gun and excellent mobility.

Tier 8 heavies [43] :

  • BZ-176 (premium).

    Awfully OP : it gives its driver 3.5 to 4.5 WR ! Equipped with rocket boosters, great armor and a 162 mm gun with "pay-to-win shell" and 10 degree depression, this Chinese heavy tank is "fun, powerful, and makes an insane amount of credits" in the words of Skill4ltu (it’s also very profitable in terms of credits). "The hardest hitting gun available on a heavy tank at tier 8, an absolute monster, arguably the new best tier 8 heavy tank in the game, and overpowered as hell" according to Quickybaby. "Incredibly broken, incredibly fast, very toxic" according to Kajzoo. "The most broken tank in World of Tanks" wrote Skill4ltu, who rates it "epic" of course (5/5). The boosters (4 boosts of 10 seconds each) and the alpha damage of the gun allow for efficient, fast flanking plays, but that kind of play and simply relocating implies sparing at least 2 boosts. This very poor mobility means choosing your first spot is of the utmost importance and planning where you’ll go next is nearly as important. The gun depression and the turret armor make this tank a good ridge line worker. Most of its tier 8 opponents are two-shots for the BZ if it can shoot at their weak spots or their sides — otherwise, three to four-shots. Most WoT community contributors consider it the equivalent of a tier 10 and a toxic tank in the game. The BZ has the same win rate as the Bourrasque on but is somewhat easier to play. It has its drawbacks : even optimised, the gun has a 19 second reload time, and its already poor accuracy becomes nil over 200 meters. Without its boosters, it is slow and unwieldy. So do not confront an enemy tank alone in it ; rather, especially if you are an under average player, play it as a support tank. Also, knowing where to overmatch with AP and when to switch to HESH for a penning shot in this tank is key. Its main weak spot is its turret’s roof : any gun over 124 mm will simply overmatch the roof armor, especially the upper part of the gun mantlet that elevates when the BZ brings its gun down on ridge lines. Otherwise, its lower front plate. The whole upper front plate is vulnerable to the ACPR shells of the 122 gun of an IS-3 (a tech tree tank). But the less known and most deadly weak spot is
    the side under the turret (ammo rack). Otherwise, it’s slow and unwieldy so flank it as soon as it has fired : you have 20 seconds. See what Skill4ltu can do in it but remember : the gun in unaccurate and can troll a lot

  • TS-54 (premium, only available with the Wot+ subscription) : not OP. This new, twin-barrelled American heavy has good but not perfect armor (numerous weak points : lower plate, cuppola on the hull, commander’s cupola, small "ears" on the turret’s side — beware if you brawl), a very accurate gun with a very high DPM and decent speed and is a hull down monster. See unicums’ opinions : Panboum (in French : activate subtitles), Quickybaby, MaxGamingFPS, DezGamez. In a word : a very good all-round tank to be played as a support tank rather than a very close range brawler. The icing on the cake : it’s a very profitable tank in terms of credits
  • Skoda T 56 (premium) : clearly OP according to stats (WR differential of + 1.5) and to unicums such as QuickyBaby or Kajzoo. Great per-shot alpha damage, one of the highest at tier 8. 2-round autoloader with decent clip reload speed and damage per minute. Very strong turret armor with additional spaced armor at the front. Turbo is a must if you want to ROFLstomp the enemy. It has 8 degrees of gun depression, which allows it to work ridge lines, contrary to the Object 703 II. But it has a troll gun (sniping is impossible in this tank), it needs a lot of premium ammunition and it can be played only as a support tank because of the 24 seconds reload time. BUT it is VERY profitable as a credit earner. Reserved to good players because of its gameplay, according to unicum Panboum
  • Bisonte C-45 (premium) : this 3-round autoreloader has great gun depression and good turret face armour, so it’s a hulldown monster effectively. On the minus side, it has awful accuracy and gun handling, bad aim time and low DPM, and it’s not very mobile. The magazine takes a long time to completely refill. Skill4ltu doesn’t like it very much. It nevertheless is OP, giving its player +1 WR
  • 50TP pr. (premium). OP : gives its player +1 WR
  • T-832 (premium) : gives its player +1 WR. With its very good turret armor, this American heavy will happily resort to hull down tactics. Its gun is accurate : it can even snipe with its default 0.33 dispersion. Although Skill4ltu rated it as "good", he doesn’t recommend it for beginners. See these videos to get an idea of what it can do
  • Somua SM (premium) : enormous damage per minute with a 5 shell clip (yes, it’s an autoloader), not so bad frontal hull armor and very good gun depression (10°) but poor accuracy (0.38 default dispersion at 100 m) and clear lack of speed (37 kmh max.) but very good reverse speed (20 kmh max.) make the Somua a good short to mid-range fighter and a ridge line worker. More precisely, it is to be played as a support tank, especially in cities (not as a front line heavy), or as a mid-range sniper. Retreating into cover isn’t that difficult because the backward top speed is pretty neat. QuickyBaby explains it all very clearly, talking about a « power house ». And it’s a good credit maker, I would even say it’s quite profitable in terms of credits.

    But the SM is very vulnerable when it has spent his five shells because reloading the clip takes more than 30 seconds — so do not stay alone. Also, don’t count on its armor when facing other heavies because, as the Pz. V/IV, the Matilda (which is officially classified as medium), the Churchills, the Somua SM or the KV-220-2, it’s one of those very rare tanks which have better armor on the hull than on the turret — and I’m not even talking about the commander’s cupola, a huge weak spot. Even the hull is not so much armored. Roughly, the Somua is three-shot. The lesson is : never go alone, never go frontline and hide, hide, hide. Do not hesitate to snipe from long distance at the start of the battle. Very experienced players will fire at your gun in order to wreck it and therefore reduce drastically your DPM. As Taugrim says in his Somua SM Review/Guide video, « as an autoloader, it’s really important to conserve your hitpoints late into battles, because that’s when you can really push in agressively, eat a shot from an opponent and then dump four or five shots on them and take them out ». statistics confirms the Somua OP status but only slightly. Warning : the Somua SM looks like the Lorraine 40 t but does not play like the Lorraine and the unicum pro Iyouxin prefers the Somua over the Lorraine. My personal advice : the Somua SM is not a tank for beginners (as Skill4ltu confirms) so if you’re a beginner or under average, simply snipe from the back of the map or go with the other heavies and support them (i.e. don’t trade shot for shot with other heavies / don’t play hero). Panboum explains very well (in French) this aspect of the Somua

  • M54 Renegade. According to QuickyBaby’s review of tier 8 premium tanks, a « Jack of all trades, master of none », with a poorly armoured hull and, as always with the American heavies, a well protected turret (but for the commander’s cupola, which is a huge, huge weakspot) and a very powerful gun, even with standard AP rounds according to Iyouxin. Kajzoo agrees. What’s more, the Renegade is a very, very good credit maker : it ranks among the 4 best tier 8 heavy credit makers and even though it must be played using a lot of gold ammo, it remains a very profitable tank (credits earned v. credits spent). According to Skill4ltu at least, it’s not an easy tank to play, i.e. not for beginners and bad players because of the huge weak spot on top in the form of the cupola, but statistics show that even 46WR do better in it than their personal WR
  • Object 703 Version II, aka the Double Penetrator (premium). Double-barreled and fires high velocity APCR as standard ammunition. Excellent gun handling for a heavy tank and very good armor but bad accuracy. See AwesomeEpicGuys’ opinion. MaxGamingFPS thinks its lack of gun depression is a problem. Because it has no gun depression, 703 II is made for cities, not ridge lines. Easier to play than the Skoda T 56, to which it is often compared. OP, especially for bad players and beginners. One of the best premium tanks in the game as of April 2022 according to Skill4ltu
  • VK 100.01 (P) (German Maus line) : this slow, heavily armored heavy is only very slightly OP (+0.7 WR differential for players under 50 WR)
  • Charlemagne : this premium heavy is comparable to the 50 TP. Be warned : it’s very expensive (the equivalent of about 120 euros) and can only be bought with bonds in the store and only in certain instances (Onslaught events namely). Its armor is insane, and becomes almost impenetrable once hull down. Its standard shell’s velocity is awfully bad at 597 so APCR is mandatory. At the same time, the Charlemagne is highly profitable in terms of credits (it’s the second most profitable tank in the game as of December 2023), so it’s worth the investment ... if you’re not a bad player. Skill4ltu’s community loves it. Clearly OP with a WR differential of +8 to +2.5. It makes bad players (between 40 and 45 WR) awfully better, bringing their performance 8 to 4 points higher, thanks to the armor. Watch Skill4ltu play it
  • KV-5 : this premium heavy (with preferential matchmaking) has become rare in battle. Because it’s known for its many weakspots (but also its very large healthpool, one of the largest at tier 8) as well as its impotent but fast-firing gun. Its low pen is compensated by the gun being so high it can drop the potato ammos to people’s engine decks for overpens. It’s fast for a heavy tank, which tends to come in handy when you fail to pen your opponents ... Being extremely heavy and featuring a high top speed enables ramming of other tanks. Reverse side-scraping is recommended in the KV-5. Balanced globally, but in reality favors only players under 50 WR, which makes it beginner fiendly (Slill4ltu confirms). It’s also a very profitable credit maker and very fun to play. Watch MaxGamingFPS and Quickybaby play it.

Tier 8 TDs. There are very few clearly (statistically) overpowered tank destroyers at tier VIII [44] :

  • Type 5 Ka-Ri (premium). A typical product of power creep : good armor for a TD and an awful lot of hp, very accurate gun with a deadly punch, and fast. Makes not only a good sniper but also a good support tank thanks to (a little bit) its armor and (mostly) its hp. OP according to stats (its WR differential ranges between +0.5 and +1). Rated "epic" (5 stars out of 5) by Skill4ltu. The main features according to community contributors’ videos are first the armament, a de facto tier 9 gun with a dispersion of 0.30 with the right equipments (and even 0.27 when the crew has all the necessary skills) and very good ammo and second the mobility (including the traverse speed). The main weak spot is the lower front plate. To be noted : its not-so-bad (e.i. boost it) mobility allows it to relocate, which is rather unusual for a tier 8 TD. "It’s the best tier 8 gun in the game — minus the BZ-176", said Kajzoo on Twitch while two-shooting a number of opponents [45]. As Synop_s demonstrates, it is much better than comparable tier 8 TDs with similar alpha and gameplay, such as the Ferdinand or the JPanther II. See Panboum’s video, Zouaves’ and Quickybaby’s one. Warning : you’ll see lots of community contributors (i.e. unicums) brawling with the Ka-Ri, but as an under average player, you’ll struggle to do the same. It’s not a bad idea to remain sniping most of the game — the Ka-Ri has less armor than you think. The Ka-Ri is an awfully good credit maker : it’s among the three most profitable (credits earned v. credits spent) tier 8 TDs of the game. I don’t seem to be able to make it really work : in my opinion, it doesn’t deserve its reputation. Honestly ? If you’re under 48 WR, use it as sniper only
  • Jagdtiger Prototype (premium, very rarely available) : OP for players under 52WR. Very slow. Second most profitable tier TD in terms of credits. It has the same armor as the tier 9, non premium Jagdtiger but is equipped with the tier 8 Ferdinand gun, which is very powerful, but with less DPM, reload time and gun arc than on the "Ferd" (BTW, the "Ferd" is not OP). The main weak point is, as usual on German armor, the lower front plate (LFG) but its sides and rear are not that well armored. In tier 8 games, it can and should play as a heavy. When playing against tier 9 and 10s, the Jagdtiger Pr is at a real disadvantage and shall fire from afar. In all cases, it should be played hull down, in order to hide the LFP. Skill4ltu doesn’t like it so much. Watch him review it and play it. You can also watch Quickybaby’s or Orzanel’s reviews
  • TS-5 : this premium TD is OP for players over 18 WR. It’s very beginner friendly. In it, I do 3 points better than my overall WR. QuickyBaby’s words in a November 2019 video, although he didn’t say "overpowered", were clear : « I took a look at the statistics : this one has the best win ratio of any freely available tier 8 tank destroyer. [...] The average win ratio of this tank is actually 52%. [...] incredible rate of fire [...] incredible standard penetration ». You can also have a look at Panboum’s review (in French : just turn on translation), it’s very instructive in terms of gameplay. And what’s more, it’s a good credit maker and very profitable in terms of credits.

    But ... especially in the current meta of the game, it has two big, growing disadvantages. 1) It’s very slow and its traverse speed is awful, which means a) despite its armor, it’s not easy to use as a brawler (opponents will simply track you, leaving you unable to point your gun at them) ; b) any fast tank will be a big trouble for this heavy TD : you’ll have trouble shooting it and you mustn’t let it flank you ; c) the TS-5 will struggle to relocate so at the start of the battle, if you make a mistake in terms of where to go, you will be useless for most of the battle, d) it gets easily tracked and then flanked and e) it’s an arty magnet. 2) Its gun is not very accurate. Which means sniping from afar is not an option. Let’s say it’s a mid-range sniper and a brawler only in the final stages of the battle.
    Do the math : in higher tiers battles, you’ll often have to camp. Beware : it can be boring to play, and it nearly never is a game changer when you’re an under average player

  • Turtle Mk I (premium). This mini-Tortoise is highly OP according to its stats : it gives its player roughly +2 WR. DezGamez likes it and Panboum and Iyouxin too but Skill4ltu is a little less enthusiast. It has not too bad armor, good gun handling, correct penetration, correct shell velocity and excellent DPM. Its drawbacks may remind of the TS-5 (see above) : no turret and awful mobility (20 km/h top speed). The Turtle I is underrated or at least underplayed, mainly because it is too slow and the TS-5 exists and has better armor. Nevertheless, among tier 8 TDs, the Turtle is the most profitable in terms of credits and also the most OP. It’s even the third most OP tank at tier 8.
    But ... you have to add the not-so-good armor. Its lower plate is the biggest weak point but the sloped part of the upper front glacis (UFG) is too easy to overmatch : for instance, a tier 8 Skoda T56 with gold ammo has a 70 to 90% chance of penetrating on the all the UFG but the highest part. The Turtle’s gun depression is very good (10°) — much better than the TS-5’s one. So you have to find a place where you can hide your hull, lift the front of the tank to angle your frontal armor and use that gun depression. Choosing the right place to go to is of paramount importance : at the start of the battle, go where the majority of hp is (heavies’ confrontation place) (don’t do it if you’re in a tier 10 battle), then relocate (only one relocation per battle is possible, this tank is too slow), taking into account that when stationary your camouflage is not bad and the default dispersion is 0.35 so you may try to snipe in the second stage of the battle.
    I find the Turtle somewhat difficult to play effectively — at least more difficult than the TS-5. In my opinion, its frontal armor doesn’t allow it to brawl and its lack of mobility (under 30 kmh whatever the tank’s equipment) and of a turret often gets it run over. Counter-intuitively, if you are not on a city map and you can’t use it to work a ridge line, it should be played most of the time as a mid distance (150 m) sniper and if necessary as a long distance one. Compared to the TS-5, armor aside, it has a much more flexible gun arc as well as a much more accurate gun — but a lot of gold ammunition is necessary and it’s much less beginner friendly. In a word : I don’t like the Turtle
  • SMV CC-64 Vipera : this premium Italian TD was introduced in the game with version 1.18 on 31 September 2022. It’s the new, better TS-5. Because it is formidably armored and to be played as a heavy brawler, roughly as the TS-5. And it has a turret, more speed and a powerful gun with 10° of depression. OP or "broken" according to Quickybaby and other unicum youtubers such as RagingRaptor, Kajzoo and Orzanel (who said : « [the Vipera] is so bad for the game »). But not so OP statwise : it roughly gives its player +1 WR. Watch out for the limited traverse of the turret : once the enemy has tracked you, this becomes a major drawback. Note that in higher tier battles, its armor will be overmatched, and the weak points are the lowest part of the lower plate and the turret roof. Personally, although I do well in it, I don’t like the Vipera : it’s too slow, too cumbersome, and not fun
  • the British GSOR 1008 (premium) is OP for players under 52 WR, according to, giving those players +1 WR. QuickyBaby does not say the word OP but means it when describing the GSOR as « an absolute monster ». NB : this tank plays much more like a medium tank than a true tank destroyer, while being fast and equipped with a 4-round autoloader. In it, I do 1 point better than my overall WR. The gun has very high penetration with APCR and offers an exceptional depression of -11°. Its main disadvantage is its 44 seconds reload time — 15 seconds more than the FV 4005 !

Balanced (or OP only for players under a certain WR) but popular tier 8 TDs :

  • XM66F (premium) : a good gun with -10° depression, 9 sec default reload time, 0.38 default dispersion but 0.33 when fully equipped and 400 default apha damage (remember the alpha of the Skorpion G, the T-103 and the SU-130 PM are much higher). That gun is the one selling point of the tank and what makes it OP for players under 50 WR and under-average player friendly. When confronted to higher tier tanks, you have to use APCR — and remember the turret cannot fully rotate. It’s not a long range sniper and going frontline with such armor is difficult so use it mainly as a support tank (as in the Turtle, do not attack alone), hull down if possible. Hide the right side of the front of the turret because it’s almost vertical, and the lower front plate. Sidescraping in this tank is totally unworthy. Its gameplay is similar to the Turtle’s but there’s one main difference : every part of the XM66F can be easily penned. I personally don’t think it is beginner friendly : its armor makes it a two-or-three-shot so your positioning must be near perfect. Skill4ltu rates it only 3/5 mainly because « hull armor is paper » (MaxGamingFPS has the same opinion) but his community rates it higher at 4/5. Panboum (in French) doesn’t love it but thinks it’s allright. See also Synop_s’ review (in French), Quickybaby’s one
  • ShPTK-TVP 100 (premium) : also known as the Shitpack, it’s not really OP now. It has been described as the replacement for Skorpion G and the SU-130 PM but it’s not, because it’s not better than those two. Their WR are nearly identical : a slightly negative WR differential, a little bit more accentuated for the ShPTK-TVP, i.e. they’re balanced. The "Shrek" has awfully good DPM and penetration — but ... the alpha damage is twice lower than the Skorp’s or the SU’s (DPM is equivalent in the end because the rate of fire is superior). The sniper aspect of this tank is reinforced by its camo values (close to the SU’s but not reaching those of the Rhm. B. WT) but at the same time partly mitigated by its shells subpar velocity. I don’t like it, especially its low shell velocity, which is a pain in the ass for a sniper, and I don’t do well in it. It’s very profitable in terms of credits. See Quickybaby’s review and DatBoyGuru’s one
  • a note on the Russian premium TD T-103 : it’s OP only for players under 47WR and very under-average-player friendly, even Skill4ltu acknowledges it. Its portait : no camouflage at all, very good gun, quite good mobility, some armor after all, standard ammunition is a bargain, gold ammo is not really necessary. NB : the T-103 is a not so bad net credit maker — but it doesn’t rank among the most profitable tier 8 TDs
  • the premium TD Rheinmetall Skorpion G is only OP for players under 48 WR (see its stats, they betray its poor armor [46]), but in the hands of an average to very good player, it can do a very good job — only in such hands. In other words : perfect knowledge of heavies’ weak spots and sniping positions on the map plus mastering the medium-like gameplay are crucial here. The Skorpion G doesn’t make my own WR better, it makes it worse by 2 points. But, and that’s avery positive but, it’s a very, very good net credit maker. Here are some videos to get better with the Skorpion G : a review by MaxGamingFPS, How to play Skorpion G Part 1 and Part 2 by CrazyMoldavian (note how CrazyMoldavian pushes close on heavies which have just fired and have a long reload time ; also he recommends shooting to track enemies), a replay (note how the guy nearly always enters his sniping positions backwards, allowing him to get back to cover more quickly, and it’s also justified by the fact that the Skorpion G’s rear armor is as good as its front), one of Skill4ltu’s videos, an Iyouxin high level commentary video (Murovanka, Fisherman’s Bay, Sand River, Prokhorovka, Siegfried Line, Karelia, Cliff, Mines, Malinovka, Steppes, Himmelsdorf, Pilsen, Studzianki, Serene Coast), sniping position videos on Steppes, on Mines, on El Halluf, on Paris, Lakeville and Serene Coast, on Abbey, on Karelia, on Lakeville again, on Cliff, on Outpost or on Ruinberg
  • same ambiguity for the other Rheinmetall TD in the game, the Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger, a glass canon loved by good players : in spite of slightly bad stats (especially when one is over 54 WR), and though it got nerfed, it remains dangerous in the hands of medium to high level players. The Rhm. must be played as a silent, undetectable assassin and if needed, can be played as a passive scout, its very good camo values allow it. NB : it’s not profitable as a credit maker, not at all, in fact it’s very expensive (remember, it’s not a premium ...)
  • same ambiguity for the SU-130PM (premium) (or its Forest Spirit variant).

    It has similar characteristics and performances to those of the Skorpion G so we can list it here, and its stats are neither good nor bad. Its alpha [47] is slightly better than the Skorpion G’s one and its camouflage twice better but it’s much slower. But it doesn’t make my own WR any better, it makes it worse by 1 point. To be noted : according to tank economics, the SU-130 is a very good credit maker and also one of the most profitable (in terms of credits earned v. credits spent) tier 8 TDs of the game, with the Ka-Ri, the Strv S1, the Skorpion, the TS-5, the ShPTK-TVP, the Turtle Mk. I and the Skorpion G (here I’m only citing tanks giving a good or at least correct WR).

Tier 8 arties :

  • M440/M43.

    This arty is another rare case of OP vehicle, since it is OP only with players below 50% WR.

Tier IX OP tanks

NB : tier 9 is the first tier where you can earn bonds, a very important in game currency.

Tier 9 lights : none is OP in the current meta of the game. The best ones probably are the GSOR and the EBR 90, which are balanced [48].

Tier 9 mediums [49] :

  • Leopard PT A : poor armor (3 shots by a heavy, wherever the enemy shell landed, and you’re out) but magnificent gun, so accurate, with excellent alpha damage, penetration, shell velocity and depression, and so fast, so mobile. Good camo values. Must be played as a sniper or supporting the heavies. OP : gives its player +0.5 to +1.8 WR. A typical unicum’s tank. Not really for beginners. Watch Panboum (in French), Taugrim and Skill4ltu play it
  • E 50. A merge between a medium and a heavy tank. Its top gun is the fast firing 8.8 cm. It has god like handling and accuracy. The E 50 is to be played mostly as a versatile medium, sniping typically from 100 to 200 meters (shell velocity is amazing) or brawling (but the tank is relatively slow to turn). The armor is not that good so angle or sidescrape. The E 50 needs a lot of APCR (gold shells) — otherwise you’ll be unable to do anything to higher tiers. It’s been buffed in 2020. Clearly OP only when played by players over 46% WR. Rated as "epic" by Skill4ltu. Here’s Iron Hidex’s, DezGamez’ and Iyouxin’s demonstrations of how to play it. See also iFacePalm’s excellent review
  • Char Futur 4 (premium).

    A quite fast tank, but slow to accelerate. Its 4 shot clip doesn’t make it an real autoloader because its has a 4 second intraclip reload time and a 40 seconds clip reload time ! Therefore it’s not to be played not as a BatChat 25 T or an EBR but as a support tank and a sniper. For those job, it has very good passive spotting values and a very accurate gun —, although it can troll. Neverthless, occasionnaly (especially in hier tier games), if there is no light tank on your team or you have your 40 sec. time to spend, you can play the scout — better the passive one than the active one because the Char doesn’t turn on the spot at all and hos nearly no armor. 4 stars out of 5 according to Skill4ltu. confirms it’s OP with +1 WR differential. Not as meta as it was between 2020 and 2021 and not a beginner friendly

  • the Kampfpanzer 50 t (premium, reward tank [50]) is a mix between the E 50 and the Leopard PT. It’s a jack of all trades, with good statistics all around (apart perhaps from its alpha damage) for its tier (as shown in Quickybaby’s test video), especially its turret armor which favors hulldown positions (lower plate and side armor are bad though). OP according to unicum youtubers Quickybaby (calls it « an absolute beast » and « a little bit overpowered »), Skill4ltu (says it’s a « beast » and can be compared only to the premium tier 9 heavy Concept 1B), PanBoum and Wargaming’s WoT wiki (« one of, if not the best Tier IX medium overall »). OPness confirmed by its stats with a diffrential WR of +2 to +3. See also this 13 kills Kpz 50 t replay commented by Quickybaby
  • T 55A (premium, reward tank). Under average armor and poor gun depression and elevation. Apart from that, its superior gun handling gives it the edge and makes snap shots extremely potent and likely to hit even on the move. Therefore, you should focus more on flanking and quick snap shots, however, your short aim time combined with the very good accuracy also makes long range fights a real option. Somewhat OP, but only for good players (over 48 WR). See for instance what Kajzoo does with it

Tier 9 heavies [51] :

  • Object 752 (premium) : very OP, it gives its player between +2 and +2.8 WR. That’s because of its awfully good armor, even when sidescraping, especially on the turret, and the fact that it’s a 3-round autoreloader with good DPM (1737 HP per min.). It’s a support heavy tank and quite a good brawler if needed. Penetration is meh so APCR is near-mandatory and accuracy is bad at 0.40 so the gun can troll. Magazine reload time is 34 seconds. Ammunition load is limited at 30 shells. Mobility is meh so turbo is mandatory. Fighting this tank calls for firing HEAT rounds. The two cupolas are obvious weak spots — so moving your turret permanently with the gun raised is recommended — but the upper front glacis is too. See what Panboum (in French), Skill4ltu and Quickybaby have to say about it. Skill4ltu and his community both rate it "good" (4 out of 5)
  • Concept 1B (premium, reward tank) : the narrow turret design makes this tank almost immune to all shots when using hulldown positions and working ridge lines, the gun handling is impressive (10° of gun depression for instance) with very high velocity ACPR as default ammo and the speed and mobility are exceptional for a heavy tank (backward at 18 kmh !). Weak spots are : not the lower front glacis but the upper rear area at the end of the turret and two areas in the middle and rear side when the tank sidescrapes. Clearly OP : its WR differential ranges between +2 and +3. See Quickybaby’s opinion, Panboum’s and Kajzoo’s ones. Note that both Kajzoo and Panboum think the gun’s gold ammo penetration and DPM aren’t good enough. Rated "epic" (5 out of 5) by Skill4ltu
  • AMX M4 mle. 51 (or AMX M4 51).

    Loved by very good players for obvious reasons

  • Conqueror. The tier 9 Conqueror is suprinsingly more OP than its famous tier 10 brother : OP for by players over 46% WR
  • Object 705. High alpha damage and decent penetration with the top 130mm gun. Exceptional turret face armor. Thick spaced side armor allows for effective side-scraping. One of the largest health pools for a tier 9 heavy tank. Excellent in a defensive role, such as holding chokepoints and corners. Good at sidescraping. Slighly OP for players between 44 and 58WR according to Skill4ltu likes it (4 stars out of 5) and thinks it is beginner friendly
  • Object 777 version II (premium) : somewhat OP according to, but it’s more a unicum’s tank, especially as it has good speed and mobility for a heavy tank. Great sidecraping capabilities if sidescraped perfectly. Not the perfect brawler. Very low, which helps it hide. See Panboum’s opinion for more details. Skill4ltu doesn’t like it and I neither. All in all, according to French player Fransosiche, it’s inferior to the Obj. 257, even though stat wise the 257 is not OP.

Tier 9 TDs [52] :

  • Ho-Ri 1 : gives its driver between +0,1 and +0,5 according to From the new 2023 Japanese TD line. Impressive alpha damage, good accuracy and DPM and well armored on the front (but not the sides). A new, tier 9 TS-5 in a way but not as good as its tier 10 brother according to unicum Orzanel. See detailed review by legassiini
  • Tortoise : because it was buffed in version 9.22 of the game and because of the advent of bond turbocharger, this slow, very heavily armored TD is now awfully OP according to its stats. That wasn’t the case before. Its gun has the second highest DPM in the game, is very accurate, has very good penetration, a good arc and good depression. The huge cupola is of course its main weak spot (the machine gun port no longer is) and the tank doesn’t like open space maps but overall it’s a better tank than the tier 10 in the same line, the Badger. Not well known, not much used (partly because of the huge cupola), the Tortoise dramatically boosts bad to average players’ stats : it gives its driver a WR superior to the one of the player by 2 to 3 points. See Skill4ltu’s opinion. To Dakilzor, « it’s such a good tank ». Quickybaby calls it « the most dangerous tank destroyer in World of Tanks, tier for tier »
  • T95 (aka the "Doom Turtle") : the American version of the Tortoise. Due to the insane amount of armor that nearly covers the entire tank’s front, the two weak spots, the lower glacis and the two cupolas, are the only things any tier 7, 8, and even tier 9 and 10 tanks have a hope at penetrating if you greet them head on. Spaced side armor is deceptively bouncy and will eat HE and HEAT Shells for low damage or none at all. On the minus side, the 155 mm gun’s accuracy is rather bad and as with the Maus, speed is awful (20 kmh max.) so relocating is not an option. You can use it as a breakthrough tank, block a street on urban maps or cap without the enemy being able to make you decap. Skill4ltu loves it and rates its beginner friendliness at 5/5. Watch him play it. Clearly OP with a WR differential of approx. +1.6
  • AMX 50 Foch (often shortened to Foch) : although it has suffered from the general power creep and features poor alpha damage, poor penetration and low hp, this is a 4-shot autoloader with correct accuracy (0.35), decent gun handling for a tank destroyer, well angled and reasonably thick frontal armor, high top speed and good acceleration but very prominent and poorly armored frontal weakspots. And while its younger brother AMX AC 48 (tier 8) is clearly not OP, this one (and in the hands of good players its AMX AC 46 brother from tier 7 and its elder brother AMX 50 Foch B) is slightly OP. See this video by Wargaming for a good summary of its drawbacks and assets
  • the Waffenträger auf Pz. IV (shortened to WT. Pz. IV), although very popular because of its high alpha damage (especially with the big, 150 mm gun, gifted with a 750 dmg alpha), is not OP (-0.7 to -1 WR differential) but can be fun to play. Accuracy is 0.35. As the Steyr, it should enter the TD spot backwards. See Clems’ (in French) and Skill4ltu’s videos, this one, this one, this one and Zouaves’s one.

Tier 9 arties : at tier 9, there is no obvious OP arty. Nevertheless :

  • the Bat.-Châtillon 155 55 (BC) 155 55 gives between +1.8 and +0.6 WR to players under 48 WR. So for newcomers to tier 9, that arty might be the first to try. Its mobility is very good, comparable to a medium tank. Its gun has a relatively high accuracy and a high rate of fire. Rated "good" by Skill4ltu.

Tier X OP tanks

NB : this tier is the highest and the most difficult of all tiers. Which means that even good players (aka over 49 WR) have better WR in inferior tier vehicles. Which in turn means that at this tier, one has to slightly modify his definition of OP : statistically, OP tanks at tier 10 are "balanced" tanks and even some tanks with a slightly negative WR differential (not more than -1 in average) can qualify.

Tier 10 lights : there is no perfectly OP tank in this tier :

Tier 10 mediums [53] :

  • Carro 45T (premium) : stats show this Italian medium is very OP (between +1 and +3 differetial WR) but it’s difficult to play because of the gun. See Kajzoo’s explanations.
  • Object 907 (premium reward tank). Fast (55 kmh) and gifted with a monstrous DPM (3080). Clearly OP with a WR differential between +1 and +1.7
  • Object 430U : a typical representative of the "heavy medium" concept, it is good in every aspect apart from the gun’s accuracy, it is also a unicum preferred tank, but stat wise, it’s balanced so for a tier X it’s OP
  • Udes 15/16 : this Swedish medium is a born ridge line worker with its very good gun depression (13°), very sloped armor, high alpha damage (joint highest for a tier 10 medium tank) and good DPM. Shell velocity and accuracy are subpar, and will make sniping tricky but its very good camo rating will make it a good scout. OP say the pro unicums such as Skill4ltu, Iyouxin, Mailand, Kajzoo and QuickyBaby. Stats confirm, because it’s balanced
  • T-22 medium : this very rare premium had impressive OPness at the hands of good players before it got nerfed. It remains OP for players under 47 WR according to stats and is still awfully good at reverse sidescraping. Nearly nobody plays it anymore nowadays so its very heavily armored sides will troll most players. It may make its come back because it’s been buffed by Wargaming in view of the March 2021 Blackmarket event. A good indication of that is unicum Kajzoo’s love for the T-22 and the extremely good games Quickybaby had in it. Skill4ltu doesn’t love it. OP for a tier 10 because it’s balanced with a neutral WR differential
  • STB-1. It is a fast semi-accurate medium tank with low but well sloped armor, very high DPM (damage per minute), very good gun depression (14°) and high penetration. Not perfectly OP with a WR differential of -1
  • Object 140 : it’s another tier 10 "heavy medium" and is loved by very good players (see for instance Skill4ltu’s — he calls it "good" (4/5) — or Quickybaby’s opinion) especially because it sports a very good DPM. stats say it could be considered OP : its WR differential is between 0 and -1
  • E 50 M. It’s been buffed in 2020’s update 1.10.1 but this is, again, a not fully OP tank since its WR differential is approx. -1. See QuickyBaby’s and DatBoyGuru’s reviews and Claus Kellerman’s video.

Tier 10 heavies [54] :

  • IS-4 : "Jack-of-All-Trades/Master-of-None" approach to its in-game performance. Its gun is adequate for its tier, but is quite unimpressive in any single aspect such as accuracy or DPM. Good armor profile — strong turret armor and thick side hull armor. Large healthpool, largest among all Soviet heavy tanks. Good top speed for a heavy tank. Don’t be fooled by this presentation and consider that it’s been globally buffed in update 1.10. Balanced at tier 10 so OP. Good (4/5) according to Skill4ltu and his community
  • Object 705 A : excellent alpha damage (highest for a Soviet heavy tank) and good penetration. Ridiculously strong turret armor with virtually no weak-spots. Hull sides are thick and covered with spaced armor, excellent for side-scraping. Good top speed and acceleration. Huge mass, thick armor and decent speed allow for effective ramming. But low DPM, long aim-time, poor accuracy, and bad gun depression. Very vulnerable ammo rack, damage or destruction are not uncommon. OP for players above 48 WR. Rated "good" (4/5) by Skill4ltu and his community
  • Object 260 : this reward tank has strong frontal hull armor and turret armor, great gun handling and DPM, the thirrd highest standard penetration of all heavy tanks (default ammunition is APCR ...) and superior top speed and less weight than IS-7, giving it excellent mobility similar to mediums. But its HP pool is extremely low for a heavy tank, tied for second worst HP pool out of all tier 10 heavies. OP for players above 48 WR. Good (4/5) according to Skill4ltu and his community
  • ST-II : this dual gun heavy has incredible burst potential ; dual-barreled gunfire deals 880 damage, and can deal up to 1100 with a maximum roll. Great frontal turret armour. The best gun depression of all tier 10 Russian heavies (-8) makes hull down a viable option. The space between the guns is noticeably smaller than on other double-barreled vehicles, making situations where only one gun deals damage and the other one doesn’t with a salvo far rarer. Also one of the lowest DPM values of all tier 10 heavies, bad aiming time and accuracy. OP for players above 48 WR. Rated 4/5 by Skill4ltu’s community
  • VK 72.01 (K) (aka the "Failowe") (premium, reward tank, very rarely awarded). Statistically speaking (, Skill’s Index tank stats), EU, NA and Asia servers taken into account, it has the third best WR for a tier 10 heavy in the game (after the Obj. 279 (e) and the T95/FV4201 Chieftain). But this is partly because it is much more played by very good players than other tanks (approx. 80% of its players are over 50 WR). Skill4ltu describes it as « one of the most under rated clan wars reward tanks », the only real weak points of this tank being the very narrow lateral outskirts of its gun mantlet and its tiny cupola. Kajzoo agrees. It’s very OP for a tier 10 with a its WR differential of +1.5. Watch Epsilon playing it to see what it can do
  • Obj. 279 (e) (premium, reward tank). The 279 (e) has a really troll armor. Statistically speaking, all servers (but the Russian one) taken into account, and although it’s been somewhat nerfed in September 2023, it is the most OP tier 10 tank in the game — before the Chieftain (it’s also the least profitable tier 10 heavy, meaning you loose an awful amount of credits each time you play it ...). Have a look at Zouaves & Cie’s video (in French) on it
  • Super Conqueror.

    A good hull down heavy but the turret has its weaknesses. OP only for players above approx. 56% WR

  • 60TP : poor armor so not ideal for under 47 WR players. But a very good gun, with the highest alpha damage in tier/class, tied with E 100 and VK 72.01 (K). Extremely strong turret face and upper glacis armor — but very weak lower plate and sides so poor at sidescraping. Very large health pool, 4th largest in the game. And fairly good mobility. Balanced at tier 10 so OP. Loved by Sill4ltu and his community
  • a strange case is the Object 277’s one. According to Youtuber Epsilon, this tier X heavy has a very good gun, a quasi-perfectly armored turret (the weak spot on its cupola is so small) and drives (fast) like a medium. Its powerful 130mm gun has one of the best penetrations among tier 10 heavies. Its side hull is protected with spaced armor, which makes it excellent for sidescraping. And though it has only 5° gun depression, that’s marginally better than average for a Russian tank. All qualities which makes it versatile, the best quality for making huge damage. Zouaves also likes it very much. But nevertheless stats show it’s not OP, but simply another unicums’ tank. To be honest, it seems close to OP
  • the Maus with its insane armor was very clearly OP with good players. A little less now stat wise : it’s balanced so it being a tier 10, this means it is OP. Beginner friendly, as Skill4ltu and his community say, and unpenable if you angle it correctly (always angle your turret too when not firing, other wise the mantlet is penetrable) according to MaxGamingFPS
  • T95/FV4201 (Chieftain) (premium, clan war reward tank available for an enormous amount of bonds) : the one to rule them all. Although it’s been somewhat nerfed in September 2023, the tier 10 Chieftain is a hull down monster, with good mobility and an outstanding gun (highest standard penetration of all tier 10 heavies at 270mm). OP according to both stats (but second best net credit looser among tier 10 heavies after the Obj. 279 (e)) and a majority of forumers and unicum youtubers, such as Zouaves & Cie for whom it is the most OP tank in the game. The Chieftain is kind of tier 11 tank. Not for beginners nor poor players. Watch Skill4ltu play it. If you speak French, do watch this hilarious "Freestyle du Chieftain OP" video which makes fun of Wargaming’s confirmed tendency to milk players
  • T110 E4 : half tank destroyer, half heavy tank. The gun has good alpha damage but can troll, armor is good only on the hull, not the turret. Mediocre -6 degrees of gun depression also limits hulldown tactics.
    The turret has limited traverse, only 90° each side, making it very vulnerable to flanking. OP nevertheless. Skill4ltu is no that appreciative of it but his community rates it 4/5
  • IS-7. With its well angled "pike-nose" frontal armor layout and a rounded, highly sloped turret front, the IS-7 is one of the toughest nuts to crack when engaged from the front. But the gun is not that accurate by default (boost it with equipment and skills). Roughly balanced stat wise, so OP for tier 10. Rated "good" (4/5) and beginner friendly by Skill4ltu and loved by Kajzoo and Iyouxin for it’s speed and its ramming potential.

Tier 10 TDs [55] :

  • the Controcarro 3 Minotauro, introduced in the game in 2022, is in fact to be played like the hull down, heavy monster that it is. Its armor is so "broken" that you don’t have to angle it and it is nearly impenetrable when hull down. And at the same time it introduced this tank in the game, Wargaming was nerfing the Kranvagn : talk about being logical — typical power creep. The Minotauro is obviously OP stat wise with a +0.7 +1.6 WR differential and so say unicums but it’s been nerfed in April 2024 in update 1.24.1
  • the Object 268 Version 4, also known as "Bobject", is a false TD but a true assault gun. It was so awfully overpowered (reverse speed 18 kmh, 350mm+ effective armor on most places, no frontal weak spot, very powerful gun) that even poor players did much better with it. It still is clearly OP, even after the nerf (speed got back from 50 to 40 kmh). One can still use it, say Skill4ltu, MaxGamingFPS and DezGamez
  • The T110E3 is a good tank, much used, and OP enough to be statistically a little bit more than balanced and therefore has its place in this tier 10 OP tanks list
  • Jg.Pz. E 100 : known as "The Broomstick of Doom", the "Boomstick" or "Jageroo", it’s one of the most popular TDs at tier X for two reasons : fire its 170 mm gun and you will deal 1000 dmg, angle its turret at 45° and you will bounce most shots. Also, it has the highest HP pool of all TDs in the game and its gun has the best penetration of all tanks. The weak spots on the front are the lower plate and the frontal superstructure (not the mantlet), which is often penetrated with gold ammo (the cupola is small and at the back of the superstructure). Its sides are weak, it has no camo, any tank with even decent mobility will be able to outmaneuver you if you’re alone and artillery will have a feast with you if you are foolish enough to stay still on an open field. Balanced in terms of stats so OP, rather impressive and beginner friendly according to Skill4ltu. In the words of MaxGamingFPS, "this gun is broken, what this tank is is a noob gun, and it’s far too accurate" (0.31 default accuracy) but "it doesn’t really have armor". Support your team’s heavies or hold a defensive position at the end of a corridor. But with today’s fast, 5 min. battles, the "Jagdpizda"’s 20 sec. reload time and bad mobility means that even in the best circumstances your average dmg will remain close to 2000 dmg, as shown by Skill4ltu. Watch MaxGamingFPS play it, or Quickybaby or this game
  • the Chinese WZ-113-G FT is not a bad TD at tier 10. It has a neutral WR differential — i.e. it’s statistically balanced — meaning it’s OP for a tier 10.
  • the FV217 Badger is an assault TD with an impressive DPM and unicum Kajzoo loves it, but it’s very situational. Heavily armored on its upper frontal plate (300mm+ of effective armor). The lower front plate is its major weak spot, so you’d better play it hull down. NB : it can sidescrape. The APCR shells penetration is above average. Clearly OP nevertheless
  • Ho-Ri 3 : this Japanese TD is statistically balanced at tier 10 so OP. The gun is rather accurate, its alpha damage is impressive and reverse speed is very good (18 kmh default). But armor is meh so don’t play it as an assault TD — unless you’re a very good player on a ridge line. Beginner friendly according to Panboum’s review. Skill4ltu’s community loves it, giving it a 5/5 rating
  • the Foch B is OP
  • Strv 103B : fantastic penetration, accuracy and 3rd best DPM in the game due to its great rate of fire but siege mode and fixed gun again. Can even be played like an assault TD/heavy according to Iyouxin and Kajzoo. It’s nevertheless at the limit of being not OP in terms of stats, especially as the maps offer less and less spots for sniper TDs and look more and more like a combination/succession of corridors
  • 114 SP2 : this Chinese reward TD is slow and has paper armor but is OP according to Kajzoo and DezGamez. According to Quickybaby, it has an accurate gun with good DPM but QB doesn’t think it’s OP. Panboum recommends to play this glass cannon like a sniper — the same way one plays the Grille 15. Its stats show a neutral WR differential under 52 WR so we can say it’s OP. Loved by very good players.

Tier 10 arties : at tier 10 too, there is no obvious OP arty. Nevertheless :

  • the Object 261 gives +1.7 to +0.4 WR to players under 48 WR. So for newcomers to tier 10, that arty might be the first to try. Its gun has the highest rate of fire (its reload time is 30 sec.) among tier 10 arties and the best accuracy among arties in the game. It is quite mobile for its size, being only slightly slower than many mediums. Rated "epic" by Skill4ltu. Watch what it can do in good hands
  • the WR profile of the GW E 100 is similar : OP for "bad" players only. Its reload time is the second best among tier 10 arties with 37 sec. but its has a very slow shell velocity so it’s not recommended for newcomers to tier 10. Skill4ltu and its community appreciate it, giving it 4 stars out of 5. Watch it in action in good hands.

Sources for this overpowered tanks list :

The most profitable tanks : a selection

Hereunder, we list a personal selection of tanks among the most profitable (in terms of credits earned v. credits spent on average) in the game but OP or correct at the same time. The sole source for profitability stats is’s Tank Economics page.

This list is very useful if you don’t want to use your credit card to buy gold ammo every time your credits go low ... But as you can see, at the same time, only very few non-premium tanks are highly profitable.

Tier IV :

Tier V :

Tier VI :

Tier VII :

Tier VIII :

If you want to see another selection of the most profitable tier 8 tanks, watch Quickybaby’s video Playing the Best Credit Makers in World of Tanks.

Guides for scouting/spotting

Advice to beginners : do NOT start with scouts, wait ’till you’ve got a thousand battles behind you. Otherwise your WR will suffer.

Since the following guides on how to use scouts are very good, I will not write a complete, special guide for scouting.

Here are, extracted mostly from the first guide hereunder and some videos by Swiss unicum and community contributor Panboum, the really important rules to become a good scout :

  • when playing as a scout, your task is to reveal enemy locations so that friendly artillery and tanks can shoot from out of viewing range. This has a great advantage because the enemy can’t return fire if it can’t see who’s shooting at it
  • on open maps, scouting is key to win. On closed maps or corridor maps (city maps for example), it is near unuseful
  • you don’t need to be a light tank in order to scout. Medium tanks and even fast tank destroyers (typically Hellcats and T-67s) or slow ones with exceptional camo values (Rhm. B. WT or SU-130 PM with low noise exhaust for example) can act as scouts too. Even heavies with very good turret armor such as the Maus or the mini-Maus can spot over ridge lines
  • as long as enemy locations are known, there is no need to scout (during this time, you can cautiously shoot enemies from a distance). If your mediums and heavies are in the midst of engaging enemy tanks, and red dots are already lighted up, then just be patient and sit quietly in the base. When all the red dots disappear, and your team is starved for intel, that’s when you’d serve your team the most as a scout. That usually happens toward mid to late game, after half the team is dead
  • there are two roles a scout can play :
    • passive scouting : there are two ways to do it (they can be alternated) :
      • the observer : it’s the most efficient one and at the same time the easiest one. You can stop, and hide, and observe and provide more useful intelligence than rummaging through the enemy’s base for a lifetime of 5 seconds. The key points in this observation scouting are :
        • it’s generally done from a bush. But beware : some bushes have become so obvious in the game enemies will blind fire them. Iyouxin and kajzoo have some alternatives to suggest
        • to know your map very well
        • to reach your position and hide *before the enemy* shows up. So only use the fastest scout in your tier
        • to position yourself hidden at a hilltop or a road crossing
        • to NOT shoot because it would tell the enemy where you are (even if you fire 15 m from the bush, fire direction indicator will betray you)
        • to be patient : i.e. give your allies the time to reload and let the artillery do its job
        • at tier 8 to 10, stay a minimum of 270 m away from the enemy to not get spotted. Even if they are lights or mediums with CVS, they won’t spot you. Under tier 8, CVS can’t be used so the distance is shortened
      • the spotter : sneak up from behind, from the side, from beneath a hill, from behind a building, etc. Use cover wisely and take a peek in. As soon as you spot the enemy, back out and hide behind somewhere safe where you can’t be hit. Generally, refrain from shooting. Let artillery and TDs do the work. As soon as the red blip disappears, peek in again, then back out, out of sight. Rinse and repeat, never engaging the enemy yourself
    • active scouting : three ways to do it :
      • active spotting : never fire, but always be on the move on ridge lines and through bushes and forests, with only the tip of your gun or turret emerging. For a perfect example, see how unicum Skill4ltu does it.
      • the fighting scout : always on the move, spot, hide and then fire on all weak points. Circle-of-death heavies and assault TDs
      • the rushing scout : if you decide to rush, don’t approach the enemy base head on. Always approach from one side of the map, and sweep to the other side. A (bad, inefficient) version of the rushing scout is suicide scouting. If you really want to try it, follow this guide
  • at the start of the battle, rule 51. (see above) is of paramount important for scouts : if you go just a little bit too far, you’ll suddenly find yourself into enemy territory and fired on by two to three enemies simultaneously = easy death and no credits. Instead, surf the ridge line at the middle of the map
  • don’t push your flank when you see multiple enemies unaccounted for or last known enemies’ positions on the minimap
  • locate yourself just on the other side of a ridge occupied by the enemy => the enemy remains proxy-perma-spotted => they cannot show themselves on the ridge line to shoot because they get insta-shot on
  • use the view range circle of your tank on the mini-map to know how to approach the enemy but not too much
  • auto-aim is your friend : use it (right-click the enemy and go around him in circles)
  • equiping your scouting tank : it’s most important to have the best radio, binoculars (+25% view range but effective only when stationary) or coated optics (+10% view range only, but effective also when on the move), camo net (which is not that necessary if you have camo crew skills activated) and a small repair pack (number 5 on keypad)
  • equipment : commander’s vision system (CVS), if available, will allow you to (partly) "view through the bushes". CVS can only be mounted on light and medium tanks of tiers 8 to 10.

Recommended guides/tutorials for scouting :

Special SPG/artillery corner

 1. Advice to beginners : do NOT play arty before you’ve got a thousand battles under your helm. Or your win ratio will suffer badly. That’s because in order to play arty at least correctly you need to know where to pre-aim. And how can you know where to pre-aim if you don’t know where the heavies and mediums usually go and in which bushes the scouts usually hide ?

 2. Crew : use your credits to bring gunner and commander at 75% minimum. Otherwise, you’ll miss most of your shots. Recommended skills and perks : snapshot and dead eye for the gunner, mentor for the commander, clutch braking, smooth ride, and off-road driving for the driver, brother in arms for all crew members.

 3. Equipment : use a shell rammer and enhanced gun laying drive. Also vents. No need for a repair kit. Use high octane fuel to reach a better top speed, so as to relocate more easily.

 4. Only use HE shells. Forget AP and HEAT.

 5. Anticipate where the enemy will be and place yourself accordingly so you have a shot on them.

 6. Pre-aim popular locations, blind shot bottlenecks and the usual bushes.

 7. Do not miss. When using parabolic fire (using the left Shift key then the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out), make sure the line of fire is not red and the targeting oval has stopped shrinking. Even when this oval is at its smallest diameter, the WOT server will not let you hit the target every time (the effect of the infamous RNG). The same applies in direct fire. Make sure that the circle is tiny and aim slightly low. Never try to fire on the move — you will miss.

 8. Hide as best as you can. Far from the base if possible and not close to another friendly arty. Conceal yourself in a bush or — better — behind a slope or a building (but far from the walls).

 9. Move (not the same way as others tanks). Find your hiding spot quickly, use your reload time to move 10 meters minimum after each shot to escape counter-arty fire and relocate so as not to remain alone (i.e. follow your allies in their major moves) and escape the approaching enemies. Beware of fast tanks hunting arties, especially scouts at the end of a battle. So regularly leave your special arty view (left Shift key) to check your surroundings and do keep an eye on your surroundings through the minimap too.

 10. TD mode. When the enemy gets close, generally, you’re too slow to escape, so face them and act as a TD. Switch to normal view, face the enemy, get into reverse and try to guess the enemy trajectory or use the in-game auto-aim (right click on the enemy to activate it). This is particularly useful on urban maps such as Winterberg or Himmelsdorf.

 11. Prioritize your targets. As a general rule, always prefer the easiest targets : those which are stationary and low on hp (but not too low : do not concentrate on one-shots, other, less powerful guns can get rid of them and they’ll generally do it quicker than you). Tanks threatening your base (and yourself) become priorities — so always watch your minimap. Then shoot 1. heavies and arties first, 2. TDs, 3. mediums, 4. lights/scouts. Open top vehicules and scouts are a tempting target because they are easy to kill in one shot. But they generally move too fast and too frequently for them to be easy targets. Heavies, mediums and TDs engaged in ambushes or "round the corner" fights, as well as tanks tracked or on low health, are generally easier to hit because they move slower and less often. Of course, incoming scouts, when seen, are the first priority target. Also, when an arty is lit up on the mini-map, it becomes first priority target.

 12. Counter-arty. You can kill enemy arties right at the start of the game by simply positionning your parabolic view where yourself would have been hiding your arty if you were on the opposing team. Then you wait for their arty’s first fire and the trajectory of its shell will indicate where it sits. You aim behind where he’s supposed to be. And after you’ve fired, you move (in order not get counter-battery fire on yourself). Check WOT-Pearlmam’s video WoT : How to Blind Kill Enemy Artillery to understand and learn the trick.

 13. Aim according to range. Remember : in an arty, the aiming circle (or "oval", or reticule) represents the area where your shell would land, should it go through the target, while the crosshair represents where the shell will hit the target (or the earth). Also keep in mind that when you put your crosshair on an enemy tank, the game, in order to maximise your chances to hit the target, behaves as if you’re aiming at mid-heighth of the tank. That means that if the hull of the tank is hidden, you get a red line of fire, while if you move your crosshair slightly behind the tank, the line of fire becomes green and in fact whithout seeing it, you’re aiming at its turret !

In practical terms :

  • at long range (more than 400 m), your trajectory flattens, so put your crosshair a little further behind the target and the target should be in the frontal part of the aiming oval
  • at mid range (between 300 and 400 m) : crosshair on the target, the aiming oval behind the target (yes, this is normal)
  • at short range (50 to 300 m), crosshair on the front of the target
  • at close range (less than 50m), switch to normal view (often called "TD mode") and if the enemy is a scout shoot in the ground just in front of him.

In parabolic (arty) view, when firing a moving target, know the speed of your shells, estimate the target’s length, heighth and speed and shoot accordingly : before the target, where it will be in 1 or 2 seconds, and through it.

From The Comprehensive Guide to Playing Artillery

 13. Target the weak spots. Which is, when playing SPGs, the *deck* of enemy tanks or at least the upper side of their turret, not their flanks nor their front.

 14. Use keys and mouse clicks. Press left shift key to go into parabolic view. Right click on the minimap the place you want your parabolic view to go to. Press the X key to stop your tank moving when you move your crosshair, which causes the server reticule to widen. Press T or F2 beforeyou fire to warn good players that you’re targeting a special tank. Hold down Z and pick the "Reloading !" in the bottom right or press F8 to indicate your reload time to your allies. Ctrl + click on the mini-map to indicate your allies the zones to watch (you have a much better view of what’s going on than them).

 15. Lines to grind : clearly, the US line is much better than the other ones.

Sources :

Special German corner

  • most German tanks have very weak lower front glacis (LFG) armor : hit them there
  • so, when playing them, try to use hull down tactics (see rule 21.).

Special American heavies corner

  • American heavy tanks have weak hull armor : hit them there
  • but their turret is mostly impenetrable so, when playing them, always try to use hull down tactics (see rule 21.). All the more because they have extremely good gun depression.

Special derp guns corner

In the words of the WoT Glossary, a derp gun is "a short, inaccurate, high-damage gun with a very long reload time that typically fires high-explosive (HE) ammunition".

In more graphic terms, a tank with a derp gun kills its opponent in 1 to 3 shots, i.e. it’s fun to play. In exchange, the tank is generally either poorly armored (e.g. Ikv 103) or slow (KV-1 or KV-2 for instance).

Unicums and content creators Iyouxin and Mailand show the best derp guns in action. Beware, some of those tanks are not overpowered. Here is the list of the tanks they play, with the derp gun indicated when there is a choice :

  • T3 HMC equipped with the 75 mm AT Howitzer M1A1
  • T6 Medium with 105 mm Howitzer M4
  • Hetzer with 0,5 cm Stu.H. 42 L/28
  • KV-1 with 122 mm U-11
  • Ikv 103
  • KV-2 wih 152 mm howitzer
  • VK 28.01 105
  • Tiger I with 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28
  • SU-152 mounting the 152 mm ML-20 gun7
  • Comet equipped with the 3.7-inch Howitzer
  • Rhm.-Borsig WT with 15 cm Pak L/29.5
  • T49 with 152 mm
  • M46 Patton with 105 mm T5E1M2
  • WT auf Pz. IV equipped with one of the two 15 cm guns
  • Cobra
  • Foch 155
  • Type 5 Heavy with the 15 cm
  • FV4005

Special "glass canon" (fragile TDs) corner

This deals with equipment and tactics for so-called "glass canon" (i.e. slow tank destroyers with little armor, which generally are a two to three-shot : FCM36 Pak40, Alecto, Marder II, Marder 38T, SAu 40, S35 CA, AMX AC 46, SU-76, SU-100 Y, T-28E F-30, Pz.Sfl. IVc, Nashorn, Sturer Emil, Dicker Max, Rhm. B. WT, WT Pz. IV, FV4005 ...).

One very important thing to remember : glass canons are *not favored at all* in the current meta of the game. The game becomes more and more a corridors’ game, there are less and less vast, open plains where your sniper TDs view range and powerful gun can express itself. The games are quicker and quicker, lasting generally 5 to 6 min, which reduces the number of shots you are able to do in a battle (because sniper TDs have long reload times), which in turn brings your dmg down and in the end reduces your efficiency. And heavies gain more and more armor, more and more speed. So your average sniper TD becomes more and more useless.

Equipment :

  • must haves :
    • turbo (simple, bond or experimental) because 99% of TDs are slow, while the game meta goes towards more and more speedy tanks
    • ramer (simple or bond)
    • aiming unit
  • second most useful :
    • vents
    • rotation mechanism
  • binoculars make more sense that optics because for optics to work, you need to remain completely still. But in the end, it’s your allies job to spot for you and if your team looses, the enemies will come to you, so both can be forgotten
  • for TDs with good default camo values — such as the SU-130 PM, Rhm B. WT, , WT Pz. IV or Strvs — prefer low noise exhaust system over camo net because camo net needs you to remain completely still, which is rarely doable, especially as you need to go back after most shots (and loose your camo value in the process)
  • hardening is unuseful because by default you have nearly no armor and few hp, so +8% of armor and hp when those are already so low won’t prevent you from getting insta-killed if you’re spotted without hard cover to shield you.

Tactical advice :

  • choose carefully two places at the rear with maximum line of sight and go from one to the other when you’re spotted — for an example, see skill4ltu’s video Basics of Sniping ! (Prokhorovka South Spawn). OR choose one place as close as possible to the center of the map (so as to light up as many enemies as possible and at the same time control the map) but this place must provide hard cover (slope, rocks, walls) — see Skill4ltu’s video How to be a Sniper Schnitzel. Accompany your allies when they’ve cleaned a zone and move further away, while remaining behind them
  • stay away (i.e. a minimum of 200 meters) from the front line : you don’t have enough armor, speed nor manoeuverability. And you’re not a unicum. I know, it’s frustrating :-) Some exceptions :
    • your team has advanced a lot and protects you. Or you’re in the streets of a town. Then find a long alley/street/narrow valley, position yourself in it, close enough — not too close — to the melee, and shoot the enemies, playing peek-a-boom
    • at the end of the battle, there are only two allied tanks left including you and not more than two enemy tanks left either
    • the enemy is caping or there is only 3 min left and your team is down to you and one or two arties : you have to take risks
  • fire once and hide immediately (peek-a-boom), NEVER fire twice in a row. Remaining hidden is the key to survivability, but also to kills and credits. Reverse speed (18 kmh and over) is an important criteria for choosing a glass cannon
  • use bushes but remember :
    • once you’ve fired, you’re spotted. So either stay 15 meters minimum from those bushes (see rules 30. and 31.) or back away behind hard cover as said above. Use double bush mechanics if possible
    • hard cover is always better than a simple bush because typical bushes are well known and most players will blind fire them
  • look for lines of sight, so know your maps well
  • do have intuition skill for your crew
  • beware of artillery. Arty will one-shot you if you don’t back up quickly
  • take advantage of your powerful gun and do try to blind shot the usual TD or scout hiding bushes
  • if you’re very slow — which is often the case —, always stay close your base. Especially at the end when your team seems to have won and you want to go with your allies to cap (because that’s when the remaining enemies are going to cap your base — and remember : you’re slow and your allies are far away)
  • if you’re in a fast TD (such as the Super Hellcat, see QuickyBaby’s video), buff its camouflage values with a camo net and camo skills for the crew, and either play the aggressive TD on the center ridge line or the passive scout near the center of the map. Remember to position yourself very quickly at the beginning of the game. You need some experience to do that
  • don’t come to your opponents and don’t let them outflank you or get close to you. On the contrary, go far away and up from them to take advantage of your gun and change location after having fired
  • NEVER go through the middle of the map or open spaces. You’ll get spotted. In a glass cannon, don’t attack if your team is in bad shape at the end of the game. Only if you win by a large margin. Otherwise, defend the base by hiding (camo).

As Magkiln puts it in a forum thread :

  • For both lines my main advice at low tier is ’Stay Hidden’. They have little to no armor, are low on hitpoints, and cannot brawl. So keep an eye on the minimap
  • Learn the maps, so that you know where you can find good concealment and long lines of fire
  • Never cross open spaces where you can be spotted. Learn the concealment rules and use ’double bushes’ to stay hidden when firing
  • If the enemy is so close that you will be detected if you shoot, think twice before firing
  • Don’t go anywhere alone and stay behind the team. You need them to spot for you. If you do your own spotting, the enemy will see you when you fire
  • Never try to ’hold a flank’. You cannot ! You lack the armour to take return fire
  • Keep an eye on the mini map, so you can start running in time, don’t leave it to the last moment.

More advice in this commented replay (in French) in two parts by Clems238.

Sources :

NB : strongly armored TDs such as TS-5, Minotauro, Object 268 Version 4 etc. (called "assault TDs" by Wargaming) should be played as heavy tanks, on the front line, or support them, just behind the front line. Then there is the case of the Strvs, which can be played as snipers but, as Iyouxin has demonstrated, can also be played on the front line if you know what you’re doing.

Special KVs corner

  • do not engage a KV-1/KV-1S/KV-220/KV-2/KV-85 without having an anti-tank canon yourself or a TD by your side using APCR shells or another superior heavy tank
  • best tactics against a KV is to drive around him and fire at his flanks (easy penetration), especially behind the turret, or rear (strong fire possibility)
  • weak spots are the entire bottom rear portion of the KV’s hull, the portion of the hull above the tracks on its flanks and — especially if not angled — the upper front glacis and upper side hull. For the KV-1S and especially the KV-220, add the turret’s sides
  • don’t drive a KV alone, work in pair. Ideally, have mediums to cover your flanks
  • don’t drive your KV in plains, go into the city or into corridors
  • use sidescraping and pop up/peek-a-boom (get out, fire, get back under cover while you reload, get out, etc.)
  • for the KV-2, there is an old but still useful guide : the KV-2 Owner’s Handbook.

Sources :

Special Matilda and Valentine corner

  • those two British mediums are so heavily armored (and so slow) that they can be considered as heavies : if you’re not one or two tier above them, it’s no use firing at their front, their turret or even their side. It’s very simple yet very difficult : either you shoot gold ammo or you drive around them and fire at their rear hull only (maybe the commander’s cupola if your canon cain aim very precisely)
  • if you drive them, beware : their good armor shouldn’t induce you into getting too close to enemy heavies. Your gun is not powerful enough and your weak spots are known all over the world (of tanks).

Sources :

"WEBOGRAPHY" (useful links, especially tutorials)

Let’s begin with the WoT Glossary, the place where to find definitions of the terms and abbreviations commonly used in the game.

Hereunder you will find guides for beginners and intermediate level players.

 Guides and tutorials - Whole web sites and YouTube and Twitch channels :

  • WoT Wiki : Tactics : these are basic tank tactics that every driver should use on the battlefield. It’s illustrated so it’s easy to understand. Do begin by reading that
  • World of Tanks - Unofficial Game Guide (use the links under the heading Game Tutorial) : this dates from 2013, so it’s becoming partly outdated, but not so much. The general principles and advice it gives are still very valuable for a beginner
  • WoT Wiki : Battle Mechanics : most calculations (effectiveness of camouflage, actual reload time, damage dealt by a shell ...) can be found here
  • WoTLabs : WoT Strategies
  • for recent videos, especially for tactics (where to go on maps, hiding spots, hull down spots, bushes, spotting spots, etc.) and how to equip your tanks, check the Twitch and Youtube channels of the following unicums but beware : their teaching is really hard to follow because they so rarely make mistakes, are so good at the game and do so much micromanagement that you can’t expect to reproduce what they do [57] :
    • the French Panboum Youtube channel [58]. In my opinion, Panboum is the best (and the most comprehensive as well as the most up-to-date) teacher. Compare for instance Panboum’s review of the German premium tier 8 heavy E 75 TS with QuickyBaby’s one. QB misses three drawbacks of the E 75 TS armor : two small spots near the gun’s mantlet, the two "eyes" on the side of the turret and its inability to sidescrape reliably ; also, contrary to Panboum, he doesn’t clearly state that the E 75 TS is not made for brawling (except for unicums, taking into account it’s a very good rammer) and should be rather used as a support medium, ideally from a distance of 200 m. Having bought the E 75 TS, I can confirm Panboum’s opinion (of course, Kajzoo’s opinion on the E 75 TS differs but he’s really seeing — and playing — this tank purely from a unicum’s perspective, concentrating on its mobility, sidescraping ability and 350 dmg alpha gun). If you don’t speak French, you can activate Youtube’s automatic translation but to be honest, it’s very poor
    • Kajzoo’s twitch and youtube. This player is a (no longer active) member of the FAME renowned clan and was their captain in e-sport WoT competitions. He’s very honest, very frank in his comments on new tanks and his advice and map tactics are very valuable. He plays better than Quickybaby and is very entertaining. On the other hand, he’s somewhat full of his superiority so his commentary may become irritating at times [59]. His major shortcomings are he almost never does tech tree show cases, rarely talks about equipment and rarely does tank reviews. Also, contrary to Panboum and Dakillzor, he rarely talks about strategy. I would rank him as second best teacher. NB : Kajzoo has launched his tanks rating web site in 2024, but I don’t advise beginners to read it because he addresses mostly good to very good players and doesn’t rate tanks under tier 8. When Kajzoo writes a tier 10 tank is "easy", I often smile
    • Iyouxin would be second ex-aequo or third best teacher. As Kajzoo, he sometimes has revolutionary ideas about how to use a specific tank (such as using the Strv 103 B as a front line tank) and he’s brilliant at the game. Also, he has become much more pedagogic in his videos. See his twitch and youtube
    • QuickyBaby’s Twitch channel and Youtube channels. If your goal is to learn tactics, then QuickyBaby is less useful than the other unicum Youtubers because he’s clearly not among the best of the best players. Notably, he’s often too greedy and makes a fatal last move. Also, his aim is known not to be perfect (compare with Kajzoo’s one). But his videos on how to set up tanks and crews (perks, equipment, field modification ...) are generally very instructive and his evaluations of new tanks (tank reviews) are in my opinion second only to Panboum’s ones. Also, his Youtube content is highly structured, his commentaries of other players’ replays are among the best and he can rage like you and me (a lot of players say he’s much more relaxed and polite on Youtube than on Twitch), which makes him more human. In a word, he’s by far the best WoT content creator — but he’s not the best player among the unicum youtubers listed here. So, all in all, I would rank him as fourth best teacher
    • Skill4ltu’s Twitch and Youtube channels. Skill — as everybody calls him — has a second Youtube channel for tanks tier 5 to 7 called Skill4ltu Extra. Skill is a brilliant player but he does not fully explain his choices on maps and his rather poor and very repetitive English vocabulary makes him somewhat less interesting than he could be. For equipment, crew skills and perks, go to his (very practical) web site Skill4ltu’s Index. I would rank him as fifth best teacher
    • Dakillzor’s Youtube videos are not really for beginners or under average players and are simple, not edited, cuts from his Twitch sessions but his teaching on strategy is very valuable so I would rank him as sixth best teacher
    • MaxGamingFPS’s Youtube and Twitch channels : shows interesting positions on his Twitch sessions ... Explains less on Twitch than in his Youtube videos. Especially, watch his Things I Wish I Knew When Starting World of Tanks video. Very calm, much more the typical Englishman than Quickybaby. Sixth best teacher
    • Epsilon’s Youtube channel has gotten more and more interesting in terms of tactics and positioning. Should I rank him as eigth best teacher ? Definitely yes
    • also, have a look at the basics’ videos of DarkNinja on his Youtube such as this excellent one on bloom control (pre-aiming and going slow when poking round a corner), this one on tracking enemy tanks or that one on Chasing Enemies and Timing Shots. Some of DarkNinja’s very technical videos are also worth watching, such as this one on the (reduced but nevertheless real) camo given by a bush when you fire. You’ll really learn something. He also streams on Twitch
    • Dj4ango’s Youtube and Twitch channels : Dj4ngo is the typical "try hard" and often explains clearly what he’s doing. Rages a lot like you and me. His Youtube account is not really worth it
    • Dutchbart’s Twitch channel
    • DezGamez’ Youtube and Twitch channels
    • Orzanel’s twitch and Youtube
    • the problem with mouzAkrobat is his videos are in German and do not offer subtitles in English. Same with Mailand’s twitch and youtube two channels
    • lists of other unicums streaming on Twitch can be found here, here or here (click on "... show more") (unicums’ fails collected by env1ro)
  • Taugrim’s videos : excellent advice from a unicum, with rare teaching talents. But his videos are now old
  • Martin WaterWar’s YouTube channel. An extremely calm Englishman and a very good teacher. But his videos are now old and no longer in touch with the current game meta
  • WoT EU : Tank academy

 Guides and tutorials - Guides made especially for beginners (so called "noobs") :

 Guides and tutorials - Going further :

 Auto aim :

 Camouflage / detection :

 Weak spots :

 Ammunition ("ammo") :

 Armor angling :

 Game settings :

 WoT matchmaking :

 Alternatives to clans (recommended) :

  • in game, use a Discord server to communicate with your platoon mates.

 To find a forum thread or a guide on how to play any given tank, type "wot [name of tank]" in Google (without the quotes and brackets) and have a look at the five first results.


[1See Wikipedia article on World of Tanks.

[249% WR is the average win ratio because one has to take into account when the result of the battle is a tie.

[3In 2023, it was 7 min and a half.

[4Since the seventies with the game Dungeons & Dragons.

[5The exact definition of a unicum is : a player among the 0,1% best. In statistics, the color of his profile is purple. It is nevertheless common among players to use the word "unicum" to talk about the 5 or 10% best players.

[6The Elusive 90% Solution, Pew Research Center, 11 March 2011. Extract : « It is highly unusual when even 80% support (or oppose) a politician or a policy. »

[7I’m not sure this is true since replay videos from the RU server indicate the two games look pretty much identical.

[8Do pay attention to the following point : most clans won’t admit you if your recent WR doesn’t reach 47, especially in tier 8 tanks. A lot of clans have performance goals — which doesn’t make for a nice atmosphere.

[9Hitskins are really on the verge of cheats, so I do not recommend them myself. But on the other hand, they are not illegal per se. See the Mods / Cheats section in this post.

[10See AwesomeEpicGuys’ excellent video Tier 10 is bad !!! denouncing the « punishing » and « boring » aspects of tier 10.

[11How to better help new players (ie. Knowing why, not just how), by Lord_Demon, EU English language WoT forum, 7 January 2014.

[12In French : tirer et se retirer.

[13The exact time is random and between 5 and 10 seconds.

[14APCR : Armor Piercing Composite Rigid.

[15HEAT : High Explosive Anti-Tank.

[16There were one forum WoT forum per server : EU, Russia, North America, Asia.’s Wayback Machine includes some of the forums’ posts cited here.

[17Full extracts from the Reddit thread :
"The platform does matter if you want a concentrated discussion on one topic that is very important to the community (i.e. disagreeing with an unpopular change in the game). Discord acts to kill a discussion of this type, which would be desirable for a company that wants to manage PR. No single link to a very specific issue and people don’t get to read the first few pages of a forum link that usually describes the matter accurately. It stops the spread of the discussion in the community, not makes it harder for a company to hear the dissatisfaction."
"The closest thing we’ve got to that now that the forums are going away is Reddit."
"What removing the forums does do is remove any form of centralized discussion on game ussues and fragments it into a bunch of other places where and real discusion is difficult or impossible."
"Discord is the bane of searchable internet, and Reddit also losses tons of things cause random topics get randomly deleted by mods."

[18In my opinion, it’s very close to cheating.

[19Such as EFTAC for French speaking players but it closed in March 2020.

[20This surge of premium OP tanks is especially obvious at tier VIII, as illustrated in this 2017 video about the Chrysler K with its author 4TankersAndDog explaining that among the 25 best ranking tanks at tier 8, 20 of them are premium tanks ... As of August 2022, the situation is much worse : according to, all tier 8 tanks above 50 WR were premiums ! In other words : among the 36 best ranking tanks at tier 8, 36 of them were premiums ;-)

[22Lazers had once been officially validated by Wargaming on their Mod Hub site. No longer now.

[23I used to run a bot on WoT. AMAA, posted by wotbotthrowaway in r/World of Tanks on Reddit in 2017. The whole thread is worth reading. Very instructive.

[24Is frustration an essential part of game design ?, by Keith Stuart, The, 14 February 2013.

[25And WT is not really free to play either. For a comparison between WoT and War Thunder (biased towards WT), watch this 2022 video by Tankestein : War Thunder Vs World of Tanks Comparison - Which Game Is Best For You ?.

[26For instance, all Armored Warfare has been cramped into only one server in Amsterdam for a few years now. Also, some posts on Reddit try to sell the point that AW is interesting to play on PvE (i.e. against the game "AI") but other posts are more honest such as this one : « I tried the PVP [player v. player] but it just felt meh compared to world of tanks so I would go there to play that ». This one : « Thing is that this game at initial release was really awesome with some nice and somewhat innovative gameplay features that definitely made it stand out. But since the takeover from it was turned into a rather cheap WOT clone aimed at the russian market. (the only good thing is the lack of any premium ammo) But since there is no real alternative to AW when it comes to a modern themed arcade tank game were stuck with it. » This one : « AW PVP is dead without Russians online. » Or finally this one : « Queue times for me take much longer in PvP (sometimes it doesn’t find any games, sometimes within 2 minutes, whereas in PVE it is almost always matter of seconds until you load into the game... »

[27T7 Combat Car (premium). Has paper-thin armor, but is fast and above all its autocannon fires such an awful burst ... Also, it has preferential matchmaking : it sees only tier 2 battles. Loves to ambush other players. Was OP but no longer is. Remains OP for players above 61WR, so if you see one on the battlefield, do watch your ass : it will try to circle-of-death you.

[28Source : M14/41 Guide, Jatkosota High School.

[29T-127 (premium) was awfully OP (especially its armor, one of the best of its tier) and loved by good players and unicums but difficult to play and with a small gun so targeting the weak spots and using (a lot of) premium rounds are necessary ... No longer OP — without being awful.
Pz. II J (premium) : nicknamed the Mini Maus, the Pz. II J is in fact a heavy tank due to its insane armor and very slow speed. It seemed it was one of the most OP tanks in this game. Like all premium tanks, Wargaming obviously does not intend to nerf it (tone down its performances) — they even buffed it in 2017. When it’s top tier and used by an experienced player, it is very difficult to defeat. But it’s not a first line tank and it’s not invincible at all : it is so slow that TDs with APCR and artillery can easily shell it. If not top tier, any heavy with HEAT and any TD with APCR will frag it in two to three shots. Also, it is so slow it is an artillery shell magnet. One sure way to make a Pz. II J impotent without taking any risk is to shoot its tracks and, once it is stopped, to ask artillery to shell it. As Balc0ra, a very experienced player explains, you can also bait it into the firing line of TDs sitting far away, but this takes coordination with your allied TDs. Another way is to use HEAT shells. Last but not least : if your tank is higher than the Pz. II J, shoot the commander’s hatch, its only real weak spot. The Pz. II J is awfully expensive to buy (100 euros) and to play (it litteraly eats your credits) and very rarely available for sale. It is a perfect example of the pay-to-win tendency of the game. According to some players, it may become boring to play. Personally, I do find it both boring and overrated. Also, it cannot penetrate Matilda, Valentine and AMX 38, and it’s become less powerful since Wargaming introduced the French line. As a consequence, stat wise, the Pz. II J remains OP only for players under 52 WR giving them between +0.5 and +3.5 WR. My advice : don’t buy it, it’s too slow, too boring and experienced players will tear you apart.
Pz. III E : fast and with good penetration and DPM and good all-round armor. Use the 5cm cannon. Very inaccurate guns. Not bad as a scout but to be used rather as a fast medium. Not explicitely held as OP by the whole community (though some experienced players did consider it as OP) but was widely used and forgives many mistakes. In fact, it’s no longer OP at all : its WR differential has become one of the worst among tier 3 lights with -4 WR !
The MTLS-1G14 was awfully OP because of its very high DPM associated with good mobility and armor (premium ; a gift tank to some players, press accounts and WG staff accounts, it has never been sold). No longer OP now.
The Valentine : this "pocket heavy tank" is no longer OP, but if pushed by another faster tank to the correct spot, its armor can make wonders.
BT-7 artillery (premium) : with its 76mm howitzer, the BT-7 art. can derp ambush enemy tanks like the T67. Fun to play. Was OP — no longer is.
The Pz. 38 (t) : was loved by and remains most efficient in the hands of good players and unicums but has never been and remains not OP. Its performance is even worse now with a WR differential of -5 ! Nevertheless, if you see one on the battlefield today, be warned : it is most probably driven by a very good player ...
Another case of tank that used to be OP but no longer is : the M3 Stuart. Surely it remains favored by lots of average to good players for its speed, quite correct armor for a light tank and rate of fire. But in terms of statistics, its OPness was not really obvious since this tank benefited only players under 50% WR and only so slightly.
To end this long list of ex-OP light tanks at tier 3, let’s talk about the Pz. I C. It was OP. Now no more (its WR differential ranges from -6 to -9 !). Although extremely fast, highly maneuverable and relatively well-armored for its tier. The Pz. I C is so fast (and at the same time armored enough) that it is one of the very rare tanks in which suicide scouting can be worth, the other one being the Pz. T 15. WG nerfed the Pz. I C’s gun because it was too much of a "seal clubber". So now, it can’t pen the Pz. S35, the Valentine and neither the Pz. II J. Another drawback of the Pz. I C is it’s difficult to play when you’re a newbie because you need to rein in its speed, to master the "circle of death" (circling your opponent faster than his turret can turn), to know when and how to use auto aim and above all to know how to flank (i.e. how to use slopes and walls to hide you before you get to the side or the rear of a TD or a heavily armored enemy — especially French tier 2 to 4 tanks). The gun’s dispersion is horrible, so sniping is out of the question. Last but not least, you’ve got to keep moving all the time.

[30But not reward tanks.

[31Not for under-average players, strugling against higher tiers, but real killers otherwise are the Japanese Type 1 Chi-He and Italian P26/40.

[32The B2 was retired from the game shop in 2012.

[33As of August 2022, according to the web site, the Pz. V/IV is the most successful tank in WoT, with a 63,98 WR, but half the reason is its players are themselves very good.

[34The KV-1S was OP but it too was nerfed. With version 1.18 on 31 August 2022, they buffed it back, but it hasn’t become OP again.

[35Skoda T 25 : a 3-shot autoloader with fast clip reload and shell cycling and excellent speed and acceleration — but poor armor. No more OP but not bad either. See for instance this video by unicum player Orzanel explicitly titled Skoda T25 Is Overpowered or see Skill4ltu’s opinion. The T 25 plays similarly to the Cromwells. But watch out : in this vehicule, to perform, you need to shoot mostly premium shells. For instance, in the previous replay by Orzanel, in one battle, he shot 41 ACPR shells and not even one standard AP. And this very fast peek-a-boom monster is not for beginners. See how to play it, especially how to manage its barrel, on this (French) replay video by Panboum.

[36The Russian LTG is OP only in unicums’ hands (players over 60 WR). It got power creeped. With its speed (max. 63 km/h) and very low profile (and therefore good camouflage value), it makes an excellent passive scout. With its quite good gun, it also makes a good « flat assassin ».

[37You will see a number of Ikv 90 B firing on while you can’t see them : they have excellent camo values, owing to their feeble height. Unicums love this paper-thin armored tank. But that doesn’t make it OP, not at all.

[38It was given to all players with more than 5 years of service record in 2019.

[3913 shots per minute, DPM is 2153 and dispersion at 100 m is 0,32 m.

[40They were only 82 as of Dec. 2021.

[41You may encounter the English FV4202 (premium), but it’s is not an OP tank, it simply was a unicums’ prefered tank a long time ago, because of some of the characteristics of its gun (great accuracy and depression, but poor alpha damage, mediocre rate of fire, bad gun handling and poor armor). Listen to Tchoumi’s opinion (in French) — although this dates from 2016, the FV 4202’s buffs since haven’t really changed its gameplay.
The Kampfpanzer 07 RH (premium) is as fast as lights, has awfully good DPM (damage per minute) and camouflage rating but nearly no armor (three hits and you’re dead ; most tier 6s will penetrate the turret). Must be played very safe at the beginning of the battle, with lots of patience. Not really OP (only for players under 46 WR ...) and balanced only in the hands of very good players with excellent knowledge of maps and weak points (this tank has poor alpha dmg), a high sense of tactical opportunity and using expensive HEAT shells. They play it as a flanker. It’s a pleasure to relocate at the speed of light in a Kpz., which means it can also act a active scout. If you’re an average to under-average player, you may play it as a sniper (the gun is accurate : 0.30 dispersion when maxed out) but the fact that the gun can troll guarantees you will miss a number of shots and implies you shouldn’t stay at the back of the map. Spamming HEAT and tracking enemies using to the 4 seconds reload time is recommended. Panboum shows its gameplay. You will suffer on closed maps in this tank. Personally, I don’t succeed in it. It has an advantage, though : it is very profitable in terms of credits. Skill4ltu and his community love it.

[42This tank was removed from the in-game store on 16 January 2012. It last appeared in the gift shop in August 2012. Though not available for traditional purchase, it frequently is the reward for first place in official competitions and tournaments.

[43M6A2E1 (nicknamed the Mutant). It has preferential matchmaking, which means it doesn’t meet tier X enemies and it might have been slightly OP but in the current meta of the game, the Mutant clearly has lost its OPness. The best proof of that is one doesn’t see any Mutant on the battlefield nowadays. Even Skill4ltu, who appreciates it, classifies it as "average" and no longer "good". Its poor alpha, 6 seconds reload time (quite long in the current meta) and awful speed (29 km/h) make it in my opinion meh.
Chrysler K (premium) : its OPness was damn real although less obvious if your WR was under 50%. Warning : gold ammo is near compulsory aboard the K. Also, its frontal armor forgives nearly everything but not its sides ... But in the current meta of the game where over-armored premium heavies and TDs now abound, it’s no longer OP, just balanced. Both QuickyBaby and confirm that.
Object 252U and its brother Defender (both premium) were OP. But no longer in the current meta. And the Defender’s gun is unreliable — says unicum pro player DezGamez.
The T26E5 and its variant Patriot (both premium) were OP but no longer are stat wise in the current meta. They’ve become just balanced.
The Emil I, a Swedish with a 3 shot autoloader and a very good gun, was OP but no longer is.
The Caliban (premium) and its variant Gonsalo maybe OP in a very good player’s hands according to Quickybaby and Panboum. Skill4ltu does not agree. I think he’s right : confirms that, and even if you’re an average player, you will be useless three times out of four. With premium shells (mandatory against higher tiers) and otherwise its standard HE, the Caliban behaves like a KV-2 (it can oneshot tier 6s) but the reload time when you have spent the 2 shells in the barrel is 50 seconds (!) and apart from a hulldown position, its armor will be paper when facing higher tiers and even other tier 8 heavies. Also, sniping is impossible in this tank and at the same time, if you don’t wait, wait and wait for the perfect aim, you can miss your shot at 50 m ! Moreover, the Caliban is generally too slow for you to follow your allies when they win so you can’t even eat the leftovers. As an under average player, if you want to make a big alpha damage at tier 8, you’re much better off buying assault TDs like the TS-5 or the Ho-Ri. If you really want to buy the Caliban, don’t play it like a regular heavy but rather as a support medium. The Gonsalo is slightly better than the Caliban — notably its mobility — so it might be considered slightly OP (see stats) but remains unplayable for under average players.
The AMX M4 mle. 49 (or AMX M4 49) and its blue-white-red painted version Liberté (both premiums) are no longer OP in the current game meta. They’ve been pushed to the side by more recent tanks.
The Caernarvon and the Caernarvon Action X (premium), although played a lot, are not OP, their WR differential being around -1.5. Skill4ltu and his community don’t really like the Action X. Skill calls it "obsolete" in 2023. But they appreciate the Caernarvon, rating it "epic" (5/5). Stat wise, in fact, they’re close in performance, both having a WR differential of approx. -1.5 in average, the Action X being a little worse (it has a much worse alpha damage while its reload time and accuracy are slightly better). They both must be played hull down.

[44The renowned Charioteer is not OP — confirms it. It can be powerful in very good players’ hands with premium ammo, premium consumables and all relevant equipment and field mods, but the main thing to remember is it’s a two-shot ...
The ISU-152 K is not OP either. Its gun penetration is monstrous but the tank is unwieldy, has poor armor and the gun’s accuracy at long range is awful (0,43 base accuracy).
The AMX Cda 105 (premium) in 2018 was slightly OP. QuickyBaby loved its gun depression, which allows it to work ridge lines very effectively. But in the current meta of the game (2023), it has lost any OPness it might have had (see stats).
WZ-120-1-G FT (premium) : very powerful gun but with mediocre accuracy (so not to be used as a long range sniper), very sloped upper front plate with decent thickness, good mobility, good camouflage values and high view range, may brawl at the end of the battle ... The huge improvements in more recent premiums in terms of armor, mobility and manoeuverability mean that in the current meta of the game, this Chinese TD is no longer OP. Which is maybe why Quickybaby ranks it less high than Skill4ltu. At least, it’s balanced.
Same remark for the American T28 : it’s balanced. This tank plays like a heavy, as its tier 9 (the T95) and 10 (the T110E3) big brothers. Its 120 mm gun is very good, its frontal armor too but not the side one so it shan’t be angled. According to Skill4ltu, it deserves a "good" rating (4 out of 5) and it’s very beginner fiendly.

[45The Most OP Tier 8_ _ !1500 _ !flag !commentary, Kajzoo Twitch session, 16 November 2023.

[46The Skorpion G is generally a three-shot.

[47The alpha is the damage done by one shell.

[48The T49 may seem OP when you get two or three-shot by its 152 HE derp gun but the gun is very inaccurate and has a very long reload + aim time (not to mention HE has been nerfed), the tank is a two-shot itself and its stats definitely show it is not OP.

[49There’s the case of the Centurion Mk. 7/1. Unicums such as Kajzoo and Taugrim talk about it as an OP tank. See also this Redditer’s opinion. But to be so, it needs a very experienced play style (mid-range support tank, taking systematic advantage of bushes and terrain and not pushing until the end, when superiority has been reached), which may explain why it has a WR of 48,93 only on On the plus side : excellent damage, penetration, shell velocity and accuracy with the top L7A1 gun but both 20pdr guns enjoy very good DPM ; good turret armor and great gun depression, ideal for hulldown positions. On the minus side : poorly armored hull (especially vulnerable to arty fire), poor camouflage.

[50It was available from the ranked battles bond shop. Very difficult to obtain.

[51The premium Tiger Maus is simply balanced. The gun is good and has one of the best DPM at tier 9. Its armor seems very good but is not, due to the very large weak spots on the lower front plate and the upper body. Quite beginner friendly. Its gameplay is mostly sidescraping. See Panboum’s review. Skill4ltu and his community rate it as good (4/5).
Object 257 : 4 out of 5 and easy for beginners according to Skill4ltu but not OP stat wise according to its stats, simply balanced.
Emil II. A Swedish heavy tank with difficult to penetrate frontal turret armor, a 3 clip autoloader, a very good gun depression and even a decent speed for a heavy. Nearly unbeatable when hull down (i.e. when its hull is hidden by terrain and only the turret is visible to the enemy). Was OP but is no more, just balanced.

[52Object 263 : the predecessor to the ex-fearsome tier 10 Object 268 Version 4 has been severely nerfed and is difficult to play. It is now balanced, but it was much OP before.
The K-91-PT (premium, reward tank) is a correct, not good TD (Skill4ltu likes it) with exceptional camouflage values but it’s not OP at all. See also Panboum’s opinion (in French) : he thinks it’s easy to play for beginners, has a very good backward speed and, depending on the enemy tier, plays as a mix between a sniper TD (but beware the low number of shells), a medium, an assault TD and a spotter (40%+ camo when the crew has camo skill) but the gun can troll. Skill4ltu and mouzAkrobat (in German) concur. I would say the gun has mediocre alpha, trolls a lot and will be best at a 100 to 200 m range. In my opinion, it’s an under-average TD that deals under-average damage. Although it’s a potential Jack-of-all-trades and it can even brawl with its excellent traverse speed (46° per sec.), in case of an enemy collective push, it must fall back and play like a long distance sniper.

[53Although very efficient in the hands of good players and therefore often accused of being OP, the Bat.-Châtillon 25 t (known as the Bat Chat and rather played as a light/scout) is not OP, witha WR differential of approx. -2.
The Russian medium K-91, although very efficient in the hands of good players because of its very accurate, high DPM gun, is not OP at all, with a WR differential between -1.20 and -2.65. Its armor is not on the same par as the other Soviet tier 10 meds, with a bulge in the turret that is easy to penetrate and a poorly armoured hull — most tanks that shoot you will penetrate you. Furthermore, the tank cannot turn its turret a full 360 degrees, which makes it a poor brawler.
The Progetto M 40 mod. 65 was probably OP (awfully sloped front and side armor, only the lower front glacis, the commander’s cupola and other protrusions can be penetrated), but only in the hands of good to very good players. As all Italian autoloaders (apart from the tier 8 because the Tier 8 Progetto is a premium tank), it was nerfed and now its WR differential is -1.7 as stats shows !

[54The E 100, although being very popular and easy to play for new and under average players and able to do insane damage (but do angle your turret when not firing), is not OP stat wise — its WR differential is lower than the Maus’ one at -2 on average — but it’s rather easy to play.
Kranvagn : this hull down beast worked all ridge lines at tier 10 with its perfectly armored turret. It was nerfed in 2023, so it’s no longer OP at all : it now gives its player -2.50 WR.
AMX M4 Mle. 54 (or AMX M4 54). Has a relatively small pool of hitpoints but makes up for this with great frontal armour (especially by French standards), a strong turret, good gun depression (8°) and good mobility. This tank and its 130 mm gun have been buffed in the 1.18 release end of August 2022, making it somewhat OP in experienced hands. DezGamez calls it now a « beast ». According to Panboum, it must be played 200 to 300 m from better armored enemies so they can’t reach its weak spots (cupolas, small emplacement on the gun mantlet, hull cheeks and flanks). It’s been a little bit nerfed in February 2023 and it’s now somewhat difficult to call it OP.
Vz. 55 : this Czechoslovakian tier 10 heavy tank was OP due to its speed, its two shot clip with an insane 2 second intraclip reload time and its perfect turret armor. That was the general opinion among unicums (Skill4ltu said so at least three times, see also Kajzoo, Iyouxin and Z_best). It was so "broken" it got nerfed in September 2023 and is no longer OP now. One thing to be noted : the Vz. 55 is one of the worst net credit makers in the game.
Object 780 (premium, reward vehicule). Loved by unicums but not OP according to stats. Very good alpha (530 !), good aim time and good standard penetration for a 130mm gun. Strong turret with only one cupola that is reliably penetrated (the middle one). Decent mobility at 45 km/h stock. Very small and angled lower plate that can bounce a surprising amount of rounds. A very rare tank. See Panboum’s evaluation for details.

[55The Grille 15 has a good platform, is fast so can relocate easily, but its gun, which is supposed to be very acurate, is not really because this accuracy is not systematic, which makes the gun not reliable (MaxGamingFPS cursed it repetedly on Twitch). Also, the Grille has no camo at all. Not OP.
The Foch 155 (which was replaced by the Foch B) is a unicum’s favorite (see for instance Orzanel playing it) but it’s not OP (it inflicts the player -1 to -2 WR). It has a marvelous gun but its armor is too fragile, especially with its big, awfully visible and easy to shoot weak spot on top.
The FV215b (183) (reward tank, no longer available) was known as the Death Star (watch this 2024 replay : 7 kills, 14,3K dmg !). It didn’t reveal its OP nature until your WR reached 55%. It still worls correctly only in very good hands, Skill4ltu for instance. Now it’s no longer OP at all, whatever the player’s level. The main difference between the FV215b 183 and the FV 4005 is the armor : the 215b 183 has some and can bounce some shots, while the 4005 has none and cannot.
Although it has the worst WR differential of all tier 10 tanks on both the Asia and the EU servers (-4.5 on average), some unicums (such as Kajzoo) appreciate the premium (sometimes available for purchase in the shop for 12,000 bonds) FV215b (NOT the 183, see above) for its laser like gun. But it can’t bring more than 30 shells and its armor is really far from perfect. See Panboum’s opinion.
NB : the two FV215b have a rear mounted turret, which means their gun depression is horrible.
The FV4005 Stage II, nicknamed the "Shitbarn", may be a unicum’s tank or a one-shot-one-kill tank but is not — we can even say not at all —, according to, an OP tank. Its WR differential ranges between -1.5 and -4. One of the reasons being its turret has only 14 mm armor, which is close to no armor at all in the current game meta. Also, Wargaming nerfed a lot the FV4005 together with HESH, its favorite ammunition. And the gun’s accuracy is horrible : it misses a lot of shots. As player Zdendakrup puts it in the comments under the video of an exceptional game : « I have everything and every equipment on it and still while aiming I wait for the smallest circle possible and 70% of the times I just miss — it’s such a frustrating tank ». Nevertheless, being able to one-shot opponents makes it a fun tank, in the way the KV-2 is. But to succeed in the "Shitbarn", there is a gameplay to follow. To quote player tacojohnhg8181 in the comments under the same game (Iyouxin says the same) : « The HESH round is the better round really. You just have to have educated guesses about the tanks you’ll fight in the direction you go. Stick to HARD cover. Shoot, pull back and reload. Assume you’re going to get spotted any time anyone is within 400m of you and make sure you have someone with you/in front of you so you have a way out. On smaller maps you just stay out of proxy range behind hard cover and wait until someone over-commits and then poke out and shoot and hope you can get back in cover before you take too much damage. »

[56Iyouxin uses an Excel sheet available on his Discord (in the server guide folder) to calculate the minimum distance one should keep to remain unspotted in open terrain, taking into account the maximum view range of the enemy (with all crew skills and equipment) and the camo percentage of one’s light tank. Roughly stated, if your light tank has reached 50% camo, it allows you to drive about the enemy (or the nearest bush that may hide him) in the open as long as you don’t come closer to him than 271 meters. And of course, when you want to fire on the enemy, you have to drive 15 m behind a bush (at tier from 1 to 7) or use double bush mecanics (at tier 8 to 10).

[57For example, you can mimic their positions, but without knowing *why* they play in that position it will absolutely not work.

[58His Twitch channel is much less interesting.

[59On 19 August 2024, Kajzoo threatened to ban a guy from his Twitch stream simply because the guy wrote in the chat Kajzoo was better with a beard. The only choice given him was to pay 20 euros for excuses... Kajzoo is not alone in doing this : Quickybaby does it even more often. It seems CCs (community contributors, aka major WoT streamers) are very touchy about remarks on their physical appearance or their private live.