Legal SSRN et revues juridiques ? Rivaux ou alliés ?
A lire. Les choses sont sobrement, diplomatiquement mais clairement dites :
SSRN and Law Journals - Rivals or Allies ? / Ian Ramsay, University of Melbourne - Melbourne Law School, December 1, 2012
International Journal of Legal Information, Vol. 40, No. 1-2, pp. 134-145, 2012
Abstract :
The author identifies and evaluates the respective merits of publication in law journals and publication on the Social Science Research Network (SSRN) – the largest open access repository for legal scholarship. This evaluation leads to the conclusion that at this stage of the evolution of law journals and SSRN, there are advantages in authors publishing both in journals and on SSRN. However, publication on SSRN can have particular advantages for authors in smaller countries.
On peut aisément élargir la réflexion à l’ensemble de l’"open access publishing".
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